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The domestic automobile industry has achieved great successes in output and selling amount and has become the pillar industry of national economy after many years'development. But, at the same time, low independent innovation ability and lacking core technologies have been the bottlenecks of domestic automobile industry's development. Financing and allocating fund in efficient ways are the most important factors for the independent innovation of domestic automobile industry, especially for achieving breakthrough innovation achievements in core technologies of new energy source automobile industry. The international compared research and empirical research of the independent innovation ability of automobile industry have improved that the level of R&D financing and allocation are the key actors of the increase of automobile industry independent innovation ability. However, on the one hand, as to R&D financing, the contradiction of the public article character of independent innovation's achievements and the marketing character of enterprises which are the main bodies of R&D investing leads to R&D financing is out of order of market, and the contradiction of the basic characters of enormous investing, high risk and long cycle of automobile industry independent innovation and the behavior character of chasing short economy benefit of government's leaders who are the other main bodies of R&D investing make both enterprises and governments lack motive and initiative to invest R&D fund. And this leads serious deficiency and slow increase of R&D fund for automobile industry, and at last, leads to R&D inefficiency financing. On the other hand, as to R&D allocation, the contraction between the private character of applying for research projects behaviors and the plan model of allocating R&D fund, and add up the reasons of too many R&D intuitions, relax relations between Industry-University-Institute, etc, lead to very scattered and unreasonable structure's R&D allocation, and make R&D inefficiency allocation.
     In view of the problems of R&D financing and allocation of automobile industry, this paper carries out the policy suggestions as the following. Firstly, collecting R&D Tax, the government tax behavior, based on National Rational Actors Hypothesis, public goods supplying theory and government intervening theory, to solve the problem of inefficiency R&D market financing pattern, and allocating the whole financial fund based on collecting R&D Tax for domestic automobile industry independent innovation, and, at the same time, reforming governments'R&D allocation system based on reforming the evaluating system on the performance and efficiency of governments and enterprises'leaders and making full use of financial R&D fund's guiding function, etc, in order to guarantee automobile industry R&D Financing efficiency. Secondly, based on the target of automobile industry technology breakthrough in some important and core fields, innovating R&D allocating model by introducing market competing mechanism and obeying the rules of fair, opening and optimizing from choosing R&D subjects for financial aid to evaluating and acceptance R&D achievements to turning R&D achievements into productivity, and optimizing R&D allocating structure by increasing R&D fund to basic research and relative universities and colleges, and setting up the mechanism of prior to prove fund for core technology innovation, to improve R&D allocation efficiency.
     It brings a great chance for new energy sources automobile, especially for electric vehicle industry technology innovation that the global energy sources and environment crisis make international traditional automobile technology turn to new energy sources automobile technology. In order to catch the chance to push domestic new energy sources automobile industry independent innovation, this paper suggests to carry out National New Energy Sources Automobile Independent Innovation Program based on collecting R&D Tax to accumulate R&D fund. Implement the program to establish National New Energy Sources Automobile Public Technology Independent Innovation Platform to organize Industry-University-Institute's superior R&D sources to research new energy sources automobile technology to do all one can to achieve some breakthrough technology innovations to increase new energy sources automobile independent innovation ability in a big degree to seize the leading role of technology innovation and initiative development of new energy sources automobile industry.
     The value and meaning of the research are embodying a concentrated reflection as the following. Firstly, state that financing and allocating R&D fund in efficient ways are the most important factors for the independent innovation of domestic automobile industry, the basic reasons and solution of automobile industry inefficient R&D financing and allocation. Secondly, carry out the idea of collecting R&D Tax to solve the problem of inefficiency R&D market financing pattern for the first time. Thirdly, carry out Nation Rational Actors Hypothesis which is keeping with the demands of our time and society's development based on the criticism of Rational Economic Man. Finally, suggests to carry out National New Energy Sources Automobile Independent Innovation Program in view of the situation of energy sources crisis and environment crisis which have been becoming more and more serious.
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