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设 H 是复可分 Hilbert 空间,{W1,W2,···} 是 H 上一致有界的算子列.定
    义 Hilbert 空间 (H) 上的线性变换 S:{x0,x1,...} → {0,W1x0,W2x1,...}.那
    么 S = sup Wk ,称 S 为 (H) 上具有权 {Wk}∞ 的 单侧算子权移位,简记
    为 S ~ {Wk}.类似的,我们可以定义 双侧算子权移位.如果 dimH < ∞,称
    S 是 有限重的;如果 dimH = ?0,则称 S 是 无穷重的.
     算子权移位的研究始于 Lambert (1971).它是重要的具体算子类――数值加
     Lambert 证明了下面的结果:每个权为可逆算子的移位都与一个权为正算子
    的移位酉等价.在本文第二部分中,我们把 Lambert 的结果扩展到权为单射稠
    定理 1: 每个单侧算子权移位 S ~ {Wk} 酉等价于一个以单射的正算子为权
    的移位 T ~ {Vk},且相同标号的权 Vk 与 |Wk| 是酉等价的.具体的,Vk =
    Uk |Wk|Uk ,其中 U0 = I,Uk 是 WkUk
     ? 做极分解得到的酉算子.
     ?1 ?1 ?1
    对双侧情形也有类似结果,不同处是当 k 0 时,Vk 与 |Wk| 酉等价.
    似关系.从 Halmos 的不可约算子稠密定理和 Voiculescu 的非交换的 Weyl-von
    Neumann 定理可见,不可约算子是重要的算子类,在算子的结构和算子逼近理
    价下的不变量.但很不幸,它并不是相似变换下的不变量.Gilfeather 和江泽
    坚 [2] 曾给出不可约算子,相似于一个可约算子例子.在 1988 年,Herrero [18]
    提出一个猜想:算子 T ∈ B(H) 相似于不可约算子的充要条件是下面三个条件
    同时成立:(1) 对 ?λ ∈ C, T ? λ 不是有限秩算子;(2) T 不满足任意的二次方程
    ax2 + bx + c = 0,这里 |a| + |b| + |c| = 0;(3) 对 ?λ ∈ C, T ? λ 不能写成一个有
    定理 2: 每个单侧算子权移位 S ~ {Wk} 必相似于一个不可约算子.进而 Sn 也
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    中 文 摘 要
    在前言中我们提到 Gilfeather 和江泽坚都曾举出了不可约算子和不可约算子的例
    引理 1 (Faour 和 Khalil,1987): 算子权移位 S ~ {Wk} 是紧算子当且仅当每个权
    Wk 是紧算子且 limk →∞ Wk = 0.进一步,对任意的 1 ≤ p < ∞,算子权移位
    S 是 Cp 类的当且仅当每个权 Wk 是 Cp 类的且数列 { Wk } 是 p-可和的.
    例 1: 存在可约算子权移位相似于一个不可约算子.
    例 2: 存在紧的和 Cp (1 ≤ p < ∞) 类的可约算子权移位相似于一个不可约算子.
    定理 3: 每个单侧算子权移位 S ~ {Wk} 都满足 Herrero 的猜想中的条件 (1),(2)
    和 (3) .
    似于一个不可约算子,因此这些结果是对 Herrero 的猜想的一个支持.
    定义 1: 设 T 是 Hilbert 空间 H 上的压缩算子,
     记 T ∈ C0 ,如果 ? f ∈ H, Tmf ?→ 0 (m → ∞).
     记 T ∈ C1 ,如果 ? f ∈ H,f = 0, Tmf ?→ 0 (m → ∞).
     记 T ∈ C? ,如果 ? f ∈ H, T? f ?→ 0 (m → ∞).
     记 T ∈ C? ,如果 ? f ∈ H, f = 0, T? f ?→ 0 (m → ∞).
    由于 T 是压缩的,所以上面的极限存在.记 Cαβ = Cα ∩ C? ,对 α,β = 0,1.
     ? β
    压缩算子 Cαβ 分类的概念是由 Sz.-Nagy 和 Foias 提出的并建立了基本理论.Cαβ
    注的不变子空间问题的研究.对任意非零的 T ∈ B(H),T/ T 是一个压缩算
    空间问题等价于全体算子的不变子空间问题.利用压缩算子的 Cαβ 的思想,
    Brown,Chevreau 和 Pearcy 证明了重要定理:每个谱包含单位圆周的压缩算子
    都存在非平凡的不变子空间. 迄今为止,这个?
Let H be a complex separable Hilbert space and let {W1,W2,...} be a
    uniformly bounded sequence of operators on H. The operator S on 2(H) =
    H ⊕ H ⊕ ··· de?ned by
     S : {x0,x1,...} → {0,W1x0,W2x1,...}
    is called an operator weighted shift on 2(H) with the weight sequence {Wk},
    denoted by S ~ {Wk}. Then S is bounded and S = sup Wk . The operator
    weighted shift was ?rst studied by Lambert. It is a natural generalization of
    the scalar weighted shift operator and owns many properties similar to those
    of the scalar one. In this thesis, operator weighted shifts with one-to-one and
    dense-range operators as weights are main objects which are studied.
     This thesis consists of four chapters.
     In the ?rst chapter, the basic concepts, the background of problems, and
    the work ?nished in past are introduced.
     In the second chapter, we proved that every operator weighted shift S ~
    {Wk} with one-to-one and dense-range operators {Wk} as weights is similar to
    an operator weighted shift T ~ {Vk} whose weights {Vk} are one-to-one and
    positive operators. Moreover, the weight Vk is unitarily equivalent to |Wk| for
    each ?xed k.
     In the third chapter, we proved that every operator weighted shift S ~ {Wk},
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    英 文 摘 要
    whose weight sequence {Wk} consists of one-to-one and dense-range opera-
    tors, is similar to an irreducible operator. In addition, we show a class of exam-
    ples that reducible operators are similar to irreducible ones. In these examples,
    compact operators and Cp (1 ≤ p < ∞) ones are also contained. All these
    examples show that irreducibility is not an invariant under similar transforms.
     In the ?nal chapter, the suf?cient and necessary conditions of Cαβ classi?-
    cation of any multiple contracted operator weighted shifts are given and proved.
    Especially, in the case of ?nite multiple, some of these conditions can be sim-
    pli?ed. Finally, two examples are provided to show why these conditions can
    not be simpli?ed in general cases.
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