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Environmental change and organization adaptation are fundamental issues in the field of strategic management, and strategic change and its associated organization change, strategic renewal, strategic transformation et al. are have being important theoretical proposition and focal issues studied by scholars of strategic management domestic and foreign.
     There are four main research patterns existing in strategic change and its related research literatures domestic and foreign. First, the research pattern on strategic change, which mainly focuses on the stage of strategic change, the process of strategic change, the positive factors of strategic change and the choosing of strategies for change; Secondly, the research pattern on strategic change - organizational performance, which mainly emphasizes on the relationship between strategic change and organizational performance for firms; Thirdly, the research pattern on environment - strategic change - organizational performance, which are mainly keen on the theoretical model constructed and tested that associated with three factors of environment, strategic change and organizational performance, and organizational performance difference comparison implementing strategic change with unimplementing strategic change; Fourthly, the research pattern on organizational learning - strategic transformation/renewal, which are mainly about effective pattern on organizational learning to strategic transformation, as well as effectiveness analysis on organizational learning to strategic renewal.
     There are two implicit assumptions in four research patterns. First, as long as the external environment and internal conditions change, firms naturally will perceive them and strategic change will take place; Secondly, as long as inputted right strategy, firms naturally will have a good organizational performance.
     Integrating four main research patterns, oppugning two implicit assumptions, and introducing one mediate variable -strategy implementation power (based on variable attributes and related analysis to identify it), the author establishes a new research pattern on organizational learning - strategic change - organizational performance, and constructs a basic research framework for antecedent organizational learning and synergistic performance of strategic change and strategic implement power. The basic research framework consists of three main propositions. First, the impact of organizational learning to strategic change; Secondly, the impact of organizational learning to strategic implementation power; Thirdly, the impact of strategic change to organizational performance under the mediation of strategic implementation power. The author, using the research methods of theoretical analysis and empirical test, studied three main topics above. Main contribution is as follows:
     (1) The definitions and measurement scales of strategic change and organizational learning
     The author, using definition research methods of formal logic, integrating major definitions of strategic change and organizational learning domestic and foreign, and the actual situation of interviews with partial executives, defines new conception of strategic change and organizational learning.
     Applying the new definitions of strategic change and organizational learning, drawing on the main measurement scales of strategic change and organizational learning domestic and foreign, in the light of Churchill scale development program, the article develops new measurement scales of strategic change and organizational learning. Thereinto, the scale of strategic change includes two dimensions of position difference and perspective difference and 20 measurement items; the scale of organizational learning includes six dimensions of discovery, acquisition, comparison, reflection, error correction and memory and 18 measurement items. Sample data have good reliability and validity, which provide effective tools for measurement of strategic change and organizational learning.
     (2) The relationship model on the impact of organizational learning to strategic change
     Based on the definitions of variables and research hypothesises, the author constructs a relationship model on the impact of organizational learning to strategic change. The model's main idea is as follows: First, organizational learning is a cause of strategic change and its two dimensions of position difference and perspective difference. Secondly, six dimensions of discovery, acquisition, comparison, reflection, error correction and memory of organizational learning are causes of two dimensions of position difference and perspective difference of strategic change. The results of model tested show, although organizational learning has a whole positive influence to strategic change, the impact degree of organizational learning and its six measurement dimensions to two-dimensions of position difference and perspective difference of strategic change has some differences.
     (3) The relationship model on the impact of organizational learning to strategic implementation power
     Based on the definitions of variables and research hypothesises, the author constructs a relationship model on the impact of organizational learning to strategic implementation power. The model's main idea is as follows: First, organizational learning is a cause of strategic implementation power and its three-dimensions of strategic recognition, strategic synergy and strategic control. The results of model tested show, although organizational learning has a whole positive influence to strategic implementation power, the impact degree of organizational learning to three measurement dimensions of strategic implementation power has some differences.
     (4) The theoretical framework for the impact of strategic change to organizational performance under the mediation of strategic implementation power
     Basing on two function patterns on major cause and major - mediated cause of strategic change to organizational performance, and introducing the mediation factor (variable) of strategic implementation power, the author constructs a theoretical framework for the impact of strategic change to organizational performance under the mediation of strategic implementation power. The framework's main idea is as follows: strategic implementation power has mediation effect on the relationship between strategic change and organizational performance. The results of framework tested show that, the stronger strategic implementation power is, the greater improvement of organizational performance is. That is, strategic implementation power has positive mediation effect on the relationship between strategic change and organizational performance.
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