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Value is a system of psychological inclination, which helps people distinguish good from bad, beauty from ugliness, gains from losses, right from wrong (Huang Xiting, 1994). This system plays a key role in the growing process of a person, and it decides whether adolescents can grow up with both mental and physical health. Therefore, value education has become an important subject for school education. The basic foundation for value education is getting a systematic knowledge of the growing characteristics of values; Referring to various domestic and overseas value researches and based on psychometrics theories, an adolescents’value scale has thus come into being. The purpose of this research is to reveal the growing characteristics of values and some related influences, and eventually to help the society, schools and parents guide adolescents to set up correct values. This thesis is composed of six parts.
     The first part is a summary of value viewpoints from domestic and foreign experts. This part summarizes some experts’definitions, classifications and scales of values. Related latest researches on adolescents’values in our country are also included.
     The second part introduces the process of compiling“The Adolescents’Value Scale”. On the basis of widely reading related documents and with the aid of a preliminary questionnaire, the first version of the scale is formed. After the first survey is carried out, Exploratory Factor Analysis helps to settle down the final version of the scale, which contains 6 dimensions consisted of 68 items. These 6 dimension are:1.values of diligence, 2.values of harmony; 3.values of morals; 4.values of fame and wealth; 5.values of individual-group; 6.values of creation. Quality analysis followed shows that this scale has high reliability ,validity and good discrimination ability.
     The third part is related research(I), which focus on three parts: age difference, gender difference and factors affecting the growth of adolescents’values. The results show:(1)Values develops inconsistently; different dimensions of values have their key developing stages. (2)Although there is no significant difference between males and females, girls get higher scores on some dimensions and boys get higher on some others.(3)Factors influencing the forming of values are various, some are from the society, some from the school and some from the family. The importance of models cannot be neglected; high school students tend to have stars as their models, while college students have a higher confirmation on their parents.
     The fourth part is related research(II). The situational test presents what role conformity plays in the foming process of adolescents’values.
     The fifth part is related analysis and discussion, which first points out 7 problems lying in current value education:(1)making no effort; (2)losing sense of morality; (3)over-chasing fame and wealth; (4)being indifferent; (5)short of creation and innovation; (6)change of models; (7)focusing on knowledge while ignoring morality. Some suggestion on value education are also put forward in this part: Firstly, our society should set up some leading values. Students should possess ideals of socialism and spirits of patriotism; they should also have an appreciation of beauty, a mind of science and humanism. Secondly, we should set up right directions for public opinions and purify the mass media, such as the internet, TV and newspapers; we should also help youngsters learn how to screen messages. Thirdly, grasping the key stages of values’forming enables value education to be more effective. Finally, different measures of value education can help develop adolescents’values imperceptibly but effectively.
     And the last part is the ending, which contains the conclusion of this research, as well as some distinguishing features and flaws of this research.
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