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The role of Achievement Goal Orientation (AGO) in learning and achievement has been a focus of current research in achievement motivation and self-regulated learning. Based on plenty of former research materials, an Achievement Goal Orientation Questionnaire (AGOQ) with high reliability and validity was made. 508 middle school students from prep junior grade to senior grade three in Shanghai were measured by AGOQ. The results were as follows: (1) Significant gender and grade differences of students' AGO were showed. (2) There were significant differences between different locus of control and achievement levels. (3) In general, with the development of grades (except junior grade two and senior grade two), students' Learning Goal Orientation showed a downward tendency and students' Performance-Avoid Goal Orientation showed an upward tendency and Performance-Approach Goal Orientation showed a little change. (4) Junior grade two and Senior grade two were critical periods of students' AGO. (5) Different combinations of AGO and it's levels distinctly affected motivated strategies for learning and school achievement.
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