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Dual attribution of electric power industry are the public-utility and natural monopoly, the latter one decide that the industry may not achieve efficiency improvement through free competition, like other commodity circulation industries do, but with internal and external requirements, that is to say, with the enterprise' social responsibility as well as the supervision by public and regulation by government, the former attribution of the industry decide that it has to conduct the business with goals of providing qualified and cheap electricity supply with fair services to the community. So an in-depth study on how to realize optimal allocation of resources in the power industry has to be launched so as to improve the resource allocation decision of electric power industry to achieve benefit in both fields of economic and environment. China's natural resources endowment characteristic shows that energy resources are unevenly distributed. Most areas of our country is facing serious energy continuous supply crisis because of the asymmetric location of power consumption and production center and year-by-year power consumption increasing. These statuses result in the trend of future regional cooperation and power exchange rather than the competition between the regional power grids. It is because the interest relations between regions are relatively complicated, that the coordination requires a certain theoretical basis. This paper studied the power exchange among regions from the perspectives of economic and carbon emission reduction; the completed works are as follows:
     (1) Summarizes scholars' study about electricity exchange research results home and abroad; analysis the conditions of regional resources distribution of China's renewable energy resources, nuclear power resources, coal and natural gas power generation resources; analysis inter-regional energy production and consumption demand balance.
     (2) As to the energy efficiency, emissions and related policies of power exchange among regions, comparatively analysis the energy efficiency of different types of power generation resources, regional distribution of high power-consuming industries and the pollutant emissions of different types of power generation resources; introduces related laws and regulations of energy conservation home and abroad.
     (3) As to the costs, prices and related policies of electricity exchange among regions, comparatively analysis costs, feed-in tariffs and inter-regional sales price of the different types of electricity generation resources, introduces the relevant laws and regulations of electricity prices.
     (4) As to the determination of the power exchange among regions, comparatively analysis the costs between purchase coal generation and power exchange; constructs the regional power delivery and power purchased determination analysis model respectively, and further constructs regional electricity purchased optimization model.
     (5)As to the thermal power exchange among regions, constructs the interchangeable coal fired power generation capacity analysis model, thermal-power generation value-added analysis model and pollutant emissions analysis model based on deeply comparatively feed-in tariff analysis of thermal power. Numerical results show that the regional coal exchange have economic and environmental benefits.
     (6) Multiple types of inter-regional power exchange efficiency issues were studied based on the thermal power exchange among regions. Benefits evaluation model for multiple types of inter-regional power generation exchange was constructed. Numerical results show that if the multi-types of inter-regional power generation exchange transaction can be fully realized, more significant power exchange benefit and efficiency will be achieved.
     (7)Based on the benefit analysis model of the multi-type power generation exchange among regions, an in-depth study on the optimization of multi-regional, multi-type power generation exchange transaction was made, the regional generating resource scheduling optimization model under the electricity market coordination mechanism was constructed. Further, the regional electricity swaps optimization models with and without considering the period case were also constructed.
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