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  • 英文题名:Evaluate Mathematics Teaching Competency for Chinese and Yemenis Middle School Teachers
  • 作者:沙里
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:课程教学论
  • 学位年度:2008
  • 导师:郭元祥
  • 学科代码:040102
  • 学位授予单位:华中师范大学
  • 论文提交日期:2008-12-01
     Bandura(1977)认为,教师效能感是自我效能感的一种,自我效能感是人对自己是否能够成功地进行某一成就行为的主观判断。教师效能感是指教师相信他或她有能力改变学生的行为。早有研究表明,学生的学习成绩与学生的能力、教师的能力和学校的集体能力有关(Goddard,Hoy,woolfolk;Hoy,2000;Pajares,1996;Ross,1992,1994,1998;Teschannen-Moran,Woolfolk Hoy,1998)
     授课的能力强调在大学教书(包括通过实习课)的基本教学技能以及教学经验。一个合格的教师能够完整地理解自己教授的课程以及教学的重要性,也要知道如何按照学区和国家颁布的课程指南来授课。通过实习课,一个称职的教师能够理解一系列教学方法,如上大课,有指导的讨论,小组作业,独立学习等等,并且要能够应用这些方法。正如Richard Felder(1993)提出的,教授不同学科时,这些教学方法可以在不同的情境下发挥作用。(p.1)
The study aimed to investigating the MTC for Yemenis and Chinese middle schools teachers, and the significance extent of MTC has been studied. As will as the study tries to explore the extent of mathematics teachers practicing those competencies in the classroom.
     For this reason, the researcher formulated the following questions:
     1、What are the necessary teaching competencies of mathematics teacher in the last three grades of the basic education stage?
     2、What is the significance extent of such competencies for the Yemenis and Chinese mathematics teacher in the last three grades of the basic education stage?
     3、Are there any distinctions with statistic indication among the members of the sample based on country, sex, qualification or experience variable at a statistics indication level of 0.05?
     4、What are the levels of the teaching competency availability for the mathematics teacher in the three last grades of the basic education stage?
     5、Are there any distinctions with statistic indication in the extent of teaching competencies availability among the members of the sample based on sex, qualification or experience at a statistics indication level of 0.05?
     6、What is the proposed strategy for developing the teaching competencies for mathematics teacher?
     To find answers to the above mentioned questions, The study used the descriptive research approach. To determine the MTC, the data was collected from specialist's educators, teacher's experience and previous studies which related to the study subject.
     The study created a list of MTC consisted of five categories which were Preparation competencies and planning the lesson, Competencies of carrying out the lesson, Assessment competencies, Competencies of educational means and tools and Personal competencies. To know the significance degree of the MTC The researcher distributed a questionnaire including 60 items of MTC to sample consisted of 90 Yemenis teachers and 43 Chinese teachers. After testing the instrument validity by panel of experts, and computing its reliability through Pearson correlation coefficient which was 88%.
     To know the levels of the teaching competency availability for the mathematics teacher, observation card (checklist) has been applied on the sample of study after verified the validity of checklist through offer the checklist to the educational specialist and experience teachers, and verified the checklist reliability via applied observer agreement methods which was 82.4. After gathering data, the researcher used SPSS program to analysis questionnaire and observation card data.
     The results showed a clear similarity between Yemenis and Chinese teacher's views about the MTC significant. The study results shows that the Chinese teachers more attention toward educational tools and means than Yemenis teachers, and the female teachers more attention toward educational tools and means than male teachers.
     The finding indicates that the female teachers have significantly higher general competencies than male teachers.
     The result of observation card shows a great weakness in the Yemenis teacher's performance especially MTC which related to the diagnosing learning, inabilities and lack in using educational means and tools, and weakness in exploit the technological tools in teaching process.
     In the light of study results, the study proposed a proposal of training program for mathematics teacher in middle schools.
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