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随着互联网技术的发展和普及,社会对于软件的形态和开发过程提出了更高的要求,如各种业务应用的快速集成,业务系统的良好适应性及可复用性等。为了满足这种要求,一种面向服务(Service-Oriented)的软件形态正在来临。网络式软件作为一种为了顺应这种新要求而涌现的软件新形态,具有网络化和服务化的特点,集中体现了“软件即服务(Software as a service SaaS)"的核心思想。网络式软件的开发呈现了“用户主导,面向领域,柔性生产”的模式特点,其中,领域的可复用的共性资产是实现网络式软件敏捷开发和满足用户个性化和多元化目标的重要基础。
     (1)基于O-RGPS元建模框架,提出了一个以过程模型为核心的形式化的资产组织框架RGPS-SPM(Semantic Process Model),称之为语义过程模型框架。以过程模型为核心的资产组织方式顺应了当前业务过程模型在面向服务计算和面向服务的软件开发中越来越重要的趋势。以过程模型为基点,组合与其语义上强耦合的角色模型、目标模型等资产,从而结构化和模块化的形成以过程模型为核心的语义上高内聚、低耦合的、更大粒度的可复用的组合模型(称之为语义过程模型)。基于多类型谓词逻辑(Many-sorted Predicate Logic)及并发事务逻辑(Concurrent TRansaction logic, CTR),给出了语义过程模型的形式定义,及其内部的角色模型、目标模型及过程模型的形式定义。
     (2)给出了语义过程模型的模型语义(Model Semantics),基于该模型语义,定义了语义过程模型的一致性公理。语义过程模型作为以过程模型为核心,封装与过程模型在语义上强耦合的角色模型、目标模型的复合模型,其内部的一致性是实现领域资产正确复用的重要前提。给出了语义过程模型的模型语义。基于该模型语义,定义了语义过程模型关于模型间静态语义的一致性公理。
     (3)基于语义过程模型的模型语义和形式定义,定义了语义过程模型的形式化规约语言SPML(Semantic Process Modeling Language)。O-RGPS元建模框架为领域资产的建模提供了建模视角和视角之间的元关系。然而当前并没有相应的具有足够描述能力的资产规约语言。基于语义过程模型框架,并借鉴语义Web建模语言WSML(Web Service Modeling Language)和OWL-S的特点,定义了语义过程模型的规约语言SPML,该语言可以对O-RGPS框架中各模型(不包括服务模型)进行规约。
     (4)基于语义过程模型的模型语义,针对目标模型相对于过程模型的可实现性(Realizable)问题,定义了两类验证问题并提出了相应的验证方法。基于语义过程模型的模型语义,给出了目标模型相对于过程模型的可实现性定义。并给出了目标模型相对过程模型的可实现性判定定理。根据该定理,定义了两类关于目标模型相对于过程模型的可实现性的验证问题,即语义过程模型的约束验证和语义过程模型的能力一致性验证问题。一方面,约束验证是过程模型是否满足数据流和目标模型关于过程执行的时序约束;借助进程代数CSP(Communicating Sequence Processes)及其工具FDR2,提出了语义过程模型的约束验证方法。另一方面,能力一致性验证是过程模型的实际执行能力是否同过程模型的能力模型和目标模型对过程模型的能力期望是否相一致。借助谓词抽象技术(Prediate Abstraction)和可满足性求解工具SAT solver,提出了能力一致性的验证方法。
With the Internet technique development and prevalence, our society today requires higher level on the form as well as development process of software than ever before, e.g., agile and seamless integration of various businesses, high flexibility and reusability of business software system, etc. To battle for these requirements, service-oriented software as a new form appears recently. Networked software is one of such software, which is of service-oriented and networked, and embodies the principle of "Software as a Service(SaaS)". The development lifecycle of networked software is a kind of process which is user-centric, domain-oriented, and flexible. During the lifecycle of networked software development, the reusable and common domain assets play the important role for its agility and satisfying the client goals of personalized and diverse.
     The domain modeling of networked software is a process of creating the reusable and common assets of application domain. The meta-modeling framework O-RGPS provides the dimensions of domain modeling as well as the meta-interrelations among them. Under the guide of the meta-modeling framework, domain modeling needs to create the domain ontology, role model assets, goal model assets, process model assets, and service assets in the application domain. These assets of different dimensions are not totally orthogonal and independent, but of multi-level, various granularity, and interconnected in the underlying semantics. As for facilitating reuse, specifying, analysis, and managing these domain assets, it is by no means trivial to propose a proper assets organization framework to efficiently organize these various dimension assets.
     As a further study of the meta-modeling framework O-RGPS, this thesis focuses on the organization structure, the description, and the consistency analysis and verification of domain assets. Therefore, the scientific problem studied in the thesis is, based on the meta-modeling framework O-RGPS, how to efficiently organize the domain assets to facilitate them to be correctly reuse and managed..Considering the scientific problem, the main contributions of thesis are summarized as follows::
     (1) Based on O-RGPS meta-modeling framework, a process-centric formal framework for organizing assets, named RGPS-SPM, is proposed. It is also called semantic process model framework. This process-centric feature is corresponded to the increasingly important role of process model in service-oriented computing and service-oriented software development. Starting from process model, by combing its strongly semantic-coupled role model and goal model assets, a more granular composite model, named semantic process model, is synthesized structurally and modularly, which is of high inner related and lower inter coupled. Based on many-sorted predicate logic and concurrent transaction logic CTR, the semantic process model and its inner models are defined formally.
     (2) The model semantics of semantic process model is defined and, based on the model semantics, the consistency axioms of semantic process model is also presented. The semantic process model is process-centric and encapsulates the semantically related role model and goal model. The consistency of semantic process model is the prerequisite for correct reusing domain assets.
     (3) Based on the formal definition and model semantics of semantic process model, a specification language for modeling semantic process model is proposed and named as SPML. Up to now, there are few languages with enough expressive power to specify domain assets under the meta-framework O-RGPS. Based on the model semantics of semantic process model, a formal specification language SPML is proposed by referring the good feature of web service modeling languages WSML and OWL-S. SPML can specify various assets except service assets under the O-RGPS framework.
     (4) To address the realizable problem between goal model and process model, two sorts of verification problems and their solution are accordingly defined and proposed. Based on the model semantics of semantic process model, the realizability between goal model and process model is defined and the theorem to decide the realizability is also proposed accordingly. Based on the theorem, two sort of verification problem is defined, i.e., the constraints verification and capability compliance verification. On the one hand, the constraint verification problem concerns whether the process model satisfies the constraints about process execution temporal order imposed by dataflow and goal model. By making use of process algebra CSP(Communicating Sequence Processes) and the tool FDR2, the procedure for constraint verification is proposed; on the other hand, the capability compliance verification concern the consistency between the process actual capability and its capability model as well as capability expectation from goal model. Motivated by predicate abstraction technique and making use of SAT solver, the verification method to solve the capability compliance is proposed.
     In summary, the thesis, under the O-RGPS meta-modeling framework, has made positive contributions to the organization structure, description, and consistency analysis and verification for domain assets, and paved the way for further applications of RGPS metamodeling frameowrk.
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