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    △(E nzd一气,)>△(气,一凡,)>△(凡zf一凡刃的反常现象。当3d轨道上电子数目不
In gold plasma, the dielectronic recombination (DR) process, which is one of research tasks on atomic structure and spectrum, plays an important role in the diagnosis on basic parameters such as electron temperature, electron density, charge state distribution and so oa In this paper, the dielectionie recombination of solar model on Co-like-Ga-like gold ions have been studied based on the quasi-relative muIlti-oonfiguration Hartree-fock theory and Cowan code(RCN34/RCN2/RCG9). Meanwhile, on the basis of collision-radiation model, the dielectronic recombination rate coefficient, which is the function of electron temperature and electron density, have been deduced and computed. The calculation of doubly-excited autoionization stale energy level characters have been performed in dense plasma. In addition, the charge stale distribution and mean ioniability of gold plasma produced by "X1NGGUANG-II" laser facility have been obtained using the relative intensity ratio of 27 lines.There are seven chapters in this paper. Chapter one narrates the development to study of dielecbonic recombination and the sense of this work. Chapter two introduces the theoretical methods on dielectronic recombination oflow and high electron density plasmas respectively. In thkd chapter, the systematic study on the regulars and trails of dielectronle recombination rate coefficient, autoionization rate, state-state dielectronic recombination rate coefficient have been performed for Co-like-Ga-like gold ions in low electron density. In chapter four we have computed the dielectronic recombination rate coefficient of 3d-Sf transition, the mean width and life of doubly-excited autoionization states in dense plasma, and discussed the effects on dielectronic recombination rate coefficient from the related dynamic processes. Chapter five focuses on the energy level structure of doubly-excited autoionization states and the radial distribution of orbits nl (n=5,6,7;l=5,p,d f). In the sixth chapter a semi-empirical method has been developed to study the charge state distribution of gold plasma and the fist fruit has been obtained. The major results have been set out in the test one.The results clearly indicate that: in the low electron density plasma, 1. for the Co-like and Ni-like gold ions the dielectronic recombinations (nc = 1) including outer and inner electron transitions have in touch with electron temperature, orbital angular momentum and parity. The channels, which two excited electrons
    of doubly-excited autoionization state are in orbits with great orbital angular momentum and the parities of doubly-excited autoionization state is not inconsistent between the lore-and post-recombinations, prevail over others for Co-like ion.. For Ni-like gold ion, in the recombination of outer electrn transition the channels with odd parity doubly-excited autoionization state which active elections are in great orbital angular momentum orbits have active behavior than others, and in inner electron transition recombination the channels with even parity doubly-excited autoionization stale which spectator electrons are in great orbital angular momentum orbits tend to be dominant in turn..2. For Cu-like, Zn-like, Ga-like ions the dielectionic recombinations with valence electron (4s or 4p) and core electron (3d) excited have different peculiarities. In the former, after collision with Cu-like gold ion the free electron can be easily captured into doubly-excited autoionization stales with oil parity, and ion likes to decay though outer electron transition to complete the dielectronic recombination. For Zn-like ion the fiee electron can be easily captured into small angular momentum orbits (s or p). For Ga-like ion the valence electron 4p can be easily excited to orbits with small angular momentum, and the channels with even parity doubly-excited autoionization states preponderate over others In the latter, the recombinations ,which the free can be captured into the doubly-excited autoionization states with high energy3d94s4fiid and 3d94s4fhf, prevails over others for
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