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In the paper, the process of extraction of cholesterol from crude lanolin was studied, and the one from lanolin alcohol which is one of saponification production of lanolin were focused on. The once saponification was changed to the twain saponification. Change of complexing reagent from CaCl2·6H2O to hydrated CaCl2 with 40% water, and change of complexing solvent from ethanol to petroleum ether and a little ethanol were done, and the impurity in lanolin alcohol was extracted by petroleum ether and water before the complexing, so that the adduct yield was improved. On the base of study, the effects of every correlative factor on yield and purity of cholesterol, and the suited process conditions were presented.
     The suited conditions of process were determined as follows:
     For the process of crude lanolin saponification,NaOH dosage is 1.8 times to theoretic dosage, and reaction time is 8h in the first saponification, and NaOH dosage is the same multiple to first saponification, and the time is 6h in the second saponification.
     For the separation of saponification results, CaCl2 dosage is 1.3 times to theretical dosage, and reaction temperature is 25℃. For the extractions of lanolin alcohol from calcium lanolin acid, the ratio of ethanol to lanolin is 4:1, 2:1 and 1.5:1 respectively, and the extraction time is 30min, 20min and 20min respectively.
     For the complexing of cholesterol and purification of adduct, the ratio of petroleum ether to water and crude lanolin is 3:2:1 in the of romoving impurity, and the rate of CaCl2 to cholesterol is 6 by molecule, the rate of CaCl2 to water is 1.5
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