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Applying Multi-media technology in modern classroom teaching has revolutionized the traditional teaching models. Multimedia coursewares have been widely applied in classroom teaching of primary schools, middle schools and colleges, which has overcome the monotones and deficits of traditional classroom teaching, and has become the most important assistant methods to teaching. The team group members of this research project have conducted a detailed survey of the present chemistry experiment teaching in middle schools, which indicates that the current situation is far away from perfection, even is in a mechanical way, that is, doing experiments has eventually become reciting the procedures of the experiments, because of particularity of chemistry experiment teaching, limitation of teaching conditions, risks of certain chemistry experiment teaching, effects by current entrance examination of higher education. In order to change the current situation, the author of this dissertation puts forward the viewpoint that interactive simulant intelligent coursewares should be applied in chemistry experiment teaching in middle schools, based on which, the author of this dissertation has done the relevant case researches and developed some relevant coursewares, and illuminated the technology of designing and developing the coursewares systematically.
     The present dissertation is divided into three chapters. In Chapter one, it gives brief introduction to the current situation about Chemistry experiment teaching in middle schools, puts forward the viewpoint that introducing the interactive simulant intelligent coursewares into chemistry experiment teaching in middle schools is the superb complement and assistance. It also illuminates the definition and categories of coursewares, and the history of its development. Finally, it introduces the definition of Interactive simulant intelligent coursewares.
     In Chapter two, it mainly illuminates the technology of designing and developing the interactive simulant intelligent coursewares for chemistry experiment teaching in middle school, in which, it classifies the designing and developing technology into different categories, and analyzes them respectively in detail, and summarizing them respectively as well.
     In Chapter three, it elaborates the concrete content of the technology in designing and developing the interactive simulant intelligent coursewares. The author of this dissertation illuminates the technology of designing and developing the following coursewares titled by“measuring the content of oxygen in atmosphere”in chemistry textbook of junior middle school,“catalyzing water solution of starch”, and“water solution of salt”, through which the author of the dissertation elaborates how to design and develop the coursewares of chemistry experiment of middle schools in detail, and summarizes their tips respectively too.
     The author of this dissertation thinks that interactive simulant intelligent coursewares being applied to chemistry experiment teaching in middle schools, not only can overcome the deficits of traditional chemistry experiment teaching, but also can stimulate students’interest in learning chemistry, and improve their perceptual knowledge about chemistry and their achievement in their examinations. It can improve their qualities about science as well. Therefore, it is the perfect and powerful supplement of chemistry experiment teaching of middle schools.
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