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In recent-years, As the rapid advance of the process of China's market economy, China's economy have become an important part of the world economy. Concomitantly, the corporate marketing activities, particularly the marketing channel activities become more active than ever before. However, the level of the related research on the marketing channels for Chinese enterprises is variable, most of the existing studies lack the practical operation data of enterprise marketing channels and related information, research methods are also single, only stay in a simple qualitative description or analysis stage. The apparent contrast which theory behind the practice makes using standard methods to carry out research on Chinese enterprises channel become more importantand urgent. Based on this, this article from the perspective of suppliers, take the agricultural enterprises in Nanchang Qingshan Lake District for example, research on the quality of the relationship between agricultural channel impact on channel conflict.
     The main contents of this paper include:
     (1)The dimensional form of the quality of agricultural relations;
     (2)The major concept of conflict in the agricultural channel conflicts;
     (3)The major behavior of conflict in the agricultural channel conflicts;
     (4)Building the model of the relationship between the quality of agricultural channel and the conflict;
     (5)The impaction which the quality of agricultural channel relationship on channel conflict.
     In this paper, using theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Choice questionnaire as the main method of data collection, literature review methods used in data collection and data analysis as supporting method. Through the above methods and the using of relevant theory and research, reached the following results:
     (1) In this study, the quality of channel relationships only includes the trust and commitment two dimensions. In the theoretical model established before include the dimension of satisfaction, because of lacking data reliability and not meet the internal consistency of the channel relationship quality scale, so give it up. Then the overall reliability of channel relationship quality scale improved, the scale's internal consistency increased.
     (2)There is differences among the staff position on the concept of cognitive conflict in the statistical variables. Reflected in the four groups of staff general staff positions, primary class/team leader, middle/department heads and-senior/decision makers, the middle/department is responsible for the concept in the conflict on the average is minimum, while the other three positions of staff conflict the performance of similar concepts.
     (3) the number of the dealer in statistical variables acts on conflict concepts and conflict behavior are significant differences. The correlation analysis is consistent, all showed, e when the number of distributors is only one, the concept of conflict and conflict behavior in marketing channels reached the: maximum, and when the number of dealers is between 2-5, the concept of conflict and conflict behavior are all minimum; when the number of dealers is more than 5, the concepts of conflict and conflict behavior is the middle, between the above range.
     (4)The influence of statistical variables on the two dimensions of relationship quality is not significant. Through the variance ianalysis between variables and the quality of trust and commitment factor, it showed that staff position, work experience and other variables on the five statistical impact of trust and commitment are expressed as not significant.so statistics will not be different affect on the channel relationship quality.
     (5)The concept of channel conflict and conflict behavior were significantly correlated. Through the analysis on the concept of channel conflict and conflict-related behavior, it showed a marked positive correlation, that is, the stronger the concept of conflict, the possibility of causing conflict behavior is greater; the more conflict behavior, the more stronger notion of conflict is.
     (6)The quality of channel relationships and channel conflict was negatively correlated. Through the correlation analysis on the quality of channel relationships and channel conflicts, it showed that the trust and commitment factors of the quality of channel relationships are manifested as a significant negative correlation. That is, the higher the trust of channel relationships, the weaker notion of conflict, thereby reducing the incidence of conflict behavior; The higher the channel's commitment to quality relationships, the weaker the concept of conflict is, thereby reduce the incidence of conflict behavior; On the contrary, The stronger concept of conflict, the stronger increase in acts of conflict.
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