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     本文首先阐述了建构主义学习理论,回顾了写作教学的相关研究以及国内外机辅语言写作教学研究实践。在文献回顾的基础上,作者总结出与写作相关的六个方面,以此作为讨论部分和问卷调查的框架结构,即参与程度、交流能力、思辨能力、语言输出、真实读者、和技术工具。本文采取了定量与定性相结合的研究方法,来分析数据资料和总结研究结果。本文的后半部分主要汇报了一项由一系列体现建构主义思想的学习活动所组成的“合作写作与网上发表”项目(Collaborative Writing and Web Publishing Project)。研究结果表明,这些学习活动对提高学生英语写作能力有良好效果,而学生们对此类项目亦普遍持肯定态度,并且逐渐意识到在网络环境中写作的本质的改变。最后,本文对未来该领域的相关研究提出一些启示。
The fast development of economy and technology in recent years presents new opportunities as well as challenges for English teaching in China. On one hand, there are higher demands on college English learners' mastery of English. After years of being passive learners and fed with chunks of bite-sized knowledge, they are now challenged to become active learners, critical thinkers and communicative writers of English. On the other hand, computer technology is more closely integrated into the language classroom and offers new opportunities for computer-assisted language learning (CALL) activities. In particular, computer-assisted online learning projects prove extremely helpful in the teaching of English writing. Along with these changes, the constructivist learning perspective is highly evaluated currently, which emphasizes learners' active learning and construction of meaning. In the perspective of constructivist learning, teachers should assume more of a facilitators' role and learners take more control over
     their learning. Hence, it seems that constructivist learning theories will throw hints on the current reform in English teaching. Therefore, the current thesis attempts to explore a new approach to English writing instruction assisted by computer technology and backed up with constructivist learning theories.
    The present thesis starts with a review of constructivist learning theories and that of writing instruction. Then it is followed by a brief review of computer-assisted writing practices at home and abroad. After that, six elements are abstracted from the reviewed literature as the basis for the study and the survey. They are, participation, interaction, critical thinking, output, authentic audience and tool. Both quantitative method and qualitative method are used in analyzing the data. The latter part of the thesis reports on the collaborative writing and web publishing project composed of a series of activities threaded with constructivist learning theories. The results of the study show that the activities are effective in improving students' English writing and students generally hold positive attitudes towards this kind of project, and there is a gradual awareness of the changing nature of writing in the online environment. The thesis concludes with some implications for future studies in this field.
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