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The UK has a long history of educational examinations and admissions system with its own characteristics, which has had great influences on those of other countries. With a long period of the development and evolution, the British examinations and admissions system to higher education has formed its own outstanding characteristics, which has tremendous influences on that of many other places all over the world. Until today, a lot of universities in the world accept the results of A-level examinations held by main examinations bodies of the UK as admission requirements. In some countries and territories, their examinations and admissions System to Higher Education is the same as that of the UK. We may wonder what the system is like, why it works this way, what about its equality, and what experience and lesson China can learn from when it tries to reform its examinations and admissions System to Higher Education. With the questions in mind, the author carries out a deep and systematical research about it.
     The dissertation focuses on two issues——level 3 examinations (qualifications) in theNational Qualifications Framework and admissions system to higher education, investigating examinations and admissions system to higher education in the UK longitudinally and latitudinally, in both macro and micro way, using the following research methods: documentation method, field research, questionnaire method, interview method, case studies and comparative method. Firstly, the research exploits the origin, development and reform of the system in the macro way, and moves further to analyze it through case studies in the micro way. Secondly, it traces the origin of the system chronologically in the longitudinal way, probing into its function as 'a regulating device' between stakeholders in the British society, and the influences which politics, economics, culture, tradition and religion have had on it in the evolution process. Latitudinally, the author summarizes the reform, characteristics, problems and trends of the system from different angles and provides enlightenment for the reform of examinations and admissions system to higher education in China. On the base of Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital, habitus and field, as well as the questionnaire to 373 students from 6 different secondary schools and interviews of 49 students and relative persons, the author attempts to find out the factors influencing HE opportunities and choices of the students, how those from different social groups have different HE opportunities and how they choose among them, in order to draw attention to the equality of examinations and admissions system to higher education in the UK.
     The dissertation consists of 8 parts, including introduction. The introductory part covers context and significance of the research; review and comments on previous research; framework and methods of the research; research thesis and its definition. Chapter one and chapter two have an appreciation of British education system and historical context of examinations and admissions system to higher education in the UK, which provide "system memory" and "historical memory" respectively for further study. Chapter three examines the current examinations and admissions system to HE in the UK and its practice in macro way, in order to get the holistic idea of it as a whole. Chapter four explores the reform of the system in macro way, with the emphases on history, focuses and trends of the reform, through which fair admissions system to HE can be established. Chapter five carries out case studies, selecting different HE institutions as cases to analyze British universities and colleges admissions system. Chapter six moves on to focus on equality analysis of British examinations and admissions system to HE, using Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital, habitus and field, as well as survey-questionnaire and interview to analyze the factors influencing HE opportunities and choices of the students, how those from different social groups decide whether they go into the HE, who goes where, and who does what in higher education. Chapter seven compares British examinations and admissions system to HE with that of China, in administration and mechanism, examinations and awards, institutions and their functions, assessment and selection, tuition fees and support, which summarizes characteristics, problems and development trends of british examinations and admissions system to HE, offering five references and suggestions for the related reform in China:①Establishment of an examinations system with unified national examinations and multi-examinations;②Establishment of examination subjects framework consisting of compulsory subjects and selective subjects;③Establishment of the selective system by assessing applicants through both total scores of examinations and a holistic Assessment;④Establishment of the public Services system of examinations and admissions to HE;⑤Establishment of a fair admissions system to HE.
    [1]Ridder-Symoens,Hilde de Ridder-Symoens.A History of the University in Europe:Volume 1,Universities in the Middle Ages[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003.P171.
    [2]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green& Co Ltd,1965,P271.
    [3]Blackburn,R and Jannan,J.Changing Inequalities in Access to British Universities[J].Oxford Review of Education,1993(19:2),PI97-215.
    [4]政府补贴性贷款(means tested grants)主要用于支助家境不利的学生,以保障他们不会因经济原因而失去接受教育的机会。
    [5]Robbins,L.Higher Education:Report of a Committee.Cmnd 2154[R].London:HMSO.1963.
    [1]在英国延续教育(further education)并不是我们通常所说的“继续教育”,为了不至于混淆,我们把其称为“延续教育”。因为“继续教育”一词应为英文continuing education,它与延续教育有不同的意义,而与“成人教育”(adult education)、“终身教育”(permanent education),以及“回流教育”(recurrent education)意义相近、重迭,可是并不完全等同。在英国“延续教育”是正式学制的一部分,而我们通常所说的“继续教育”则非学制内的教育。由于英国学制特殊,在十六岁中学毕业后,到进入高等教育之前,中间间隔的两年也属延续教育,在英国又称为“第三级教育”(Tertiary education),这是相对于小学的初等教育,或第一级教育(Primary education),以及中学的中等教育,或第二级教育(Secondary education)而言的。在其它国家,第三级教育大都指涉大学的高等教育,而英国的高等教育则是第四级教育了。
    [2]Diane Reay,Miriam E.David and Stephen Ball.Degrees of Choice:Social Class,Race and Gender in Higher Education[M].London:Trentham Books,2005,Ⅷ.
    [1]Mordechai Feingold.History of Universities[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005,P76.
    [1]Mordechai Feingold.History of Universities[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005,P76-130.
    [2]Jo Mortimore,Peter Mortimore.Secondary School Examinations:'the helpful servants,not the dominating master'[M].London:the Institute of Education,University of London,1984.
    [3]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green& Co Ltd,1965
    [4]W.S.Fowler.The Origin of the General Certificate[J].British Journal of Educational Studies,1959(Vol.7,No.2),P140-148.
    [2]Ridder-Symoens,Hilde de Ridder-Symoens.A History of the University in Europe:Volume 1,Universities in the Middle Ages[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003,P171.
    [1]Department for Education and Empioyment/Department of Education Northern Ireland/Welsh Office(DfEE/DENI/WO).Qualifying for Success:A consultation paper on the future of post-16 qualifications[R].London:DfEE,1997.
    [1]Louise Archer.Merryn Hutchings.Alistair Ross.Higher Education and Social Class[M].London:RoutledgeFalmer,2003,P1.
    [2]Annette Hayton.Anna Paczuska.Access,Participation and Higher Education[M].London:Kogan Page Limited,2002,Pix.
    [1]W.S.Fowler.The Origin of the General Certificate[J].British Journal of Educational Studies,1959(Vol.7,No.2).P140-145.
    [1]Ann Hodgson,Ken Spours.Beyond A Levels Curriculum 2000 and the Reform of 14-19 Qualifications[M].London:Kogan Page Ltd,2003,P1.
    [1]Ann Hodgson,Ken Spours.Beyond A Levels Curriculum 2000 and the Reform of 14-19 Qualifications[M].London:Kogan Page Ltd,2003,P139.
    [1]Sandra M.Harris.Factors Influencing.Factors Influencing Pursuit of Higher Education:Validating a Questionnaire[Z].Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association,New Orleans,LA,1998,P35-39.
    [2]Fink,A.,& Kosecoff,J.How to conduct surveys:A step-by-step guide[M].Newbury Park,CA:SAGE Publications,1985,P26.
    [3]Salant,P.,& Dillman,D.A.How to conduct your own survey[M].New Youk:John Wiley & Sons,Inc.,1994,P12.
    [1]基础编码技术(grounded coding techniques)是质性研究方法的一种,它是由二位社会学者Barney Glaser 与Anselm Strauss开发出来的,.是质性研究中广泛使用的一种研究法。它主要将现象作系统性的数据收集,并藉系统化整理分析,藉由数据归纳发展并建立理论。这种研究方法具有如下特点:其一,适切性(fit),;其二,了解(understanding):其三,.推广性(generality):其四,控制(control)。因此,它是可系统化将访谈内容归纳为各项主题,易于访谈、整理、分析、比较,得到忠实反映现象的研究方法。
    [2]Ann Hodgson,Ken Spours.Beyond A Levels Curriculum 2000 and the Reform of 14-19 Qualifications[M].London:Kogan Page Ltd,2003,P139.
    [3]HEFCE publications.Higher Education in the United Kingdom,2005.www.hefce.ac.uk/oubs/hefce/2007-10-26
    [1]"Students rate university courses" http://news.bbc.co.ulc/l/hi/education/4265802.stm BBC News,21 September 2005.2007-1-7
    [1]有国内学者译为“第六学级”。笔者认为译为“中六学级”比较恰当。根据英国的学制,英国义务教育共11年,前6年为小学,自5岁入学,11岁毕业,后5年为中学,年龄涵盖11岁至16岁。以年级来划分,小学一年级为year 1,小二为year 2,依序到小六year 6.中学一年级则称form 1,或称7年级year 7,中二则为form 2,或称8年级year 8,依序到中五form 5,或称11年级year 11,至此中等教育第一阶段毕业,完成义务教育。在中等教育第一阶段毕业到进入大学之间,亦即16-18岁两年的阶段,称为“延续教育”(Further Education),因延续中五之后的教育,故称“中六”,不过要学习两年的课程,都叫做中六,为了区分,第一年称为lower sixth form,第二年称为uper sixth form。
    [2]QCA.New A levels:Successors to VCEs.London:QCA,2004.http://www.qca.org.uk/11997.html.2007-10-22
    [1]A.Griffiths.Secondary School Reorganization in England and Wales[M].Routledge & Kegan Paul.London.1971,P92.
    [2]14-19 Education and Skills White Paper.http://www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/14-19 educationandskillsl/docs/14-19Whitepaper.doc.2007-10-22
    [1]英国教育部长的名称在各个时期称谓不尽相同。1944年8月3日至1964年3月31日间称为教育部长(Ministers of Education);1964年4月1日至1993年7月5日间称为教育和科学大臣(Sccrctarics of State for Education and Scicnce);1993年7月6日至1995年7月4日间称为教育大臣(Secretaries of State for Education);1995年7月5日至2001年6月8日间称为教育与就业大臣(Secretaries of State for Education and Employment);2001年6月9日至今称为教育与技能大臣(Secrctaries of State for Education and Skills)。英国教育部长的不同称谓与英国教育部名称的几度更改密不可分,期间教育部长的职权范围也有所变化。本文出于表述方便和人们的习惯,一律将他们称之为教育大臣。
    [1]Annette Hayton & Anna Paczuska.Access,Participation and Higher Education:Policy and Practice[M].London:Kogan Page,2002,P1.
    [1]John Lawson and Harold Silver.A Social History of Education[M].London:Melthuen & Co Ltd,1973,P30.
    [2]Willis Rudy.The University of Europe,1100-1914[M].Associated University Presses,1984,P86.
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    [1]Department for Education and Skills.The Future of Higher Education,2003.http://www.dfes.gov.uk/hegateway/strategy/hestrategy/pdfs/DfES-Higher Education.pdf 2007-10-28
    [1]Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia.British Universities.http://en.wikipedia.arg/wiki/British_universities 2007-10-22
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    [1]Gerald Higginbottom.Going for Higher Education:A Guide to Moving on,Moving up with Better Qualifications[M].Oxford:How to Books Ltd,1999,P2.
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    [1]Scott,P.Triumph or retreat,in The State of UK Higher Education,eds D Warner and D Palfreyman[M].Buckingham:SRHE.Open University Press,2001,P5.
    [2]National Audit Offiee(NAO).Widening Participation in Higher Education in England[R].London:HMSO,2002.
    [3]Higher Education Funding Council for England(HEFCE).Suply and Demand in Higher Education[R]. Bristol:HEFCE'2001.
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    [1]“按邮编所在地资助方案”(Postcode Premium)是对高等教育参与率低于全国平均水平的地区的学生进行额外资助的方案,目的是提高这些地区的高等教育参与率。
    [2]DfES.Post-16 Learning:Participation in High Education,http://www.dfes.gov.uk/trends /index.cfm?fuseaction=home.showChart&cid=4&iid=23&chid=892007-3-17
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    [1]Mordechai Feingold.History of Universities[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005,P76.
    [2]W.S.Fowler.The Origin of the General Certificate[J].British Journal of Educational Studies,1959(Vol.7,No.2),p.140-148.
    [1]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England.London:Longmans,Green & Co Ltd,1965,p1
    [1]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green & Co Ltd,1965,P3
    [1]欧洲中古时期设立的大学,都有国王或教皇的许多特许权利,其中之一就是对「往来符契、关税、人口税」的豁免。例如海德堡大学在创办时就得到过一纸许可令:该校师生人等,于来往途中,“经过吾所有属地,无论在任何情况下,均不必担负任何义务,并免除扣留、土货税、杂税、入口税,及其它各种需要之事”。学校人员来往,须有此特许权利。当时教师常有一种教师通行律(jus ubique docendi)的保障,可以在各处游学。而事实上,就是大学本身,也是流动的。各地君王争取大学迁往该处,指定城邑,提供给学校安家落户,并有上文所述各项礼遇优惠措施。欧洲大学之所以能形成独立的学术王国,便与这一段历史有关。
    [1]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green & Co Ltd,1965,P5
    [2]The Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners apointed to inquire into the State,Discipline,Studies and Revenues of the University of Oxford[R],1852,P 57.(O.U.C.Report,1852)
    [1]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green & Co Ltd,1965,P1
    [2]W.S.Fowler.The Origin of the General Certificate[J].British Journal of Educational Studies,Voi.7,No.2,1959.P140.
    [3]W.Whewell.Of a Liberal Education,1845,P169.对18-19世纪剑桥大学的考试方法有一个概括性的描述。
    [1]Stray C.The ShiR from Oral to Written Examination:Cambridge and Oxford 1700-1900,in Assessment in Education:Principles,Policy & Practice[M].London:Routledge,part of the Taylor & Francis Group,2001,P.33-50,.
    [2]Lawson,J.and Silver,H.A Social History of Education in England[M].Methuen,1973,p257
    [3]H.Latham:On the Action of Examinations Considered as a Means of Selection[M].Cambridge:Bell and Sons,1877,P148-149.
    [1]Jo Mortimore,Peter Mortimore.Secondary School Examinations:'the helpful servants,not the dominating master'[M].London:the Institute of Education,University of London,1984,P11
    [2]第一级公共考试有三层含义:第一,指牛津大学学士学位初试(Honour Moderations or Mods),在字士字位课程前半段举行,对部分课程(如古典课程)进行测试,为配合考试学位课程开设这些科目,但直到毕业才会记入总成绩。第二,初级考试(Moderations)。第三,预备考试(Preliminary examinations)。通常初级考试与预备考试意思没有什么差异,都指课程学习前或学习前期的考试,这些考试与开设的课程没有关系。这三种考试统称为“第一级公共考试”。它是参加“第二级公共考试”即学士学位课程毕业考试的基础。
    [1]E.Copleston.A Reply to the Calumnies of The Edinburgh Review against Oxford,Containing on Account of Studies Pursued in that University[R],1810.
    [2]M.Pattison.Suggestions on Academical Organization with Especial Reference to Oxford[M].Edinburgh:Edmonston and Douglas,1868,P324
    [1]Bonamy Price.Suggestions for the Extension of Professorial Teaching in the University of Oxford[M].Oxford,1850,P25-31
    [2]Bonamy Price.Suggestions for the Extension of Professorial Teaching in the University of Oxford[M].Oxford,1850,P16-17
    [1]J.R.Tanner(ed).The Historical Tegister of the University of Cambridge to the year 1910[M].Cambidge:Cambridge University Press,1917,P989-90.
    [2]《诺斯考特-特里维廉报告》最早于1854发布在议会文件汇编(Parliamentary Papers,1854,volume ⅹⅹⅶ).但现在收录在《富尔顿报告》(Apendix B of the‘Fulton Report',Cmnd 3638,June 1968.)
    [1]Charles Darwin.On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life[M].London:Murray,1859,P92.
    [1]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green& Co Ltd,1965,P42
    [4]Edgar Norman Gladden.Civil Services in the United Kingdom,1885-1967[M].London:Frank Cass & Co.Ltd,1967,P1.
    [3]House of Commons.Report on the Permanent Civil Service,together with a Letter from THE REV.B.JEWWET[R].London:George.E.Eyre & William Spottiswoode,1854.
    [1]House of Commons.Report on the Permanent Civil Service,together with a Letter from THE REV.B.JEWWET[R].London:George.E.Eyre & William Spottiswoode,1854,PI3.
    [1]Jo Mortimore,Peter Mortimore.Secondary School Examinations:'the helpful servants,not the dominating master'[M].London:the Institute of Education,University of London,1984,P13.
    [2]公学是指英国的私立学校,公学虽然被称为“Public School”,但不表示是由政府设立的,只是表示学校可以公开招生,而不限于特定的宗教、种族或地区的孩子。拥有悠久历史的英国公学培养出的学生大多是英国各领域的精英,而且学费十分昂贵,普通人无法负担。
    [3]Report of the Royal Commission on the Revenues and Management of Certain Colleges and Schools[R].London:Parliamentary Papers,1864,P246.
    [2]J.Booth.Examination the Province of the State,or the outlines of a Practical System for the extension of National Education[M].London:Parker,1847,P9.
    [3]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green& Co Ltd,1965,P45.
    [1]Cambridge University Examinations Syndicate Regulations for 1858[R].London:T.D.Acland:op.cit.P213.
    [2]Lawton,D.The Politics of the School Curriculum[M].London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1980,P88.
    [3]A.Abbott.Education for Industry and Commerce in England[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1933,P5-22.
    [1]皇家艺术学会的全称是促进艺术、制造业和商业发展皇家学会(Royal Society for Encouragement of Arts,Manufactures and commerce,简称RSA)。设立于1754年,1847年,被授予皇家特许状。对于皇家艺术学会最为人们称道的获取就是它所设立的皇家艺术学会考试委员会所开展的卓有成效的工作,为英国职业资格证书考试制度建立做出重要贡献,但于1997年并入OCR考试中心。
    [2]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longraans,Green& Co Ltd,1965,P76.
    [1]1864至1868年政府成立了汤顿委员会(Taunton Commission),对于中学教育进行调查,1868年提出的报告指出中等学校整体办学质量不高、发展不均衡、捐资的举办的文法学校存在滥用捐资、全国13所女子学校过少等问题,建议在现有文法学校的基础上建立国家中等教育制度。
    [1]D.Masson.London University and London Colleges and Schools of Science(J).Macmillan's Magazine,1867,(11),P427
    [1]University of London.University of London School Examinations Board,1908-1991.31 volumes,74 bundles,5boxes,http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search27coll id=2094&inst id=142007-04-15
    [2]University of London Regulations for Matriculation[R],November 1839.
    [4]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green& Co Ltd,1965,P59.
    [1]R.J.Montgomery.Examinations:An account of their evolution as administrative devices in England[M].London:Longmans,Green& Co Lid,1965,P61.
    [2]J.A.Perch.Fifty Years of Examining:The Joint Matriculation Board,1903-1953[M].London:Harrap,1953,P20.
    [3]J.A.Perch.Fifty Years of Examining:The Joint Matriculation Board,1903-1953[M].London:Harrap,1953,P21-22.
    [1]L.Banks.Parity and Prestige in English Secondary Education[M].London:Toutledge and Kegan Paul,1955,P95.
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    [3]对于直接入学(direct entry)的学生有一些特殊要求,如想直接进入伯明翰大学医学课程二年级学习的学生必须至少提前18个月申请;申请直接入学学习谢菲尔德大学工程课程的学生,至少13个月前申请,并且又有在工业方面12个月的实践经验,大部分矿业专业的课程也提出类似的要求。
    [4]在伦敦大学,无论申请校外生还是校内生,首先向大学评议委员会的大学入学委员会秘书处提出申请,然后到相关学院、系申请注册;地方大学学生可直接向大学注册处申请;在牛津、剑桥大学直接向学院申请,负责大学入学申请的是高级辅导教师或入学指导教师(admission tutor)。
    [5]在1944-1976年,英国中等学校实行“三轨制”的教育制度。学生参加完11岁国家考试后进行分流,分别进入文法学校、技术学校和现代学校。文法学校学生的未来目标是成为国家精英,16岁参加普通教育证书 O-level考试;技术学校重点开设工业和科学课程,学生未来的目标是成为科学家、工程师和技师,地位和文法学校大致相同:现代学校的学生人数尽管占学生总数的70%,但在人们的印象中它是“三轨制”教育的最底层,培养目标是技工和普通的劳动者,开始是不需要考试的,后来参加学校的证书考试也仅证明学生在校学习到15岁。
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    [2]Central Advisory Council for Education.Crowther Report[R].HMSO,1959,P15-18.
    [1]Broadfoot,P.Assessment,Schools and Society[M].London:Nethuen,1979,P40.
    [2]陶尼(R.H.Tawney)在《论平等》(Equality)中有这样的描述:“虽然身处不利的环境,才智较为聪明的蝌蚪是有可能告诉自己稍安勿燥,因为它们总是可以想到一桩事实:同类的大多数就将这样终其一生,永远就是蝌蚪,但总有幸运的一批,有朝一日,它们的口肚必将变大,然后敏捷地跳上陆地,回首向先前故友哇呜蛤蛤,说是它们凭着这些长处、凭着那些手段,凭此得以从蝌蚪蜕变成为青蛙。对于社会抱持着如是的概念,不妨称之为“蝌蚪哲学”(the Tapole Philosophy),在其之下,社会性的罪恶,如果还能够让人得到安慰,也就剩下‘卓越的个人,可以成功地逃避社会性罪恶啊'之类的想法。……这岂非是说,秀异权柄之使用,再高贵也只能是推挤攀爬上岸,但绝口不提、视而不见、知而不想自己方当登陆之时,正是众多同伴行将灭顶之日!”
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    [2]“‘真的公平吗?'项目”(Fair Enough? Project)是英国大学联合会(Universities UK)为配合政府到2010年英国高等教育参与率达到50%的目标,改革高校招生制度,让所有的人都有公平的机会接受高等教育而实施的一个项目,其目标是通过使招生过程更加公开、透明,使对申请人能否顾利完成学业的评价标准更加客观,从而改进高校招生人员和管理人员的工作,使他们做出的录取决定更加公平。常用的客观标准有:自我管理能力、独立学习和工作能力、学习动机、对所学专业的兴趣和与他人合作的能力。
    [3]Universities UK.Fair Enough7 Wider access to university by identifying potential to succeed[R].London:Universities UK,2003,P7.
    [4]Steven Schwartz.Fair admissions to higher education:recommendations for good practice[R].London:Admissions to Higher Education Steering Group,2004.P36.
    [5]根据英国《残疾人保护法》(Disability Discrimination Act,简称DDA)28T款的规定,招生人员必须考虑申 请人的残疾情况,如果原录取安捧会使残疾人明显处于不利状况时,须作出合理的调整。但《残疾人保护法》确实允许高等院校在某些合理的情况下可以对残疾人有歧视性安排(如保持学术标准)。
    [1]空档年或者叫间隔年、延迟年(gap year),是指中学毕业后间隔一段时间(通常是一年)才进入高等院校学习的制度。它最早起源于20世纪90年代的牛津、剑桥大学,当时,这两所大学招生时除对A-levels证书考试的成绩提出要求外,还必须参加学校自行组织的大学入学考试,在考试之后大约有9个月的时间才能入学,大学鼓励学生利用这段时间去了解世界、从事公益活动。现在越来越多的国家有空档年的制度安排。一般来说,学生在空档年的安捧是把增长见识的旅游与工作结合起来或者从事公益工作,如英国哈里王子空档年2004年就是到非洲当志愿者。
    [1]Steven Schwartz.Fair admissions to higher education:recommendations for good practice[R].London:Admissions to Higher Education Steering Group,2004.P42-43.
    [1]Higher Education funding Council for England.Schooling effects on higher education achievement:further analysis-entry at 19[R].Bristol:HEFCE,2005.
    [2]Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Education at a Glance:OECD Indicators[R].Paris:OECD,2003,P48-49.
    [3]Davies,R.and Elias,P.Droping Out:A Study of Early Leavers from Higher Education.Research Report 386[R].London:Department for Education and Skills,2003.
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    [1]Ann Hodgson,Ken Spours.Beyond A Levels Curriculum 2000 and the Reform of 14-19 Qualifications[M].London:Kogan Page Ltd,2003,P139.
    [1]罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)成立于1994年,由19所英国研究型的大学组成,包含了所谓的金三角名校,被称为英国的常春藤联盟,代表了英国的优秀大学。与美国的常春藤盟校不同的是,他们都是由国家资助的。其目的是要代表这些机构的观点、游说政府国会、提出研究报告来支持它的立场。罗素集团名称的由来,是因为这20所院校的校长,每年春季固定在伦敦罗素广场旁的罗素饭店举行研究经费会议而得名。该集团关心的焦点在于提升研究、增加学校收入、招聘最优秀的教职员与学生、降低政府干预及提倡大学合作等。
    [3]Cambridge Admissions Office.Aplying to Cambridge:Advice for teachers,tutors and HE advisers[R].Cambridge:Cambridge Admissions Office,2007.
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    [1]QAA.Review Reports:Open University[R].Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education,2005,P4.
    [1]Jeremy Tunstall.The Open University Opens[M].London:Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd,1974,P47.
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    [1]“平等挑战组织”成立于2001年,资助单位为高等教育同业协会(GuildHE)、英国大学联合会(Universities UK)、英格兰高等教育拨款委员会、威尔士高等教育拨款委员会、北爱兰学习与就业部和苏格兰拨款委员会。其主要使命是对英国高等院校提供资助,帮助他们实现教职工和学生的潜力,不管他们种族、性别、 有无残疾、性倾向、宗教信仰和年龄都能从中受益,并促进高等院校和社会的发展。
    [2]The OU.Widening Participation Strategy 2003-2006[R].The Open University,2003.http://www.open.ac.uk/widening-participation/P3_2,shtml.2007-06-269
    [1]Pierre Bourdieu.The forms of capital,in J.G Robinson(ed) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education[M].New York:Greenwood Press,1986,P244.
    [5]Bourdieu.P.Distinction:A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1984.p466-467.
    [3]布迪厄.国家精英-名牌大学与群体精神[M].杨亚平译.北京:商务印书馆,2004.P 202.
    [4]Diane Reay,Miriam E.David and Stephen Ball.Degrees of Choice:Social Class,Race and Gender in Higher Education[M].London:Trentham Books,2005,ix.
    [1]Egerton,M and Halsey,A H.Trends by Social Class and Gender in access to Higher Education in Britain[J].Oxford Review of Education,1993(19:2),P183-196.
    [2]Blackburn,R and Jarman,J.Changing Inequalities in Access to British Universities[J].Oxford Review of Education,1993(19:2),P197-215.
    [3]政府补贴性贷款(means tested grants)主要用于支助家境不利的学生,以保障他们不会因经济原因而失去接受教育的机会。
    [4]Anderson,C.Ministry of Education and the Sevretary of State for Scotland Grants to Students:Report of the Committee Cnnd 1051[R].London:HMSO,1960.
    [5]Robbins,L.Higher Education:Report of a Committee.Cmnd 2154[R].London:HMSO,1963.
    [1]Blackburn,R and Jarman,J.Changing Inequalities in Access to British Universities[J].Oxford Review of Education,1993(19:2),P197-215.
    [2]Bourdieu,P and Passeron,JC.The Inheritors:French Students and their Relation to Culture[M].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1979.
    [1]OECD.Economics and Finance of Lifelong Learning[R].Paris:Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
    [1]Arnot,M,David,ME and Weiner,G.Closing the Gender Gap:Post War Education and Social Change[M].Cambridge:Polity Press,1999,P27.
    [2]Blackburn,R and Jarman,J.Changing Inequalities in Access to British Universities[J].Oxford Review of Education,1993(19:2),P205.
    [3]Metcalf,H.Class and Higher Education:the participation of young people from lower social classes[M].London:Policy Studies Institute/CIHE,1997.
    [4]UCAS.Statistical Bulletin on Widening Participation[N].Cheltenham:UCAS,2000.
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    [1]基础编码技术(grounded coding techniques)是质性研究方法的一种,它是由二位社会学者Barney Glaser 与Anselm Strauss开发出来的,.是质性研究中广泛使用的一种研究法。它主要将现象作系统性的数据收集。并藉系统化整理分析,藉由数据归纳发展并建立理论。这种研究方法具有如下特点:其一,适切性(fit),;其二,了解(understanding):其三,.推广性(generality):其四,控制(control)。因此,它是可系统化将访谈内容归纳为各项主题,易于访谈、整理、分析、比较,得到忠实反映现象的研究方法。
    [2]Sandra M.Harris.Factors Influencing.Factors Influencing Pursuit of Higher Education:Validating a Questionnaire[Z].Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association,New Orleans.LA.1998.P35-39.
    [3]玻璃天花板效应(Glass Ceiling Effect)现象发生的起源,是来自上个世纪80年代,欧美主流社会中的外来移民,尤其亚洲人只能担任低层职务,或者做到相对高位后便再难晋升,无法进入核心决策层,就像玻 璃天花板抬头可见,却难以突破(You can see through but not get through)。之后便引申到现在的”玻璃天花板”理论。由于性别、种族、社会经济阶层、学业成就等方面的差异,在高等教育机会和选择上好像被一层玻璃挡着,可望而不可及。“玻璃天花板”将社会经济不利群体家庭的学生隔离在高等教育阶梯的底层。同时,这样的社会和心理因素也不自觉地阻碍了他们自我实现与对高等教育的期望。
    [1]Fink,A.,& Koseeoff,J.How to conduct surveys:A step-by-step guide[M].Newbury Park,CA:SAGE Publications,1985,P26.
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    [1]Diane Reay,Miriam E.David and Stephen Ball.Degrees of Choice:Social Class,Race and Gender in Higher Education[M].London:Trentham Books,2005,P29.
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