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In twenty-first century global economy form has turned to knowledge economy era dominated by creation. Knowledge creation system and creative ability of a country or district is an important foundation of determining a country or district’s economy and society development, and becomes a key factor of their competitiveness. However, compared with foreign corporations, the independent creative ability of corporations in our country is still very weak. Low international competitiveness becomes an important factor of restricting economy development of our country. In order to improve Chinese economy development and Chinese corporations’international competitiveness, we have to enhance Chinese corporations’independent creative ability.
     In knowledge economy era, competition between corporations has turned from price competition to diversity competition. In market competition, price competition reflects corporation’s cost dominance, while diversity competition reflects product difference and service difference. In nowadays in order to adapt to new competition mode, corporation needs to improve its creative ability. Only if a corporation becomes a creative corporation, it can success in modern society.
     Under this circumstances, the only way of corporation’s survive and development is constantly creation. To most corporations creation is the key of maintaining and acquiring competition dominance, and is the basic factor of deciding corporation’s market station and growing potential. If a corporation doesn’t have creative ability, while other competitors have, it by all means will lose.
     In the current era, diversity, subdivision and personalization of market demand is ceaselessly enhancing, so employee of corporations is more and more diversified. In the meantime, because creation involves very comprehensive knowledge, new idea and scheme often come from different domains and need creativity of different employees who have diversified knowledge background. Therefore, modern corporations often form teams and use team members’cooperation to accomplish complicated creation task.
     Team creation is a complicated problem with much uncertainty. Along with the development of technology, complexity of product is increasing which also causes the complexity of creation. Participants of team creation not only include team members with different knowledge background but also include related experts. These participants distribute in different departments in a corporation, and even distribute in different locations. Team creation process is a complex process of idea generation, improvement, and implementation. Qian Xuesen brought forward a metasynthesis approach for solving complex problem. This approach indicates to synthesize experts, statistic data and information, and construct an artificial human-computer cooperative system. Metasynthesis can provide methodology base and framework for the research of team creation.
     In this thesis, on the basis of metasynthesis approach, we systematically analyze creation process of teams, research the theory of team creation support, and design and realize a meta-synthetic team creation support system.
     The main work and results of this dissertation are summed up in the following:
     1.We systematically review previous correlative researches, and point out problems and deficiencies in these researches. The researches we review are divided into four parts which are researches about team creation, knowledge creation, team creation support using information system, and metasynthesis approach.
     2. We research about how to support idea recognition using human-computer cooperative method. First we pre- dispose the knowledge that team acquired by storing it in the knowledge base in a uniform pattern. Then we use one kind of information retrieval technology- Latent Semantic Analysis- to calculate the similar degree of an idea and existing knowledge. According to the similar degree we realize automatic sort of knowledge which can help team members to find out the most correlative knowledge of an idea. In a human-computer cooperation manner, Experts or team members can frequently find out creative idea by comparing idea and the most correlative knowledge.
     3. In order to select the best idea in a mass of ideas that team generate, we establish a model of human-computer cooperative team creation idea recognition. First we use a new pattern recognition method- Support Vector Machine- to classify ideas. The ideas are classified to three kinds: ideas of low quality, ideas which are not appropriate to the team task but with good quality, appropriate ideas. The purpose of idea classification is to quickly eliminate those ideas of low quality and which are not appropriate to the team task but with good quality. Eliminated ideas don’t need to enter the next procedure- synthetically evaluation and discussion by experts and customs which can greatly save time of experts and customs.
     The second phase of the model is synthetic idea evaluation. In this phase team members, experts and customs together sequence those appropriate ideas.
     The last phase is experts’group decision. Because of high creative degree of team task, the selection of idea is difficult to be depicted and figured out by a formula. The creative idea selection is a semi-structured or unstructured problem, so subjective judgment of experts is very important to idea selection. The purpose of experts’discussion is to argument the advantages and disadvantages of idea, select the most appropriate idea, and give opinion about idea improvement implement.
     4.We research about support method of creative point’s evolution process. First we analyze creative point’s evolution process. Then we establish produce model of creative point evolution. At last we realize the visualization of idea improvement process and creative point produce process based on the model we establish. Evolution model of creative point and visualization can dynamically reveal the process of idea improvement; scheme forming and creative point produce process. Thereby it cans effectively guidance the concrete process of creative point produce.
     5. We research about how to evaluate the value created by each team members. First on the basis of transparent information we find out contribution degree of each team member by commutative evaluation of team members. Then we acquire the value created by each member based on their contribution degree.
     6. We design meta-synthetic team creation support system and research about its application. First on the basis of our previous research we design and develop meta-synthetic team creation support system. Then we research about its application and analyze the effect. We use a practical application case to analyze its application effect.
     The primary innovations of this thesis are summarized in the following:
     1. We research the human-computer cooperative creative idea recognition in team creation. On the basis of knowledge storing and classifying, we realize automatic sort of knowledge used by Latent Semantic Analysis. The result of automatic sort of knowledge can help team members to find out the most correlative knowledge of an idea. Experts or team members can frequently find out creative idea by comparing idea and the most correlative knowledge. Thereby by using this method team members and experts can avoid knowledge search by manpower, and save their time. So this method can effectively support creative idea recognition in team creation.
     2. We establish a model of human-computer cooperative creative idea selection in team creation. This model is separated into three phases to filtering ideas; finally reaches the purpose of creative idea recognition. The first phase is idea classification. Using Support Vector Machine we classify ideas to three kinds: ideas of low quality, ideas which are not appropriate to the team task but with good quality, appropriate ideas. The second phase of is idea evaluation. In this phase team members, experts and customs together evaluate those appropriate ideas. The last phase is experts’group decision. The purpose of experts’discussion is to argument the advantages and disadvantages of idea, select the most appropriate idea, and give opinion about idea improvement implement.
     3. We establish a model of creative point evolution and its visualization. We analyze the process of creative point evolution; establish the creative point evolution model; realize the visualization of idea improvement process and creative point evolution process and using visualization to support creative point produce process. Evolution model of creative point and visualization can dynamically reveal the process of idea improvement; scheme forming and creative point evolution process. Thereby it cans effectively guidance the concrete process of creative point evolution.
     4. We research about the value evaluation method of team creation. This method finds out the contribution degree of each team member by commutative evaluation of team members on the basis of transparent information; then acquires the value created by each member based on their contribution degree. This method of commutative evaluation among team members can give team members independent right to a certain extent which is propitious to create a loose working environment.
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