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Different rates of vinasse were applied when the plant cane was planted and the ratoon cane after the earth was broken from the stubbles of sugarcane. The routine fertilization and no fertilization were designed as the controls in the experiment. To investigate the effects of application of different rates of vinasse from cane sugar mill on the plant and the first ratoon crops, and to investigate the effects of vinasse on some characteristics of soil in sugarcane field after applying different rates of vinasse at sugarcane field in one or two years respectively. The results were as follows.
     1. The vinasse increased the activity of NR, NADP-malic enzyme, peroxidase, and amylase, and the contents of Chl.a, Chl.b, water soluble protein, nitrogen and potassium in leaves of the plant and the first ratoon crops of sugarcane until technical maturing stage.
     2. For the plant crop, the activity of peroxidase, neutral invertase, SPS and SS in sugarcane leaves were lower, but the content of water soluble protein in leaves were higher in the vinasse treatments than in the other treatments at the technical maturing stage. For the ratoon crops, the activities of the tested enzymes were lower in the vinasse treatments than the other treatments at early technical maturing stage, but they were similar to the other treatments later. The change tendency of cane quality was consistent with the activities of the enzymes.
     3. The emergence rate, tillering rate, plant height, millable stalks per hectare and cane yield of the plant and the ratoon crops were higher in the vinasse treatments than in the no fertilization control and the routine fertilization treatment.
     4. The emergence rate, tillering rate, millable stalks per hectare and cane yield in the plant crop in the treatments with 45t vinasse + 60t water per hectare and that with 75t vinasse + 30t water per hectare were equal to those in the treatment with 105t vinasse per hectare, or even higher.
     5. The vinasse treatments increased the the contents of organic matter, total N and available K of the soil in the field, but slightly reduced the content of available P in the soil and the content of phosphorus in the plant leaves.
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