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Doctor-patient Relation is the unique relationship establishedbetween doctor and patient during the time when patients receive medicaltreatment from doctors, which is the dominant one among the humanrelationships of the doctors. In the past time, doctors always acted on thebehalf of patients, released patients from sufferance of diseases, savedtheir lives, so the beneficiary—the patient was grateful towards the doctorfrom whom they received medical treatment, and the doctor in turnenjoyed high social status. In recent years, there is an increasing tensionbetween doctor-patient relation and an intensification of the conflictionbetween doctors and patients, which have already become a seriousproblem of our society. On analyzing the different roles that a doctor anda patient plays respectively, this paper have observed the phenomenon ofthe intensified relation between doctors and patients—no understanding,no trust between doctors and patients in the process of medical practice,during the time of social transition.
     On analyzing the inspection materials of the Republic Hospital in LCity of Hunan Province, this paper has come into following conclusions:first, there are relation between doctors' attitude toward patients and theextent to which the patient is satisfied. According to an inquiring ofpatients and the analysis of the reasons why the relation between doctors and patients has intensified, a good doctor-patient relationship dependslargely on the attitude of the doctor when he provides service. Second, agood doctor-patient relation depends on a doctor's satisfaction toward theprofessional environment. A bad professional environment will probablylead to a bad doctor-patient relation, because a intensified relation willnot only produce pressures up on doctors, but also give bad effect ondoctor's professional environment and their attitude towards theirprofession. Third, the lowering of doctor's social status may at someextent attribute to the intensification of doctor-patient relation. Thelowering of doctor's is a factor that leads to the lowering of some doctor'spassion, as well as is a factor that affects the healthy development ofdoctor-patient relation. Forth, the difference between the patient'sexpectancies and the actual medical services they received may alsoaffect the establishment of a healthy doctor-patient relation. Because, inthe medical market, there are varies expectancies towards the medicalservice and doctors' attitude to patients; so, there exists a contradictionbetween diversity of expectancies and the limited kinds of medicalservices provided. On realizing the increasing tension of doctor-patientrelation, in our country nowadays, produces bad effects not only on thedevelopment of a healthy doctor-patient relation, but also on doctor'sprofessional environment and their attitude towards the profession; andaccording to the analysis of the causes that lead to the intensification between doctor and patient, to set up a sound doctor-patient relation andto solve the problem requires many social forces: firstly, a principleinsuring equal distribution of right obligation between doctor and patientshould be established; secondly, govemment support and good socialenvironment is necessary, in other words, a sound legal and mediumenvironment is required.
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