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Organizational commitment(OC)is very important in the research of theorganizational psycology, and is closely connected with the human resourcemanagement, such as job satisfaction、tendency of the retention and jobperformances. Based on the Professor Ling' study of Chinese Employee'sOrganizational Commitment, this paper conducted a research of employeesorganizational commitment who worked in the forgein companies in Beijing、Shanghai and Guangzhou by means of questionnaire.
     The research shows the following results:1. The structure of Chineseemployees organizational commitment in forgein companies includes fivefactors:Normative Commitment, Ideal Commitment, Economic Commitment, AffectiveCommitment and Opportunity Commitment;2. There is no significant difference offive factors and the overall level of Organizational commitment in the foreigncompanies which located in Beijing、Shanghai and Guangzhou city. Employees inBeijing showed the highest overall level of organizational commitment, and theemployees in Guangzhou shows the lowest level;3, rhere is a significantdifference among different management-model foreign companies, and the overalllevel of organizational commitment in America and Europe companies are higherthan companies invested by Japan;4. There is no signicant difference in differentmanagement-model foreign companies in the same city;5.1n this study, gender doesnot affect commitment, but male has higher overall level of organizationalcommitment than female;
     Finally, this paper puts forward the following suggestions according to theconclusion of this study, 1. the companies invested by Japan in china should changeand modify their Human resource management according to the situation of china. 2.the government of china should set up some related measures to avoid the sexdiscrimination.
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