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Industrial clusters and entrepreneurial activities have played an important role in theregional development. However, the competitive advantage of industrial clusters and itsinnovative advantages come not only from the aggregation of enterprises, but also rely onthe interaction and coordination between the enterprises and institutes. To achieve arational allocation of capital, technological resources, labor forces and etc. in the processof entrepreneurship incubation, requires the positive interaction of the cluster members, toenhance the synergy effects of local governments, industry associations and other relevantinstitutions. Therefore, it has important theoretical value and practical significance to takethe industrial clusters as an entrepreneurial incubation system, to research on theinteraction mechanism of major factors in the process of hatching entrepreneurial talent,and explore their coordination mechanism for the entrepreneurship incubation.
     Firstly, on the basis of literature review, the dissertation reveals the network andmultilevel characteristics of the industrial clusters, analyzes the elements and structure ofthe entrepreneurship incubation systems of the industrial clusters, and discusses theincubation effects of the cluster institutes, entrepreneurial resources and networks on theentrepreneurial talents, to propose the conceptual framework of the industrial clusterincubation system. By applying the qualitative research methods, and through thesemi-structured interviews with the entrepreneurial talents in the industry cluster, theempirical research explores the functions of the major institutes in the industrial cluster.By the content analysis of the interview data and the semantic network analysistechnology, the function and structure model of entrepreneurship incubation systems inindustrial clusters is built, to analyze the interaction and coordination process of eachincubation actors.
     Secondly, based on the conceptual framework of entrepreneurial incubation system inindustrial clusters, the thesis analyzes the mechanism of industrial cluster entrepreneurialincubation system from three perspectives of the industrial cluster institutes,entrepreneurial resource and network, explores the incubation effects of the entrepreneurial resource, the supporting effects of the cluster institutes and theintermediate effects of network, and constructs the theoretical hypodessertation model ofthe industrial cluster’s effects on the entrepreneurial talents. Through structuredquestionnaires collected from the entrepreneurs in the industrial cluster, an empirical testusing structural equation modeling is conducted to verify the compose elements of theindustrial cluster entrepreneurial incubation system, and reveal the mechanism of eachindustrial clusters elements’ influencing effects on entrepreneurial talents.
     Thirdly, through the literature and empirical research methods, the dessertationanalyzes the difference of the incubation function of each industrial cluster institutes, anddivides the interaction of those cluster institutes into two levels, which includes theinteraction of the enterprises in the core network layer based on enterprise supply chaincollaboration and competition; and the interaction between the core network layers and theauxiliary network layers based on research collaboration. On this basis, the multi-levelspace interaction model of industrial clusters incubation institutes is built. Throughempirical case studies, and by the use of social networks analysis (SNA) technique, thenetwork nodes and the relationship chain are defined to portray the interaction networkgraphs of the industrial cluster incubation institutes, and reveal the interactive mechanismof the industry cluster incubation system.
     Finally, by reference to the synergetic theory, the dessertation analyzes the intensionand the goal of the industrial cluster incubation system coordination, reveals the resourceallocation and institutes synergistic effect of the industry cluster in the hatching process ofthe entrepreneurial talent. Through case studies, the coordination mechanism of industrialclusters entrepreneurial incubator system for three difference kinds ofclusters:”government-led” cluster, industry association-led cluster and university-orientedcluster was empirically researched and the coordination enhancement strategy for differenttypes of cluster is proposed, to construct the integration model of the coordination processof the industrial cluster entrepreneurial incubation system.
     The purpose of this study is to explore the interaction and coordination process of theindustrial clusters in entrepreneurship incubation, revealing the key factors thatinfluencing the entrepreneurial talent incubation performance and its mechanism. The results of this study will enrich the theory of industrial clusters, entrepreneurship andnetworks; it can also provide a theoretical basis and practical reference for improving thecluster resource utilization efficiency, enhancing the government and the main institutionalsynergies, to build an effective industry cluster entrepreneurial mechanism.
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