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Food security is an important component of national security strategy, which is a majorissue affecting the overall situation forever. In the household contract responsibility system,farmer is the most basic grain production unit. In order to ensure food security, Countrystimulates the farmers enthusiasm of grain production not only in technology, more should befrom the system and the policy, which can guarantee the grain production capacity. But howto stimulate the farmers enthusiasm still need scholars to explore.
     With the increasing of grain subsidy policy efforts, the state of the "three rural" issue isbecoming more and more significant. According to the current grain subsidy policy, if farmerssatisfied with it? The grain subsidy policy has implemented for10years, if it achieves thegoals of increasing the farmers' income and ensures the grain security? If it stimulatedfarmers’ enthusiasm of grain production effectively, changed the farmers planting scale,increased the grain production, and increased the farmers' income? How the efficiency ofgrain subsidy policy? In order to solve these problems, this paper takes wheat farmers inHenan Province as survey samples, analysis of the wheat farmers’ satisfaction degree of grainsubsidy policy and its impact on grain subsidy policy implementation, the main conclusionsas following:
     1.Analysis the farmers' effect on the grain direct subsidy, special production subsidy andthe minimum purchase price policy results show that these policies are Caldor improvement,not only increased the farmers income, although there are still some damage to the benefit ofthe partial group.
     2. Farmers’ satisfaction on Grain Subsidy Policy is high; it’s mainly come from theunderstanding of grain subsidy policy,the farmers' individual characteristics (degree ofeducation and whether migrant workers), characteristics of farmland management (areachange of farmers planting wheat), the understanding of the grain subsidy policy (theunderstanding of the direct grain subsidy, the minimum purchase price policy for grain andfarm machinery purchase subsidy policy), the organizational behavior of government (theevaluation of government land transfer regulation and government credit policy) and so on.The biggest impact comes from the understanding of the grain subsidy policy, the second is the organizational behavior of government,the third is the farmers' individual characteristics,the last is characteristics of farmland management.
     3.Constraint conditions of strong natural resources, the dependence of grain safety inChina is the surplus of farmers grain production which remove their own needs; in thebackground of urbanization and industrialization, farmers income show the trend ofdiversification, though, farmers' income structure of main grain producing area in the firstplace is still the food income. The main motivation for grain production is increasing familycash income and meet their own food needs; farmers selected planting wheat are rational,there is no rational choice.
     4. Farmers’ wheat planting intention has close relations with their own factors andexternal environmental factors. In addition to meet their food needs, farmers grow wheat ismainly to pursue the maximization of their own economic interests. Wheat planting incomecompared with previous years, prices have risen, but wheat income does not change much;ensure the family food need and stable income are the mainly reason of wheat farmers notchoose the planting of economic crops; the wheat’ comparative benefit is too low, poor waterinfrastructure, labor shortage are major factors hinder farmers planting wheat. Farmers wheatplanting intentions are relatively strong, farmers enthusiasm for planting wheat is really high;farmers hope to expand the wheat planting area, but not is because the contracted land is notenough, and the fear of Grain Subsidy Policy change is weak; the reasons why farmers notexpand the wheat planting area are family labor shortage, family labor frail, the income ofplanting wheat lower than city employment, its main purpose is to leased land or replant crops.In the process of wheat planting, the main problems which farmers mainly worried aredrought, pests and wheat prices declined, but farmers not concern the agricultural technologyservice not keep up with the wheat planting or not find enough workers. Farmers' willingnessof cultivation and fertilization, pest control technology in the general level, and to introduceand introduce new varieties of intention is relatively low; farmers in the wheat plantingprocess with others cooperation intention is not very strong, the farmers hope to getgovernment support services will also in general.
     5. Farmers more understanding of grain subsidy policy, although the grain subsidy policyhas been generally recognized the majority of farmers, but farmers for sustainability andsupport the subsidy policy is skeptical. This shows that, for the introduction of a policy,farmers on the understanding and adaptation process is a gradual process. Farmers' evaluationof grain subsidy policy effect is high; this shows that the grain subsidy policy has achievedthe desired effect. The implementation of national food subsidies on Farmers' enthusiasm forthe promoting role and its grain yield was very limited; there are some deviations from the expected. Grain subsidy policy has played a limited role in increaseing the farmers’ income,because food relative income is relatively low, resulting in some farmers out of agriculturaland non-agricultural industry, this situation would be a threat to national food security.
     6. In order to ensure the safety of wheat production,the gorvernment must encouragefarmers develop into modern business enterprises that have strong ability ofdevelopment,which is sensitive to market signals,and can make timely respond to it, andcan actively participate in market competition. So, the biggest obstacle of wheat planting inHenan province is the land constraints.
     7.7city, county, district field were surveyed in Henan Province, Huixian and Yichuancounty belongs to DEA, its input and output reached the effective state or an optimal state, arein constant returns to scale stage, show that food subsidies and subsidies in implementation ofthe standard is effective; Linying County, Mengjin county and Dengzhou city belongs to weakDEA effective, its characteristics is excess input or output deficiency; Fengquan district andWolong district belongs to the DEA is invalid, has the characteristics of input output outputdeficiency caused by mismatched grain subsidies, showed that the two counties investmentand subsidies standards also in an invalid state. In addition to technical efficiency, scaleefficiency gap between regions is relatively large.
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