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In language is clothed culfore; and for that maller a language plays a
    very important role in boosting a culture. Scholars of social sciences
    have come forth with the proposition that language holds culture in place
    the way a keystone does an arch. Therefore they maintain that in the
    absence of a language viability of a cultUre would be out of the question.
    On the other handso they affirmeculture conditions developmefit of
    language; and in the broadest sense a language can mirror generic traits
    of a people who uses it. So by it can be reflected not only historical as
    well as cultural background of the people in question but also their
    general aPproach to life and way of life. Language and culthe are
    always locked in interaction. From this is fOllowed that to Anow the one
    presuPposes to Anow the otheL So it is comPletely reasonable to assert
    that solely linguistic proficiency in a fOreign language can be coamed as
    only half baked unless acquisition of such proficiency is ever made in
    the perspective of pragmatics. As we surely knoW pragmatics as the
    branch of semiotic dealing with the causal and other relations between
    words, expressions, etc, is inseparable from working of cultUre so far as
    a language is concemed. Therefore it is only aPpropriate to pronounce
    that without an adequate knowledge of the culture of a nation it is very
    difficult for a non-native sPeaker of the nation's language to master it
    perfectly. In the case of leaming the English language, a learner has not
    only to leam the language itself but also to make himself familiar with
    cultures of the English-speaking nations, so that he makes use of the
    English language, he should be able to understand correctly What is told
    him in Eng1ish and express himself in English correctly and
    idiomatically. To sum up, leaming a fOreign language calls, in fact, for
    leaming the culture of the people Who are native speakers of that
    Culture is a fabric of frozen interpersonal communication, whereas
    interpersonal communication is just raw stuff from which culture is to
    be transmogrified. So the relationship between communication and
    culture is much closer than it meets our eyes. Based on our analysis both
    of the relationship betwCen language, cornmunication and culture and of
    the fOrmulation process of TEFL methods, we can readily come to the
    conclusion that cultivating students' communicative competence, Which
    is the primary goal of language leaming, is an academic task now
    assuming unPrecedefited imPortance. Bllt in China even amil recently
    English teaching in college has been focusing on imparting linguistic
    knowledge to the neglect of students' communicative compCtence.
    Nowadays in China majority of the teachers of English have keenly felt
    the necessity of leading their students to acquire as much of the
    knowledge of the cultures of English-speaking nations as possible.
    I believe I am one axnong the majority specified above. In order to
    gain a clear and concise picture of how things stand with English
    leamers' English socio-cultural ability in colleges in our country and
    detect academic flaws in this cormection, I have conducted a
    socio-cultural questionnaire on college carnpuses and made comparisons
    and analyses of statistics thus obtained, in addition to carrying oat a
    series of comparative studies of statistics available from such sources as
    "National College English Test, Band-4". TO some extent, the findings
    from my researches specified above serve to shed light on the real state
    vl I I
    English teaching in our college is now in. Here by "real state" is meam
    the grim reality that the scope of knowledge of most of the college
    students covered by my researches in the domain of culthes of the
    Western nations is saddeningly limited.
    Foreign-language teaching ought to be conducted in conjugation with
    scholastic endeavor at instilling ifito the students knowledge of cultofe of
    the people using the fOreign language involved in our teachi
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