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It has been hundreds of years since the operation of traditional duty of disclosure in marine insurance, and its distinguishing feature makes it rather a rarity in the field of insurance law. In the modern marine business, information disclosure between the assured and the insurer has changed radically, which is illustrated in the enormous maritime disputes with totally different rulings and arbitration awards emerged from the judicial practice. That is to say, firmly entrenched in the existing duty of disclosure is only increasingly out of step. Therefore, this paper, starting with the theory of rectification, analyzes various problems in traditional duty of disclosure, and based on this, puts forward some specific legislative suggestions in order to build a new regime of duty of disclosure.
     This paper consists of three parts, i.e., the introduction, the body and the conclusion. Specific details will be given in the main body which is divided into six chapters:The first chapter analyses the legal nature of duty of disclosure in marine insurance, and corrects it as an obligation within the limit of fault liability. The second chapter focuses on the information asymmetry between the two parities of the marine insurance contract when performing and observing the duty of disclosure, and derives the internal relation between the duty of disclosure and asymmetric information from the analysis of the two, and meanwhile, offers the ways for perfection. The third chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the existing pattern of duty of disclosure in marine insurance. By comparing such unlimited informative obligation and limited informative obligation two patterns, this paper suggests that unlimited informative obligation only be applied to the Marine Cargo Insurance, whereas other kinds of marine insurance adopt limited informative obligation. The fourth chapter analyzes and corrects the duty of disclosure under the paradigm of the economic analysis of law, and in light of the conflicts of interest between the two parities, reevaluates the transaction cost and the benefit of law accompanied by performing and observing duty of disclosure. The fifth chapter emphatically reveals Rotterdam Rules, a new maritime convention, many of its brand-new rules that has influences the evolution of duty of disclosure in marine insurance, may slow the process of unlimited informative obligation shifting to limited informative obligation. The sixth chapter goes into the frame work of new order of duty of disclosure, and concludes with some specific legislative conceptions.
     By using comparison method, literature method and case analysis etc., this paper analyzes the existing duty of disclosure in marine insurance from a corrective perspective in the hope of breaking the bonds and giving this traditional system a new life, as well as testing the suggested solutions in the new one so that a sound and prosperous marine business can be achieved.
① Asif H. Qureshi, International Economic Law. London:Sweet & Maxwell,1999:299.
    ② Sealion Shipping ltd and Another v.Valiant Insurance Co[2012]1 Lloyd's Rep:252.
    ④ Howard Bennett. The law of Marine Insurance.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2006:30.
    ① Susan Hodges.Cases and Materials on Marine Insurance Law.London:Cavendish Publish Limited,1999:247.
    ③ Richard F. Southcott,Kimberley A. Walsh. Canadian Maritime Law Update:2005. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce.2006(7):349.原文:It concluded that, while the parties are in litigation, the principle of law requiring utmost good faith is in large measure subsumed into the regulatory scheme of the litigation process.
    ②26 U.S.170(1828).
    ③Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and commerce,1998(1):8. 原文:The contract of insurance has been said to be a contract uberrimae fidei, and the underwriter must be presumed to act upon the belief,that the party procuring insurance, is not, at the time, in possession of any facts, material to the risk which he does not disclose也可参见:李章军,陈辉煌译:《海上保险法之最大诚信原则——美国法与英国法之比较研究》,载于陈安主编:《国际经济法论丛(第三卷)》.北京:法律出版社,2000:327.
    ③ Jonathan Gilman, Robert Merkin,Claire Blanchard et al. Arnould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average.17th Edition.London:Sweet & Maxwell,2008:539.
    ④ Kenji Yoshino.The New Equal protection.124Harv.L.Rev.747 (2011):747.
    ③ Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and commerce,1998(1):1.参见:陈安主编:《国际经济法论丛》(第三卷),北京:法律出版社,2000:321.
    ①条款原文Subject to the provisions of this section, the assured must disclose to the insurer, before the contract is concluded, every material circumstance which is known to the assured, and the assured is deemed to know every circumstance which, in the ordinary course of business, ought to be known by him. If the assured fails to make such disclosure, the insurer may avoid the contract.
    ① Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and commerce.1998(1):5.
    ③ B.Soyer. Reforming the assured's pre-contractual duty of utmost good faith in insurance contracts for consumers: are the Law Commissions on the right track? Journal of Business Law.2008(5):385.
    ④ John Birds, Modern Insurance Law,4th ed, London:Sweet & Maxwell,1977:103.
    ① Container Transport International Inc. v. Oceanus Mutual Underwriting Association(Bermuda) Ltd [1984]1Lloyd'sRep.476.
    ② Hih Casualty and General Insurance Ltd.and Others v. Chase Manhattan Bank of Others[2001]1Lloyd'sRep.30.
    ③F·D·Rose. Marine Insurance:Law and Practice. London:LLP,2004:65-66.
    ⑥ D. Rhidian Thomas. Marine Insurance:the Law in Transition. London:Informa Law Mortimer House,2006:49.
    ④Liberian Insurance Agency Inc.V.Mosse[1977]2Lloyd's Rep.560也可参见:张丽英,赵劲松、赵鹿军.中英海上保险法原理及判例比较研究.大连:大连海事大学出版社,2006:131-132.
    ③ Jonathan M. Barnett. The Host's Dilemma:Strategic Forfeiture in Platfonn Markets for Informational Goods.124Harv.L.Rev.1861 (2011):1865.
    ②原文"Insurance is a contract based upon speculation. The special facts, upon which the contingent chance is to be computed, lie most commonly in the knowledge of the insured only; the underwriter trusts to his representation and proceeds upon the confidence that he does not keep back any circumstance in his knowledge, to mislead the underwriter into a belief that the circumstance does not exist, and to induce him to estimate the risk as if it did not exist. Good faith forbids either party by concealing what he privately knows, to draw the other into a bargain from his ignorance of that fact, and his believing the contrary."参见 (1766)3Burr 1905.
    ①美国加利福尼亚州大学乔治·阿克洛夫(George Akerlof)教授,率先提出了“柠檬市场”理论,以此来深刻分析不对称信息对其他社会制度的影响,2001年,乔治·阿克尔洛夫因在“对充满不对称信息市场进行分析”领域作出的重要贡献,与其他两位美国学者获得了该年度的诺贝尔经济学奖.
    ②Garnat Trading & Shipping (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Another v.Baominh Insurance Corporation[2011]2Lloyd's Rep.492.
    ④[英]Malcolm A.Clarke保险合同法(3th Edition)何美欢,吴志攀等译.北京:北京大学出版社,2002:616.
    ①[英]Malcolm A.Clarke保险合同法(3th Edition)何美欢,吴志攀等译.北京:北京大学出版社,2002:593.
    ③同上,20.也可参见Robert E. Keeton. Insurance Law Rights at Variance with Policy Provisions:Part One.83Harv. L.Rev.961(1970); Robert E. Keeton. Insurance Law Rights at Variance with Policy Provisions:Part Two.83Harv. L.Rev.1281 (1970).
    ①在海上保险告知义务领域,因保险合同主体之间的信息不对称,导致信息披露范围的无法准确界分,而诱发的告知义务纠纷案例几乎存在于每一个海运时代,如下是英国《劳埃德法律报告》收录的近三十年出现的主要典型案例:(1)C.T.I.v.Oceanus[1982]2 Lloyd's Rep:178-203; (2)Banque Keyser v.Skandia[1987]1 Lloyd's Rep:69-108; (3)The"Dora"[1989]1 Lloyd's Rep:69-97; (4)Pan Atlantic v.Pine Top[1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep:504-508; (5)Fraser Shipping v.Colton[1997]1 Lloyd's Rep:586-599; (6)Aneco Re v.J&H[1998]1 Lloyd's Rep:565-607; (7)The"Nea Tyhi"[1999]2 Lloyd's Rep:497-535; (8)The"Kapitan Sakharov"[2000]1 Lloyd's Rep:389-415; (9)The"Mercandian Continent"[2000]2 Lloyd's Rep:357-381; (10)HIH Casualty V.Chase[2001]1 Lloyd's Rep:31-59; (11)The"Star Sea"[2001]1 Lloyd's Rep:389-415; (12)Interbrew v.FT[2002]1 Lloyd's Rep:543-552; (13)Black V.Sumitomo[2002]1 Lloyd's Rep:693-712; (14)Garnat Trading & Shipping (Singapore) Pte Ltd and another v.Baominh Insurance Corporation [2011]2 Lloyd's Rep:492-512; (15) Sealion Shipping ltd and another v.valiant insurance co[2012]1 Lloyd's Rep:252-274.
    ①不同社会主体对公平概念的理解很难形成一个统一标准,存在不同程度的个体差异,法律规范仅是解决社会问题的路径之一,并非是唯一的最后的解决争议的方法,需要与道德规范、宗教规范以及政治规范等其他社会规范结合在一起,才能形成一种相对公平的社会秩序。可参见:Kenji Yoshino.The New Equal protection.124Harv.L.Rev.747 (2011):747-748.
    ③Carter v Boehm(1766),3 Burr 1905.
    ①条款原文:Freight" includes the profit derivable by a shipowner from the employment of his ship to carry his own goods or moveables, as well as freight payable by a third party, but does not include passage money.
    ③ Papadimitriou v.Henderson (1939) 64Ll.L.Rep.345关于该案例的具体案情和评析,也可参见:张丽英,赵劲松、赵鹿军.中英海上保险法原理及判例比较研究.大连:大连海事大学出版社,2006:290-294. ①王海明.船舶保险理论实务与经营管理.大连:大连海事大学出版社,2009:130.
    ④Atlantic Maritime Company,Inc.v.Gibbon[1953]1Lloyd'Rep.278. ①张丽英,赵劲松、赵鹿军.中英海上保险法原理及判例比较研究.大连:大连海事大学出版社,2006:277-281.
    ②该条原文:In insurance on freight, whether paid in advance or otherwise, the insurance value is the gross amount of the freight at the risk of the assured, plus the charges of insurance.
    ①该条原文:Subject to any express provision in the policy, where there is a partial loss of freight, the measure of indemnity is such proportion of the sum fixed by the policy in the case of a valued policy, or of the insurable value in the case of an unvalued policy, as the proportion of freight lost by the assured bears to the whole freight at the risk of the assured under the policy.
    ①[法国]埃里克·布鲁索(Eric Brousseau),国]让·米歇尔·格拉尚(Jean Michel Glachant).契约经济学:理论和应用.王秋石、李国民、李胜兰等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2011:38.[英]罗纳德·哈利·科斯在该书第二章“契约、组织和制度”对“经济的方法”进行了分析和评价.
    ②[美]罗伯特·考特,托马斯·尤伦.法和经济学.史晋川,董雪冰译.上海:格致出版社和上海人民出版社2010:10.该书原书名:Law and Economics,是一本关于法与经济学的著作,具有很强的影响力,现已被美国和其他国家的很多大学作为法经济学领域的教科书.
    ②Jane Andrewartha. English Maritime Law Update:2010. Journal of Maritime Law and commerce,2011(7):399.
    ①Howard Bennett. The law of marine insurance.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1996:86.
    ①North and South Trust Company v. Berkeley[1970] 2 Lloyd's Rep.467.
    ① Raoul colinvaux. The Law of Insurance. London:Sweet&Maxwell.1984:312-332.
    ③ Howard Bennett.The law of marine insurance.Oxford:Oxford University Press.1996:80-81.
    ③Liberian Insurance Agency Inc.v.Mosse[1977]2Lloyd'Rep.560.
    ①Banque Keyser Ullmann S.A.v.Skandia(U.K.) Insurance Co.and Others[1987]1Lloyd'Rep.69.
    ① Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and commerce,1998(1):3.原文:The rule of utmost good faith is grounded in economic efficiency. It is a rule designed to minimize costs to both insurers and assureds也可参见:陈安主编:《国际经济法论丛》(第三卷),北京:法律出版社,2000:323.
    ②[法国]埃里克·布鲁索(Eric Brousseau),[法国]让·米歇尔·格拉尚(Jean Michel Glachant):契约经济学:理论和应用.王秋石、李国民、李胜兰等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2011:3-4.
    ② A. Mitchell Poliinsky, Steven Shavell. Punitive damages:an economic analysis.111Harv. L.Rev.1281 (1998):870-871.
    ④ Barry Harrison:Economic.London:Longman Group UK Limited,1986:27.
    ②[法国]埃里克·布鲁索(Eric Brousseau),[法国]让·米歇尔·格拉尚(Jean Michel Glachant):契约经济学:理论和应用.王秋石、李国民、李胜兰等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2011:121.该书收录了法国学者艾里克·马林与戴维·马赫蒂摩合写的学术论文《交易费用和激励理论》.
    ①[美]罗宾·保罗·麦乐怡(Robin Paul Malloy)法与经济学.孙潮译.杭州:浙江人民出版社,1999:98.
    ①[法国]埃里克·布鲁索(Eric Brousseau),[法国]让·米歇尔·格拉尚(Jean Michel Glachant):契约经济学:理论和应用.王秋石、李国民、李胜兰等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2011:38.
    ①[法国]埃里克·布鲁索(Eric Brousseau),让·米歇尔·格拉尚(Jean Michel Glachant):契约经济学:理论和应用.王秋石、李国民、李胜兰等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2011:38.
    ④郭萍 张文广.<鹿特丹规则>述评.环球法律评论.2009(3):143.
    ⑥Asif H.Qureshi.International Economic Law.London:Sweet & Maxwell,1999:229.
    ①Pan Atlantic Insurance Co.Ltd.v.Pine Top Insurnace Co.Ltd.[1994]2 Lloyd's Rep.427.
    ①John Birds.Modern Insurance Law(4th ed).London:Sweet & Maxwell,1977:103.
    ①Container Transport International Inc and Reliance Group Inc.v. Oceanus Mutual Underwriting Association Ltd.[1984]1 Lloyd's Rep:476.
    ②[英]Malcolm A.Clarke.保险合同法(3th Edition)何美欢、吴志攀等译.北京:北京大学出版社,2002:187
    Liberian Insurance Agency Inc.v.Mosse,[1977]2 Lloyd's Rep:560.
    ②[英]Malcolm A.Clarke保险合同法(3th Edition)何美欢、吴志攀等译.北京:北京大学出版社,2002;189.该书作者提及了美国伊利诺伊州法院决定一个代理人是保险人的代理人,还是被保险人的代理人的界定标准:(一)谁首先使代理人发起行动;(二)谁最终控制代理人行为;(三)谁支付代理人薪酬;(四)代理人应保护谁的利益.
    ①Howard N.Bennett. The Law of Marine Insurance.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1996:55.
    ③ Article 41:Except to the extent that the contract particulars have been qualified in the circumstances and in the manner set out in article 40:(a) A transport document or an electronic transport record is prima facie evidence of the carrier's receipt of the goods as stated in the contract particulars; (b) Proof to the contrary by the carrier in respect of any contract particulars shall not be admissible, when such contract particulars are included in:(i) A negotiable transport document or a negotiable electronic transport record that is transferred to a third party acting in good faith; or (ii) A non-negotiable transport document that indicates that it must be surrendered in order to obtain delivery of the goods and is transferred to the consignee acting in good faith; (c) Proof to the contrary by the carrier shall not be admissible against a consignee that in good faith has acted in reliance on any of the following contract particulars included in a non-negotiable transport document or a non-negotiable electronic transport record.
    ①美国海商法实践中的“瓦里斯库拉原则”——Vallescura Rule:承运人不能举证两种原因造成货损的各自比例时,就承担全部赔偿责任。《鹿特丹规则》第17条第6款没有采纳该原则.
    ② Article 18:The carrier is liable for the breach of its obligations under this Convention caused by the acts or omissions of:(a) Any performing party; (b) The master or crew of the ship; (c) Employees of the carrier or a performing party; or (d) Any other person that performs or undertakes to perform any of the carrier's obligations under the contract of carriage, to the extent that the person acts, either directly or indirectly, at the carrier's request or under the carrier's supervision or control.
    ② United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly (The Rotterdam Rules) Article 17 (1):The carrier is liable for loss of or damage to the goods, as well as for delay in delivery, if the claimant proves that the loss, damage, or delay, or the event or circumstance that caused or contributed to it took place during the period of the carrier's responsibility as defined in chapter 4.
    ② Jonathan Gilman, Robert Merkin, Claire Blanchard et al.Armould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average.17th Edition.London:Sweet & Maxwell,2008:613.
    ③ D.Rhidian Thomas. Marine Insurance:the law in transition. London:Informa Law Mortimer House,2006: 58.
    ① Pan Atlantic Insurance Co.Ltd.v.Pine Top Insurnace Co.Ltd.[1994]2 Lloyd's Rep.427:430.
    ② Greenhill and Others v. Federal Insurance Company (1926) 24 L1.L.Rep.383.也可参见:张丽英,赵劲松、赵鹿军.中英海上保险法原理及判例比较研究.大连:大连海事大学出版社,2006:141.
    ①Greenhill and Others v. Federal Insurance Company (1926) 24 Ll.L.Rep.383也可参见:张丽英,赵劲松、赵鹿军.中英海上保险法原理及判例比较研究.大连:大连海事大学出版社,2006:142.
    ②[英IMalcolm A.Clarke保险合同法(3th Edition)何美欢、吴志攀等译.北京:北京大学出版社,2002:610.
    ①C.T.I.v.Oceanus[1984]1Lloyd's Rep:476.
    ②C.T.I.v.Oceanus[1982]2Lloyd's Rep:178.
    ②Howard Bennett. The law of marine insurance.Oxford:Oxford University Press 2006:2-3.
    ②[英]Malcolm A.Clarke保险合同法(3th Edition)何美欢、吴志攀等译.北京:北京大学出版社,2002:596.
    ②Jonathan Gilman, Robert Merkin,Claire Blanchard et al.Arnould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average.17th Edition.London:Sweet & Maxwell,2008:614.
    ① Jonathan Gilman, Robert Merkin,Claire Blanchard et al. Arnould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average.17th Edition.London:Sweet & Maxwell,2008:662.
    ② Jonathan Gilman, Robert Merkin,Claire Blanchard et al.Arnould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average.17th Edition.London:Sweet & Maxwell,2008:647.
    ①[]Malcolm A.Clarke.保险合同法(3th Edition)何美欢、吴志攀等译.北京:北京大学出版社,2002:596.
    ①Jane Andrewartha. English Maritime Law Update:2010. Journal of Maritime Law and commerce,2011(7):399.原文:According to thelnternational Chamber of Commerce's International Maritime Bureau (IMB) piracyattacks increased by 10% over 2009; the number of crew members taken hostageincreasing by over hundred.
    ① Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce,1998(1):39.也可参见:陈安主编:《国际经济法论丛》(第三卷).北京:法律出版社,2000:321-356.该书收录了此文的中文译本,李章军和陈辉煌合译的:《海上保险法之最大诚信原则——美国法与英国法之比较研究》.原文:the doctrine of utmost good faith still has utility in marine insurance because it fosters a high standard of care, economic efficiency, and lower premiums for assureds.
    ② Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce,1998(1):3.原文:The rule places the onuson the party with exclusive knowledge of circumstances affecting the risk todisclose so that the risks can be most precisely and cheaply evaluated. This should lead to lower costs for insurers and, ultimately, lower and more precisepremium costs for assureds.
    ② Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and commerce,1998(1):2.系文:1s the doctrine of utmost good faith necessary to the law of marine insurance or is it merely an anachronism left over from the distant past?
    ④ Jane Andrewartha. English Maritime Law Update:2010. Journal of Maritime Law and commerce,2011(7): 399.42JMARLC 399.原文:Most sectors of the shipping industry, however, continue to suffer from low demand and excess tonnage.
    ⑤D. Rhidian Thomas. Marine Insurance:the Law in Transition. London:Informa Law Mortimer House,2006: 54.
    ① Jonathan Gilman, Robert Merkin, Claire Blanchard et al. Arnould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average.17th Edition. London:Sweet & Maxwell,2008:540.
    ③ Jonathan Gilman, Robert Merkin, Claire Blanchard et al. Arnould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average.17th Edition. London:Sweet & Maxwell,2008:541.
    ④ Bates v. Hewitt, (1867) L.R.2Q.B.595.
    ⑥ Carter v.Boehm, (1766) 3Burr.1905.
    ① Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce,1998(1):6.原文:In 1879 the court in London Assurance v. Mansel held that the assured had a duty to disclose a fact even if he was unaware of its materiality to the insurer.
    ② Thomas J.Schoenbaum. The duty of utmost good faith in marine insurance law:a comparative analysis of American and English law. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce,1998(1):2.原文:Even in the field of insurance the doctrine has been largely abrogated in American law as to non-marine matters.
    ①HIH Casualty and General Insurance Ltd & Ors v Chase Manhattan Bank & Ors[2001]C.L.C1853.
    ② Howard Bennett. The law of marine insurance.Oxford:Oxford University Press 2006:183.
    ② Greenhill and Others v.Federal Insurance Company(1926)24L1.L.Rep.383; Liberian Insurance Agency Inc.v.Mosse[1977]2Lloyd's Rep.560; Pan Atlantic Insurance Co.Ltd.v.Pine Top Insurnace Co.Ltd.[1994]2 Lloyd's Rep.427.
    ① Howard Bennett. The law of marine insurance.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2006:103.
    ② Jonathan Gilman, Robert Merkin,Claire Blanchard et al.Arnould's Law of Marine Insurance and Average.17th Edition.London:Sweet & Maxwell,2008:613.
    ②第4款原文:If the policyholder fails to discharge his duty of disclosure as set out in para.1 above, the insurer may terminate the contract or propose an amendment to it. In the latter case, the assured may accept or reject the proposed amendment. If he rejects it, the insurer may terminate the contract. If the contract is terminated, the insurer will be obliged to pay any otherwise recoverable claim which arose prior to termination in proportion to the 'ration between the agreed premium and the premium and premium which a prudent insurer would have fixed if the policyholder had fulfilled his obligations under para.1'. However, if the insurer can demonstrate that the prudent insurer would not have accepted the risk on the terms proposed, then the insurer will not have to pay any claim.
    ①A. Mitchell Polinsky. Steven Shavell. Punitive Damages:An Economic Analysis.111Harv. L.Rev.1281 (1998):870.
    ②A. Mitchell Polinsky, Steven Shavell. Punitive Damages:An Economic Analysis.111Harv. L.Rev.1281 (1998):874.
    ③Mark A. Geistfeld. The Principle of Misalignment:Duty,Damages,and the Nature of Tort Liability. The Yale Law Journal,2011(10):180.
    ① Manifest Shipping Co.LTD. v. Uni-polaris Insurance Co.LTD.and la reunion europeenne [2001]1 Lloyd's Rep:389-390.
    ③关于惩罚性损害赔偿责任,可参见A. Mitchell Polinsky, Steven Shavell. Punitive Damages:An Economic Analysis. 111Harv. L.Rev.1281 (1998):869-962.
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