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With the fast development of the economy construction, ecological protection of rock slope attracts extensive attention and high recognition. Eco-Engineering for Rock Slope Protection (EERSP) is the main technique for ecological protection of rock slope, which relied on the effect of Slope rock mass-Substrate-Vegetation (SSV) system. It is scientific and realistic to illustrate vegetation protection mechanism and engineering application, with investigating the interactive effect of the factors and the regulation method of system stability. Under engineering condition, with the intercross of biology, ecology, geotechnical engineering, biogeochemistry and environmental science, the paper researched the mechanical effect, precipitation resistance effect, characteristics of material cycle and regulation theory of vegetation stability, illuminated the inner mechanism and effect expression of the SSV system, quantified corresponding dominated factors, and built systemic regulation technique. The cold resistance characteristics of Pogonatherum paniceum on molecule level was also researched, which provided foundation to applying the stress resistance plant to the ecological protection of rock slope.
    The structure and function of SSV system was expatiated based on the principles of ecosystem ecology, landscape ecology and restoration ecology. The results showed: the SSV system, which had not only natural attribute such as integrity and openness, but also social and economic attribute, was the syntheses formed by the interaction between the system and the environment. Human is the important regulator, who presents significant influence by material and energy input. The system, which consisted of slope rock mass, substrate and vegetation, maintained the system functions such as rock slope protection and remarkable
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