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话轮转换是日常会话中一个十分普遍的现象。它在广播谈话节目中呈现出不同于日常会话的特点。本论文以Jef Verschueren的顺应理论为基础,从语用学的角度分析了主持人与嘉宾在话轮的开启阶段、展开阶段、及终结阶段如何利用话轮转换来实现他们对各自机构性权力的顺应,以及机构性权力对广播谈话中话轮转换的影响。
This thesis is a pragmatic analysis of turn-taking in radio talk shows, a particular type of institutional discourse, which is understood as a realization mechanism of the show hosts' and the show guests' adaptation to their own institutionally defined powers to achieve the goal of the program. The core of this study is the generation of an adaptation model of turn-taking analysis and a detailed analysis of the influence of institutional power on turn-taking in radio talk shows. Methodologically speaking, this study integrates both the qualitative and the quantitative research method to support the presentation of a more complete understanding of the turn-taking study. The theoretical framework of the present study is based on Jef Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory (1999).
    The show hosts' and the show guests' adaptation to their own institutional powers has been studied in the phase of turn initiation, turn development and turn ending. It is the show hosts but not the show guests who announce the starting and the ending of the talk show with particular institutional introductory and ending strategies. The influence of institutional power is exhibited through turn-type allocation and turn control strategies in the phase of turn development. The whole conversation goes mainly under question-answer adjacency pair. The differences and similarities of the turn-control strategies employed by the show hosts and the show guests have been investigated. It showed that both the show hosts and the show guests have well adopted the turn-control strategies to adapt to their own institutional powers.
    In short, turn-taking in radio talk shows exhibits features different from that in daily conversation. Institutional power has great influences on turn-taking in radio talk shows and both the show hosts and the show guests have adapted themselves to their own institutional powers in radio talk shows.
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