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     本研究分为两项研究,研究一为相关研究,通过发放量表调查物质主义、幸福感和控制感分数。研究一使用的工具如下:对物质主义的调查采用Richins和Dawson编制的18项目物质主义量表(Richins & Dawson,1992);对幸福感的调查中,测量情绪幸福感时采用Watson (1988)积极和消极情感量表,测量生活满足感则采用Diener的五项目生活满足感量表;对于控制感的测量,选用了Levenson24项目的内控性、有实力的他人及机遇量表。对于所得到的数据,采用相关分析和层次回归分析的方法,探索各变量间的相关关系和控制感的中介效应。研究一结果表明,中国人群中物质主义和幸福感存在负相关,当控制感在统计上被控制后,物质主义与情绪幸福感和生活满足感之间的相关关系都被大大消弱了。
     但是在研究一中,没有对社会期望进行控制。而物质主义作为一种价值观,并非中国传统文化所推崇,为了缓解社会压力,被试可能出现虚假作答。但是已有研究发现,西方的测谎问卷并不适合中国,故而研究二采用了内隐方法对物质主义进行测量。研究材料中,对物质主义的测量采用E-prime编制的内隐联想测验(IAT)。而对幸福感的测量采用Watson (1988)积极和消极情感量表以及Diener的五项目生活满足感量表。对控制感的测量采用Levenson24项目的内控性、有实力的他人及机遇量表。对于所得到的数据,仍采用相关分析和层次回归分析的方法,探索各变量间的相关关系和控制感的中介效应。研究二的结果也表明,物质主义和幸福感存在负相关,当控制感在统计上被控制后,物质主义与情绪幸福感和生活满足感之间的相关关系都被大大消弱了。
China's economy has developed rapidly in recent years, and the people's living standards have improved, so that this change provides a breeding ground for the rise of materialism. On the other hand, with social development and economic growth people began to pay more attention to their own well-being. Therefore, the rise of materialism and the attention to wellbing are both the concern of the people in China naw. Western researchers have already begun the research about the relationship of materialism and well-being, and they found that materialism and well-being are negatively correlated overall. Now they have begun to explore the internal relations, and found that many factors play the role of mediator between materialism and wellbeing. These studies help us to understand the impact of materialism on our lives, help people to improve the level of wellbeing, understanding the characteristics of human mental activity. Compared with the West, though the materialism intensifies in China, there are not many studies about materialism, and there are less studies about the relations between materialism and wellbeing, then the studies of the internal relations are very few. This situation dose not match the demand of these studies in China. On the other hand, though the Western studies have found some relations between materialism and wellbing, we are not sure that the results match China for the huge cultural differences between East and West:the West is a western-style democratic society, the culture promote individualism, and the mainstream culture is the Christian religious culture; while the culture of China advocates collectivism,and most Chinese have no religious faith. In recent years,there are many exchanges between cultures, but the long-term differences are deep-rooted, so the findings about the West is difficult to directly apply to the Chinese society, and we have to investigate the relations between materialism and wellbeing in the Chinese population. In view of that foreign scholars have found that the sense of control plays the role of mediator between materialism and affect wellbeing, this study will validate and further expand this research in order to obtain the early information about materialism and wellbing in the Chinese population. We also want to investigate the mediating mechanism in the hope of contributing to the improving of national wellbing and correcting the national values.
     This study is divided into two studies. Study 1 is a correlation research, we will distribute questionaires to survey the scores of materialism, wellbeing and sence of control.The tools study 1 use are as follows:the investigation of the materialism using Richins and Dawson 18-items materialism scale (Richins & Dawson,1992);the investigation of wellbiing using Watson (1988) positive and Negative Affect Scale to measure emotion welllbeing and Diener's five-item life satisfaction scale to measure life satisfaction;and the investigation of the sence of control using Levenson's Locus of Control Scale. Then we use correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis to explore the correlation between each variables and the mediating effect of sense of control. The results of study 1 show that there is a negative correlation between materialism and wellbing in the Chinese population,and when we controlled the sense of control statistically, the relation between materialism and well-being have been reduced significantly.
     In Sudy 1, the social expectations had not been controlled.But as a kind of values, materialism dosen't been praised in the Chinese traditional culture, so the participants may give us the false answers. And the studies have found that western questionnaires to control desirable responding are not suitable for Chinese, therefore study 2 use Implicit attitude Test(IAT) to measure materialism. We use E-prime to write IAT program to measure materialism. Watson (1988) positive and Negative Affect Scale and Diener's five item life satisfaction scale are used to measure wellbing. And Levenson 24 items Locus of Control Scale is used to measure the sence of control. Then we use correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis to explore the correlation between each variables and the mediating effect of sense of control. The results of Study 2 also shows that there is a negative correlation between materialism and wellbing, and when we controlled the sense of control statistically, the relation between materialism and emotional well-being and life satisfaction have been reduced significantly.
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