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     关于中国税务机构进一步改革方向的争论引起作者的注意,循此争论,追溯 1994 年改革的原因,结果找到了征税权这一源头。
     中国税务机构不断增强,但是中央财政却在不断弱化,这是一种非常明显的矛盾。这一矛盾,比较合理地解释了 1994 年税务机构改革的原因,虽然这一改革主要是由于财政体制方面的问题,但是征税权不明晰导致的财政收入的不确定性也是重要原因:不明晰的征税权导致中央财政收入受到侵蚀,中央财政困难不断加剧的后果。
    1994 年机构改革时国家提出不要一分钱为地方代征税收,但是
    1994 年以前税务机构增强的趋势与中央财力下降的趋势,表明
The power to tax is very important. Marshall,the American lordchancellor of the case Mike Colloch vs. Maryland once said " the powerto taxes concerns the power to destroy ". Confucius says "tax tyranny ismore violent than tigers ".
     With the beginning of the 1990s since the eighties in china, taxinstitutions were strengthening constantly, while the state revenue wasweakening, which was a kind of very obvious contradiction. Thiscontradiction indicates that the normal system was greatly influenced byunofficial system. Questions of the financial system should be listed asmain reasons of tax organization reform in 1994, but low actualoperational efficiency of fiscal revenue system should be an importantreason, too.
     The trend which the tax organization was being strengthened andcentral financial resources being corroded before 1994 shows that thefuzzy power to tax would results to fiscal risk. Though the centralauthorities try their best to take the control of tax organizations, but fuzzypower to tax undermined these kinds of measure, or this kind of methodcosts too much.
     The uncertainty of fiscal revenues has close relations with distinctdegree of the power to tax. Unofficial tax collection and managementprove disparity exists in legal structure and real operation conditions ofthe formal power to tax. In other words the power to tax at that time wasin the fuzzy state. What the indistinct power to tax brings is that centralfiscal revenues is weakened, and the constant accumulation of this kind ofsituation is an important reason aggravating the difficulty of staterevenue .
     Setting up tax organization separately makes the problem of powerto tax outstanding. The dispute of whether amalgamating or keeping
    separate of tax organization at present, does not regard the power to tax asthe core problem or have not given enough concern about it. A veryimportant respect of proposing China's tax administrative structurereform of this text is a realization way question of the inter-governmentalpower to tax. The establishment of the power to tax is a system question.Probe into the administrative tax structure reform from the realizationway, but ponder over the question in terms of system. System analysescan hold tax direction, organization of reform and development accurate.
     According to the features of property right, the author thinksthe property right may be a kind of power, and can use the propertyright theory to analyse the tax system, propose the power to tax canbe regarded as a kind of property right.
     This text discusses the tax administrative structure reform from thedisposition of the power to tax, and advocates the distinct power to tax.So the author supports the scheme of separately setting up taxadministrative structure on the whole.
     Chinese taxation cost is dropping, while the efficiency of thetaxation is rising; through the reform of paying taxes, dropping of payingcost can be expected, too, and there is no reason not to think so.
     In fact, the rising of the taxation cost in the past mainly resultedfrom local governmental choice. The country proposed not needing onefen to take the place of and solicit the tax revenue for the locality at thetime of the administrative structure reform of 1994, but none of localgovernments accept such munificent condition .We can find out from thisfact the strong partiality of the local government to levying taxesindependently. From here, I think I can draw a conclusion: Financialautonomy or independent finance have important value.
     Author propose the way of separately setting up organization canreduce tax cost, thus the optimal theory of separately setting uporganization can be established The organization all around the world set
    up separately but with low tax cost has explained this; And the taxationcost and paying taxes cost of China is all dropping; These two pointsmake the optimal theory of amalgamating organization lose heavy basis.
     This thesis has used the normal analyses to a great extent,emphasize the view of new institutional economics: from systemangle financia
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