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析取词是命题逻辑中极为重要的命题联结词,逻辑中的析取词在语言中体现为析取关系,即以析取词刻画的命题真值关系为基础的逻辑语义关系。本文以语言世界观和逻辑文化观为理论背景,以析取关系这一语义功能范畴的语言表达方式为研究对象,基于由《骆驼祥子》及其Howard Goldblatt英译本、Alice’s Adventures inWonderland及其赵元任汉译本自建而成的小型英汉双向平行语料库,从概念基础、析取支相容性、与其他真值联结词互动、析取关系标记显隐等方面对其中的析取关系表达法进行了穷尽性的考察,旨在分类描写平行语料库中析取关系句对的实际情形,同时对Langacker(2009:355)和赵元任(2002:799)等学者的相关论断加以验证,进而勾勒出英汉语析取关系表达法的异同。
     第五,在汉语表达中,借助“有的”、“有时候”分述各类情况的特称命题在翻译成英语时可以通过析取关系来表达,含有“或是”的汉语原文在英译文中有时也可以借助“one”、“the other”等词语来分述。这说明“或”“有”转换有语言事实基础,其哲学根据在于将可变整体分析为个别整体时产生了可能性的概念。
Disjunctive relations in human languages are an important type of logico-semanticrelations which can be captured by the truth-functions of disjunction in propositionallogic. Taking a relativist stance towards language and logic, the study aims to investigatehow disjunctive relations are linguistically realized on the basis of a DIY English-Chinese bidirectional parallel corpus, which is composed of Lao She’s novel RickshawBoy and its English translation by Howard Goldblatt, and Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice’sAdventures in Wonderland and its Chinese translation by Chao Yuen Ren. A thoroughinvestigation is carried out into the DIY corpus in order to explore a number of issuesincluding1) the conceptual basis of disjunctive relations,2) the compatibility of disjuncts,3) the interactions between disjunction and other truth-functional connectives includingnegation, conjunction, implication, and equivalence, and4) the various linguisticmanifestations with the overt and covert existence of disjunctive markers. Thus acontrastive study of linguistic realization of disjunctive relations in English and Chineseis made by providing a comprehensive description of the various types of disjunctivesentence pairs and testifying the assertions of Langacker (2009:355) and Chao Yuen Ren(2002:799).
     The main findings are as follows:
     First, it is argued that uncertainty constitutes the conceptual basis of disjunctiverelations. The concept of uncertainty can provide a unified account of different linguisticmanifestations of disjunctive relations, which include the facts that both English andChinese disjunctive markers can denote rephrasing, that there are inherent connectionsbetween disjunctive statements and particular statements in Chinese, and that A-not-Astructures and numeral juxtapositons can be grammaticalized into yes-no questions andapproximations respectively.
     Second, like the logical connective of disjunction, the disjunctive markers in naturallanguages are also inclusive by default, whose exclusive reading is motivated by thepragmatic factor of scalar implicature. The judgment of whether disjuncts are compatibleor not is ultimately dependent on what disjunctive marker is used and whether theexistential imports of disjuncts are experientially compatible.
     Third, despite the tendency of changing disjunctive markers in different sentencetypes, contrary to the current views held by the scholarly circles, the corpus findingsreveal that Chinese disjunctive markers containing “huo或” can be used in negativesentences and regardless-condition sentences under certain conditions, and that “haishi还是” can also be found in declarative sentences indicating things yet to be known.
     Fourth, an extended corpus search shows that against the assertion of Chao YuenRen (2002:799),“bushi不是p, jiushi就是q” is only a common way of expressingdisjunction in Chinese, which is far from being the most frequent. The correlative marker“bushi不是p, jiushi就是q”, which expresses the disjunctive relation while taking theform of implication, entails a logical equivalence between disjunction and implication.Heavily influenced by the yin-yang dualism in Chinese thinking, the componetialstructure of “bushi不是p, jiushi就是q” captures the essential inference process ofdisjunctive syllogism.
     Fifth, existential statements containing “youde有的” and “youshihou有时候” inChinese can be sometimes translated into disjunctive relations in English, and Chinesesentences containing “huoshi或是” can be expressed by “one… the other…” in English.These two facts verify the validity of the conversion of disjunction and particularpropositions, whose philosophical foundation lies in the notion of possibility arising fromthe process of analyzing a variable whole into individual wholes.
     Sixth, juxtaposition is an important Chinese way of expressing disjunctive relations.Parallel juxtaposition, negative juxtaposition, A-not-A juxtaposition, and numeraljuxtaposition are the four main types of Chinese juxtapositional way of expressingdisjunctive relations. It is noteworthy that it is acceptable to use reversal numeraljuxtaposition to express approximation in Chinese while it is not allowed to do so inEnglish, for which tentative explanations are provided.
     The last three findings can collectively lead us to argue that a contrastive study ofdisjunctive relations in English and Chinese may help to reveal the different thinkingstyles and habits of expression embodied in the two languages.
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