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Information has different meanings in different subject, in this paper, we consider information to be the meaning in social science. This paper research four parts concluding tangible product, virtual product, real organization and virtual organization. We research information diffusion in these four parts. This four diffusions is aligned in content and exceed each other in theory. This paper is structured as the thinking, which is form tangible to virtual, and from micro to macro.
     Firstly, towards tangible product, we research new product diffusion under negative word of mouth's diffusion, analyze the characteristics of tangible product diffusion, establish two new product diffusion simulation model based on system dynamics and multi-agent simulation with classical Bass diffusion model, and then do simulation experiment and sensitivity analysis. We support a new simulation way to study new product diffusion, conclude new product diffusion characteristics and process under negative word of mouth, and also support the decision of relative enterprises. Also, The results form system dynamics verify the results form multi-agent simulation, it is the foundation of this paper to use multi-agent simulation in technical support.
     Secondly, towards virtual product such as net game, we simulation this virtual product' s diffusion. From the perspective of complex network, we research net game diffusion under network's environment with the thinking of network topology structure, establish a multi-agent simulation model of net game diffusion based on small world network theory, and we analyze the diffusion characteristics of virtual product further. This research enrich new product diffusion, conclude virtual product diffusion process and characteristics, and also support the decision of relative net game enterprises.
     Thirdly, towards tacit knowledge diffusion in real organization, based on human network's small world theory and form the perspective of network topology, we analyze tacit knowledge diffusion characteristics in organization network, offer three there studying strategies on the level of individual adoption behavior, establish a multi-agent simulation model combining small world model. By simulation experiments, we conclude the confluent studying strategies is more advantaged, conclude the knowledge learning characteristics on individual adoption level, and give reference to knowledge management.
     Finally, towards information diffusion on virtual organization, we take online social network as research object, and research rumor diffusion between online social network. With web crawlers technology and snow ball method, We obtain real data about online social network, and we also analyze the network topology of online social network based on the above data. Based on these data, we establish rumor diffusion between online social network based on multi-agent simulation, and analyze rumor diffusion characteristics and behaviors under this network. It is provide a way to know how rumor diffuses and its diffusion process.
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