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The present study of foreign constitutional history of China has been focusing on constitutional histories of major developd countries including the USA, the UK, Germany, France and Japan. The study of the constitutional history of non-mainstream developed countries, i.e., those not in the leading position in international politics, economy, military affairs and cultural affairs, e.g., Sweden, is not sufficient. However, this implies that there is a great space for the academic community to explore in this field. As such, the auhthor believes that the constitutional history of Sweden is worth studying.
     Being one of the developed western countries, Sweden has a unique constitution and constitutional system which are drawing increasing attention from the international academic community. This is attributable to the following main characteristics of the Swedish constitution:one, it has a time-honored history; two, its development has been continuous and steady; three, Sweden has a unique constitutional cultural; and four, the evolution of the Swedish constitution is rooted in a unique social structure. In the study, the author came to know that the main reason that the Swedish constitution has such characterirtics is that since the very ancient times Sweden has had a highly stable and powerful nobility class. The chronical strife between raoyalty and nobility is the basic reason of the above-mentioned characteristics of the Swedish constitutional history.
     The emergence of the royal power manifests a strong characteristic of the primitive Germanic democracy institution, i.e., the royalty was elected by the upper tier aristocrats. The aristocrats dominated the elections. In the Middle Ages, the demand of wars gave rise to Fralse, a privileged nobility class. Later, the Swedish nobility acquired growing powers in military, economic and political spheres. Eventually the nobility and the royalty arrived at a state of dynamic but constant check and balance with each other. The formation of such balance of power provided a foundation as well as basic conditions for the early emergence and steady evolution of Swedish constitutions, and enabled Swedish constitutions to mature and develop in the course of struggles bewteen nobility and royal power. During this process, the political tradition of maining royal power of the Swedish nobility safeguarded the existence of the royal power; in the mean time, the nobility also tried to assert its privileged position by mainitaining the royal power and the king election tradition. Such tradition secured that the conflict between the nobility and the royal power had always been kept within an appropriate extent, even when the nobility was an orligarchy and the royal power was rather weak. With such a political culture and in the context of such evolutionary process of the constitution, in1809the Swedish nobility promulgated the1809constitution which is both progressive and concervative. From then on the Swedish constitution was ranked in modern constitutions. Another character of the Swedish nobility is that they can always strike an appropriate balance between progress and conservatism. This directly led to the drastic but peaceful struggle between the nobility and other classes in1866. The result of this struggle was the adoption of the reform plan of the Swedish parliament and termination of the social hierarchical system. Sweden entered into the age of general sufferage and the era of modern democracy.
     Comparing the relations between the Swedish nobility and the Swedish constitutional history and that in the UK, Germany and France, one can see that there is a similarity between the case of Sweden and that of the UK. Specifically, in history both their nobilities maintained a dynamic balance of power with their royal powers. In such relations, the nobility acted both as a guardian and as a checker of the royal power; it tried to maintain its privileged status while also learning to collaborate with the newly emerging bourgeois clsess in order to reinfornce its ruling status. In this sense the nobility of these two coutries both served as a buffer zone for class conflict. As a result, in both countries constitutional democracy was established. The situations in France and Germany are two extremes. The French nobility was wiped out of the political arena of France due to its weakness before the royal power and its hostility toward the bourgeois class, hence resulting in a highly revolutionary and unstable constitution. In Germany, on the contrary, as a result of the nobility's lasting prevelance over the royalty in political and military aspects, the nobility class was highly conservative during the bourgeois revolutionary era in the19th century. As a result, only by mid-19th century did Germany promulgate a nationa-wide constitution under the dominance of the nobility.
     The conclusion of the author is that the Swedish nobility had played a pivotal role in the formation of Sweden's constitutional culsture and constitutional history.
1Roger D. Congleton, Improving Democracy Through Constituional Reform-Some Swedish Lessons, Kluwer Academic Pusblishsers,2003, p.2.
    2Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.45.
    1Guy Halsall, Warfare and Society in the Barbarian West,450-900, Routledge,2003, London, p.89, and N. Lund, If the Vikings Knew a Leding-What Was It Like? in Bjorn Ambrosiani and Helen Clarke (eds.), Developments around the Baltic and the North Sea in the Viking Age, Birka Studies3, Riksantikvarieambetet and Statens Historiska Museer, Stockholm,1994, pp.98-105, and Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.241etel.
    2尽管如此,莱顿制作为一种古已有之的税制的理论并不是没有反对者,参见Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.251.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.252.
    4Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.254-255.
    5与雅尔意思相近的词语还有“赫提(Hertig)",意指军队首领,参见Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.184etel.
    1A. Schiick, Fran, Viby till Bjalbo:Studier I Sveriges historia under1100-talets senare halft, Fv.46,1951, P.214, andH. Fleetwood, Medeltida svenska kungasigill1-3, Stockholm,1947, pp.9-12.
    2Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.181.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.182-183.
    4Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.195-196.
    5David Abulafia (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume5, C.1198-C.1300, Cambridge University Press,1999, p.724andp.730.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.257etel.
    2一有说1280年前后,参见David Abulafia (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume5, C.1198-C.1300, Cambridge University Press,1999, p.730.
    3[英]梅特兰(Maitland, F.W.)等:《欧陆法律史概览》,屈文生等译,上海人民出版社,2008,第404页。
    4有学者认为,弗雷尔塞的出现并非意味着创造了一个阶级,而是界定了一个阶级,参见Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.96.
    6Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.96.
    1[英]梅特兰(Maitland, F.W.)等:《欧陆法律史概览》,屈文生等译,上海人民出版社,2008,第408页。
    2Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, p.155.
    1Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts p.31.
    2Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.70.
    1Wikipedia, Swedish nobility, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_nobility, July10,2012.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.74.
    2Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.74-75.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.73.
    4Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.180.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.185.
    2Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.187.
    1Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp.36-38.
    1FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.58etseg.
    1Ivan Svalenius, Gustav Vasa, Wahlstrmom&Widstrand,1950, Stockholm, p.122.
    2FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.65.
    1David Abulafia (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume5, C.1198-C.1300, Cambridge University Press,1999, p.730.
    3David Abulafia (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume5, c.1198-c.1300, Cambridge University Press,1999, pp.724and730.
    4David Abulafia (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume5, c.1198-c.1300, Cambridge University Press,1999, pp.724and731.
    1Elof Hellquist, Svensk Etymologisk ordbok1-2, C. W. K. Gleerups Forlag, Lund,1957, pp.496-498, and Peterson Lena, Svenskt runordsregister. Runron:Runologiska bidrag utgvna av Institutionen for nordiska sprak vid Uppsala universitet2, Uppsala,1994, p.28.
    2FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.25.
    1Richard Hall, Epxloring the World of the Vikings, Thames&Hudson, London,2007, p.33.
    2Neander Nicolas Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Neander Nicolas Cronholm, Chicago, New York and London,1902, pp.28-29.
    1Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.84.
    2Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, pp.58-60.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.201-202.
    1Byron J. Nordstrom, The History of Sweden, Greenwood Press, London,2002, p.26.
    3Paul Henri Mallet, Northern Antiquities:or, A Historical Account of The Manners, Customs, Religion and Laws, Maritime Expeditions and Discoveries, Language and Literature of the Ancient Scandinavians, translated by Bishop Percy, AMS Press, Inc.,1968, New York, pp.122-123.
    4Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.82.
    2Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.82.
    3Peter Sawyer, Nar Sverige blev Sverige, Alingsas, Sweden, Viktoria Bokforlag,1991.
    1Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, P.89.
    2Eric Christiansen, Norsemen in the Viking Age, Wiley-Blackwell,2002, P.164.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, P.60.
    2不过,瑞典全国性疆域的永久性统一是在12世纪实现的,参见Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.90.
    3Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.90.
    4Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.101.
    5Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.275.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.51.
    2Byron J. Nordstrom, The History of Sweden, Greenwood Press, London,2002, p.26.
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.23.
    4[英]梅特兰(Maitland, F.W.)等:《欧陆法律史概览》,屈文生等译,上海人民出版社,2008,第402页。
    1Stefan Brink, Law and Legal Customs in Viking Age Scandinavia, The Scandinavians from the Vendel Period to the Tenth Century-An Ethnographic Perspective, The Boydell Press Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Stress, Woodbridge,2002, p.91.
    3Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, pp.23-24.
    4Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.98
    1Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.108.
    2Lotte Hedeagar, Iron Age Societies, From Tribe to State in Northern Europe,500BC to AD700, translated by John Hines, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford UK and Cambridge USA,1992, p.173.
    1[英]梅特兰(Maitland, F.W.)等:《欧陆法律史概览》,屈文生等译,上海人民出版社,2008,第404页。
    2[英]梅特兰(Maitland, F.W.)等:《欧陆法律史概览》,屈文生等译,上海人民出版社,2008,第407页。
    4在斯堪第纳维亚地区,这种代表早期议会组织形式的出现时间几乎与欧洲其他地方同时,参见Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.96.
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.26.
    2Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, pp.30-31.
    2Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, p.104.
    1Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, p.116.
    1FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.30
    2Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, p.25.
    3“他们(指维京人)不以承担社会义务为耻,不惧道德上的禁忌,他们也不屑于经济上的富有和自己身体的安全。但他们有明晰的对错观念,且这种观念具有审美的特点。如果他们的所为可以成为趣味横生的故事加以叙述述,则对他们而言这种行为就是正确的和美好的”,参见Eric Linklater, The Ultimate Viking, Macmillan, London,1955, pp.8-11,63and124.
    4FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.31.
    1Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, p.22.
    2Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, pp.23-24.
    2Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.35.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.273.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.288etel.
    2J.W. Bernhardt, Itinerant Kindship and Royal Monasteries in Early Medieval Germany c.936-1075, Cambridge,1993, pp.60-64.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.289.
    4Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.268.
    5Henrik Schiick, Uppsala6d, Uppsala Universitets Arskrift,1914, pp.1-37.
    6Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.292.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.296.
    2Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.74.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.74-75.
    4Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.73.
    5DubyG., France in the Middle Ages, Oxford,1991,980-1460, pp.199-204.
    1I. Lindquist, Vastgotalagens litterara bilagor:Medeltida svensk smaberat telsekonst pa poesi och prosa, Skrifter utgivna an Vetenskaps-Societeten i Lund26, Lund,1941, pp.55-60.
    2Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, pp.105-107.
    3关于托尼的介绍,参见Snorre Sturlason, Heimskringla, or The Lives of The Norse Kings, Dover Publications,1990, p.282etel.
    4Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.z7.
    1Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.49.
    2Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.50.
    3如早期的斯维兰可能同时存在不止一位国王或者根本没有国王的状态,所以可能一种具有互利关系的分散性权力结构更适合这种社会的存续和发展,参见Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.53-54.
    4Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.38.
    5Peter Sawyer, Nar Sverige blev Sverige, Alingsas, Sweden, Viktoria Bokforlag,1991.
    6Byron J. Nordstrom, The History of Sweden, Greenwood Press, London,2002, p.26.
    3Stefan Brink, Law and Legal Customs in Viking Age Scandinavia, The Scandinavians from the Vendel Period to the Tenth Century an Ethnographic Perspective, The Boydell Press Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Stress San Marino, Woodbridge,2002, p.87,90and etel.
    4Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, p.125.
    1Neander N. Cronholm, A History of Sweden, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Vol. I), Chicago, New York and London,1902, p.29.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.472.
    1Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.80.
    2Byron J. Nordstrom, The History of Sweden, Greenwood Press, London,2002, p.36.
    3Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.26.
    3Michael Jones (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume6, C.1300-C.1415, Cambridge University Press,2000, p.719.
    4Roger D. Congleton, Improving Democracy Through Constituional Reform-Some Swedish Lessons, Kluwer Academic Pusblishsers, ed., Dortrecht and London,2003, pp.2-3.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.56-57.
    2Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.61.
    1Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.474.
    2Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.92.
    3Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.265.
    1David Luscombe and Jonathan Riley-Smith (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume5, C.1024-C.1198, Cambridge University Press,2004, p.503.
    2Wikipedia, Beowulf, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf, July15,2012.但也有观点认为《贝奥武夫》只是虚构的文学作品,因此不能作为历史研究的可靠证据,参见Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden, andBodton,2007, P.45, R. T. FARRELL, BEOWULF, SWEDES AND GEATS. VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTHERN RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON,1972, at http://vsnrweb-publications.org.uk/Beowulf%20Swedes%20andGeats.pdf, July15,2012, and Wikipedia, Beowulf, athttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf#cite_note-Norton30-57, July15,2012.此外,也有观点认为《贝奥武夫》所记载的历史事件是事实与虚构的结合,参见Jerker Rosen, Svensk historia,1, Tidenfore,1718, Stockholm, Bonnier,1962, p.89; Elias Wessen, De nordiska folkstammarna I Beowulf, K. in vitterhets och antikvitets akademiens handlinger, Stockholm,1927, p.36; Bernice Grohskopf, The Treasure of Sutton Hoo, New York, Atheneum,1970; R. L. S. Bruce-Mitford, The Sutton-Hoo ship-burial, appendix to R. H. Hodgkin, History of the Anglo-Saxons,~(3)rd etal, Oxford, Clarendon,1952, pp.696-734.
    4M.H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et el, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume1:The Middle Ages through the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century, New York, W.W. Norton&Company,2006, p.30.
    5Birgit Sawyer and Peter Sawyer, Medieval Scandinavia from Conversion to Reformation, circa800-1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London,1993, p.39.
    1Lotte Hedeagar, Iron Age Societies, From Tribe to State in Northern Europe,500BC to AD700, translated by John Hines, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford UK and Cambridge USA,1992, p.173.
    1[瑞典]安德生:《瑞典史》,苏公隽译,商务印书馆,1963年版,第77页,以及Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.48.
    4Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.190.
    1Roger D. Congleton, Improving Democracy Through Constituional Reform-Some Swedish Lessons, Kluwer Academic Pusblishsers, Boston, Dortrecht and London,2003, p.21.
    2[瑞典]安德生:《瑞典史》,苏公隽译,商务印书馆,1963年版,第61-62页,and Philip Line, Kingship and State Formationin Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.197.
    3PhiliLine认为这一传统的起源时间和形成过程尚无定论,Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.197.
    4Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, pp.199-200.
    5Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.198.
    6Philip Line, Kingship and State Formation in Sweden1130-1290, Birll, Leiden and Bodton,2007, p.200, E. Sjoholm, Sveriges medeltidslagar, Europisk rattstradition I politisk omvandling, Skrifter utgivna av Institutet for rattshistorisk forskning, Rattshistoriskt bibliotek41, Lund,1988, J. A. Hellstrom, Biskop och landskapssamhalle i tidig svensk medeltid, Skrifter utgivna av Institutet for rattshistorisk forskning, Serien I, Rattshistoriskt bibliotek16, Stockholm, pp.245-254, and E. Lonnroth, De akta folkungarnas program, nytr. i Fran svensk medeltid, Stockholm,1959, p.20.
    2Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, pp.25-26.
    1Michael Jones (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume6, C.1300-C.1415, Cambridge University Press,1st edition,2000, p.719.亦有称为《特权法案》(Letter of Priviledge)者,参见Roger D. Congleton, Improving Democracy Through Constituional Reform-Some Swedish Lessons, Kluwer Academic Pusblishsers, Boston, Dortrecht and London,2003, p.2.
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997,1997, p.23, and Roger D. Congleton, Perfecting Parliament-Constitutinal Reform, Liberalism, and the Rise of Western Democracy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,2011, p.370.
    2参与“孔加巴尔肯”章节起草的,有一位在瑞典历史上非常著名的人物——圣伯伊塔(Saint Birgitta)。她出身贵族,是中世纪时期,也是瑞典历史上非常有名的圣徒。在马格努斯四世同富豪们发生冲突时,伯伊塔同情贵族,且从未放弃支持贵族的政见。她赞同一种以宪法原则为基础的贵族政治,反对马格努斯·埃里克逊加强王廷权力的不断尝试。她的这种政见,在1319年推举国王和起草“兰德斯拉”的“孔加巴尔肯”时,她进行了明确的阐述。有关圣伯伊塔的生平,可参见[瑞典]安德生:《瑞典史》,苏公隽译,商务印书馆,1963年版,第83-96页,以及The municipality of Vadstena in Sweden, Sancta Birgitta, at http://birgitta.vadstena.se/, July112012.
    3Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, pp.24-25.
    1Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.111,以及[瑞典]安德生:《瑞典史》,苏公隽译,商务印书馆,1963年版,第79页。
    3Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.77.
    1Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.76.
    3但后者从未被正式批准实施,参见Christopher Allmand (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume7, C.1415-C.1500, Cambridge University Press,1998, p.676.
    1FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.88.
    2恩格尔布雷克特(Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson)不是普通大众的代表,而是贵族的代表。他领导起义的真正原因是德国统治者的高税收除了损害瑞典下层民众的利益外,也损害了瑞典贵族的利益,参见The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.9.尽管如此,恩格尔布雷克特在一定意义上首创了民主制度。1435年1月,恩格尔布雷克特召集全国四等级的代表在阿尔伯加(Arboga)召开大会(这次大会后来被称为瑞典第一次“各等级全体大会”(Riksdag of the Estates,虽然目前尚无史料证实农民的代表是否真正出席了这次大会)。在恩格尔布雷克特死后的1436年,还在乌普萨拉召开了一次国会大会。因此,恩格尔布雷克特领导的起义标志着一种在一定程度上有农民阶级参与政治的民主制度的开端,参见Wikipedia, Engelbrekt rebellion, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engelbrecht_rebellion, July18,2012.
    2不过瑞典贵族也作出了让步,包括允许埃里克任命外国人管理斯德哥尔摩、卡尔玛和尼克平三地,参见FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.92.
    1FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.87.
    1Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.85.
    2David Abulafia (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History:Volume5, c.1198-c.1300, Cambridge University Press,1999, p.724.
    3Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.113.
    4Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, pp.114-116.
    2Roger D. Congleton, Perfecting Parliament-Constitutinal Reform, Liberalism, and the Rise of Western Democracy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,2011, p.369.
    2FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.93.
    1Michael Roberts, The Early Vasas:A History of Sweden1523-1611, Cambridge University Press,1968, pp.192-194.
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.51.
    2Nils herlitz, Sweden:A Modern Democracy on Ancient foundations, the Universiy of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis,1939, pp.4-5.
    3FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.185.
    4FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.186.
    5Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.56.
    2Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.164.
    3Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.183.
    4这体现了奥克森斯提尔纳意欲将贵族阶级转化为官僚阶级的意图,参见Leon Jespersen (ed.), A Revolution from Above? The Power State of~(16)th and~(17)th Century Scandinavia, Odense University Press,2000, p.75.
    1Wikipedia, Great Officers of the Realm, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Officers_of_the_Realm, July18,2012.
    1Nils Herlitz, Sweden:A Modern Democracy on Ancient foundations, the Universiy of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis,1939, pp.13-14, and Byron J. Nordstrom, Scandinavia Since1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London, pp.80-82.
    2古斯塔夫二世的去世,使1611年的宪章失去了作为国王和贵族之间的契约的作用。这也是1634年贵族等级必须制定1634年宪法的重要原因之一,参见Nils herlitz, Sweden:A Modern Democracy on Ancient foundations, the Universiy of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis,1939, p.4.
    3Nils Herlitz, Sweden:A Modern Democracy on Ancient foundations, the Universiy of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis,1939, p.14. Modern Democracy on Ancient foundations, the Universiy of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis,1939, pp.17-19.
    3Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.147.
    4Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.148.
    1关于法国16世纪的政体情况,参见Wikipedia, Ancien Regime, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancien_R%C3%A9gime#Administration, July18,2012.
    1A parliamentary system is a system of government in which the ministers of the executive branch get their democratic legitimacy from the legislature and are accountable to that body, such that the executive and legislative branches are intertwined, Wikipedia, Parliamentary system, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary system, July18,2012and Wikipedia, History of Parliamentarism, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History of Parliamentarism, July18,2012.
    2Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parliamentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.85.
    3Wikipedia, Swedish nobility, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish nobility, July18,2012.
    4从16世纪开始,瑞典的贵族阶级包括士绅阶层,参见The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.48.
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.81.
    2Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.241.
    3即使就国会中代表各等级的所有代表的人数而言,其也仅代表了占瑞典总人口7%的人口,参见Byron J. Nordstrom, Scandinavia Since1500,University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis-London, p.107.
    4Roger D. Congleton, Perfecting Parliament-Constitutinal Reform, Liberalism, and the Rise of Western Democracy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,2011, p.377.
    5Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, pp.76-77and83.
    1Gothe Erik, THE SWEDISH TRADITION OF FREEDOM OF PRESS, at http://www.fecl.org/circular/1507.htm, July21,2012.
    4Steven Koblik (ed.), Sweden's Development from Poverty to Affluence,1750-1970, translated by Joanne Johnson, University of Minnesota Press, Mineapolis,1975, p.31.
    1Steven Koblik (ed.), Sweden's Development from Poverty to Affluence,1750-1970, translated by Joanne Johnson, University of Minnesota Press, Mineapolis,1975, p.32.
    2Byron J. Nordstrom, Scandinavia Since1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis-London, p.108.此外,在两派的党争之中,所谓“特权”问题,演变成为派系冲突的导火索和斗争工具。该时期的激烈辩论,促生了寻求确立民众权利的民主思想的萌芽,参见[瑞典]安德生:《瑞典史》,苏公隽译,商务印书馆,北京,1972年,第400-402页。
    3Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, p.40.在自由时代,瑞典国会中的贵族等级代表组成了所谓的“贵族院”(House of Nobility)。
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parliamentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, P.82; Byron J. Nordstrom, Scandinavia Since1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis-London, p.122.
    2Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, P.156; Lars Magnusson, An Economic History of Sweden, Routledge,2000, London and New York, pp.57-58.
    3Lars Magnusson, An Economic History of Sweden, Routledge,2000, London and New York, P.48-50.
    4Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, P.13; Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp.141-143.
    5Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, p.156.
    1Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, p.152.
    3Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.81.
    1A. D. Harvey, Gustav III of Sweden:The Forgotten Despot of the Age of Enlightenment, at http://www.historytoday.com/ad-harvey/gustav-iii-sweden-forgotten-despot-age-enlightenment, July21,2012.
    2Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, pp.15-58.
    3Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parliamentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.85.
    4Wikipedia, Swedish Constitution of1772, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish Constitution of1772, July21,2012.
    1Roger D. Congleton, Perfecting Parliament-Constitutinal Reform, Liberalism, and the Rise of Western Democracy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,2011, p.386.
    1FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.295.
    1Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.296; H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.303.
    3Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, P.295; Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.119.
    1互动在线,大陆封锁,at http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E5%A4%A7%E9%99%86%E5%BO%81%E9%94%81, July21,2012.
    2Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, pp.51-56.
    2Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, pp.15-58.
    1Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, p.280.
    2Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, p.287-288.
    3Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, P.287.
    4Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, P.280and292.
    5Wikipedia, Gustav Ⅳ Adolf of Sweden, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_IV_Adolf_of_Sweden, July21,2012.
    1Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.131.
    2因为其他农民只穿瓦德麦尔呢布,参见Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.143.
    3Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, p.143.
    2Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, pp.276-279.
    1Michael Roberts, The Age of Liberty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986, pp.211-212.
    1关于启蒙运动在西方的影响,参见World History Center, The Age of Enlightenment, at http://history-wor ld.org/age of enlightenment.htm, July22,2012; Encyclop(?)dia Britannica, Inc., Enlightenment, at http://ww w.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/188441/Enlightenment, July22,2012.
    2Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp.131-132and141-142.
    3Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, p.13.
    1Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, p.46.
    2从1762年开始,瑞典国会的贵族院宣布不再接纳出身于新贵族家庭者成为贵族院成员,参见Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, pp.13-14.
    3Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, pp.29,41,43and47.
    4Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, p.28.
    3Wikipedia, Liberalism, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism, July22,2012.
    4Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, P.48; Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in aParlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.81.
    1Charlotta Wolff, Noble Conceptions of Politics in Eighteen-century Sweden (Ca1740-1790), Historical15, Studia Fennica, Finnish Literature Society,2008, pp.56and59.
    2Olof Petersson, The Swedish1809Constitution, at http://www.google.com.hk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=The%2BSwedish%2B1809%2BConstitution&source=web&cd=3&ved=OCDsQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.olofpetersson.se%2F arkiv%2Fskrifter%2Frf1809.pdf&ei=~(1N)~(2tT) uimKo-uiQe25cy3Dw&usg=AFQjCNEIF81Q31ypPlc8vKUJ-qU4piZ3GQ&cad=rjt, July22,2012.
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997,p.121;[瑞典]安德生:《瑞典史》,苏公隽译,商务印书馆,北京,1972年,第455页。
    2Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.297.
    1Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.296.
    2古斯塔夫四世登基后,专制政体日益受到猛烈反对,特别在国会的贵族院中更是如此,甚至几个年纪较轻的贵族代表(自称为“雅各宾派”)作出了一种激进的姿态表示对封建专制的反对,即宣布放弃贵族称号——其中就有汉斯·雅尔塔(后称为“雅塔”),参见Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.123。
    3H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986,P.303.这一说法似乎同时佐证了前述关于1809年宪法委员会全部由十五名贵族成员组成的说法。
    4Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.298.
    5Byron J. Nordstrom:The History of Sweden, Greenwood Press, Westport, Connnecticut and London,2002, p.66; Byron J. Nordstrom, Scandinavia Since1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis-London, p.177.
    3Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.297.
    4[英]尼尔·肯特:《瑞典史》,吴英译,中国大百科全书出版社,北京,2010,第151页。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/50432.htm), July22,2012.
    1[瑞典]安德生:《瑞典史》,苏公隽译,商务印书馆,北京,1972年,第414页和第448页。 1809ars regeringsform", in Brundin and Isberg, Maktbalans och kontrollmakt, P.232-372,转引自Olof Petersson, The Swedish1809Constitution, at http://www.google.com.hk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=The%2BSwedish%2B1809%2BConstitution&source=web&cd=3&ved=OCDsQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.olofpetersson.se%2F arkiv%2Fskrifter%2Frf1809.pdf&ei=~(1N)~(2tT) uimKo-uiOe25cy3Dw&usg=AFQjCNEIF81Q31ypPlc8vKUJ-qU4piZ3GO&cad=rjt, July22,2012.
    3Wikipedia, History of the Riksdag, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Riksdag, July22,2012.
    1原名Hans Hierta(1774-1847),参见Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.123.
    2H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, P.286; Byron J. Nordstrom, Scandinavia Since1500, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis-London, p.177.
    3Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.296.
    4H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.286.
    5H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.286.
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, pp.23-24.
    3H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.286.
    4Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.123. Press,1977, p.299.
    2Nils Andren, Five Roads to Parliamentary Democracy, in:Patrik Engellau and Ulf Henning (ed.), Nordiac Views and Values, The Nordia Council,1984, Gothenburg, p.41.
    3Patrick Engellau, A System out of Harmany with its Values, in:Patrik Engellau and Ulf Henning (ed.), Nordiac Views and Values, The Nordia Council,1984, Gothenburg, pp.56-59.
    41809年宪法直到1974年才被替换,参见Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.121.
    1Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.122.
    2Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden, Harvard University Press,1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp.141-142.
    3H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, pp.305-306.
    1H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.306.
    2Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.127; H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, pp.305-306.
    1H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.289.
    2H. Arnold Barton, Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era,1760-1815, University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.289.
    1Steven Koblik (ed.), Sweden's Development from Poverty to Affluence,1750-1970, translated by Joanne Johnson, University of Minnesota Press, Mineapolis,1975, p.64.
    1FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, pp.335-336.
    1FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.335.
    3Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.133.
    4Franklin D. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.133.
    2Louis Gerhard De Geer, Minnen2, Stockholm,1892, p.37.
    3FranklinD. Scott, Sweden-the Nation's History, University of Minnesota Press,1977, p.393.
    3Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.153.
    4Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.153.
    5Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.154etel.
    2Stig Hadenius, The Riksdag in Focus-Swedish History in a Parlaimentary Perspective, Sveriges Riksdag,1997, p.127.
    1李秀清:《日尔曼法研究》,商务印书馆,2005,北京,第451-456页;何勤华主编:《外国法制史》,法律出版社,2007年,第104-106页。 Inc., social institution, at http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/551266/social-institution, July22,2012.
    1Martin van Gelderen and Quentin Skinner (ed.), Republicanism:Volume1, Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe:A Shared European Heritage, Cambridge University Press,2002, p.291.
    1邢来顺:《近代以来德国贵族政治特权的延续及其原因》,载《世界历史》2011年02期。 参见Athanasios Moulakis, Civic Humanism, at http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/humanism-civic/, July22,2012.
    1Martin van Gelderen and Quentin Skinner (ed.), Republicanism:Volume1, Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe:A Shared European Heritage, Cambridge University Press,2002, p.290.
    2Wikipedia, Francois Fenelon, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois F%C3%A9nelon, July22,2012.
    3百度百科,克劳德·昂列·圣西门,at http://baike.baidu.com/view/129568.htm, July22,2012.
    4Wikipedia, Henri de Boulainvilliers, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_de_Boulainvilliers, July22,2012.
    4Doina Pasca Harsanyi, A RESILIENT ELITE:SURVIVAL AND DECADENCE, in Scandinavian Journal of History Vol.30, No.3/4., Routledge, part of the Taylor&Francis Group,2005, pp.286-297.
    5Thomas Beck, The French Revolution and the Nobility:A Reconsideration, Journal of Social History, Vol.15, No.2, Oxford University Press,1981, p.228.
    1. Abrams, M.H., and Greenblatt, Stephen et el, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume1:The Middle Ages through the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century, W.W. Norton&Company,2006
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