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Economic globalization and regional economic integration are the trend of world development nowadays. Then opening up is an important prerequisite for a country’s economic development. During 30 years’reform and opening up, our economy has achieved a rapid development. Some outstanding features which appear in economic development have drawn extensive attention in the academic community. First, foreign trade and foreign direct investments develop rapidly; second, trade openness has a more obvious effect on China’s economic development; third, technical progress has become a key factor in a country’s economic growth in the long term. The report of the 17th conference of the Party explicitly pointed out that“we need to expand the width and depth of opening up and improve the level of an open economy”. Based on this, this paper is going to do a research on the relationship between trade openness and our country’s economic growth and the mechanism that trade openness promotes our country’s economic growth through linkage spillovers.
     Firstly, a codification and integration has been made about the studies of measurement of trade openness and the relationship between trade openness and economic growth home and abroad. There are common defects existing in kinds of indicators about trade openness. As regards to the relationship between the trade openness and economic growth in theory, many scholars share similar opinion. However, they differ in conclusions made through empirical studies. Although using the ratio of dependence on foreign trade to measure trade openness gives rise to great controversy, the research made in this article suggests that the ratio of dependence on foreign trade is still a preferable indicator to measure the degree of our country’s trade openness. Since reform and opening up, China's economic growth mainly depends on the factor inputs. Moreover, trade openness promotes China's economic growth by improving the factor productivity. Therefore, to strengthen the impact of human capital accumulation, trade openness and technology on our country's economic growth is the key to maintain the long-term economic growth in our economy henceforth.
     Secondly, factor inputs (especially capital inputs) are the main driving force for China's economic growth, and government expenditure (especially in recent years) is one of the major sources for capital inputs in our country. So in this paper the government expenditure is specified into seven categories to examine the relationship between trade openness and our government expenditure and to point out that the relationship mentioned changes according to the different functions of the government expenditure. At present, our government expenditure is still focused on the construction projects which are conductive to expand consumption and wages paid to the public service provider and other inputs. While inputs to education, social security, social welfare and so on are relatively insufficient. It weakens the government's macro-control function and power to some extent. At the same time it is not beneficial to the sustainable development of economy under open circumstance.
     Thirdly, this paper further analyzes that the trade openness (import and export trade) promotes our country’s technological improvement, enhances our country’s regional technological innovation ability and then promotes China’s economic growth mechanisms through linkage spillovers. Using the Panel data of 17 manufacturing industries in China and their imports and exports to 16 OECD countries and 1997’s and 2002’s input-output tables, this article investigates the forward and backward linkage spillovers in our import and export trade companies. The study shows that China's export trade enterprises bring out positive backward linkage spillovers by purchasing semi finished products and services from the non-export trade enterprises of the upper industries. And import trade enterprises bring out positive forward linkage spillovers by purchasing semi finished products and services from the non-export trade enterprises of the downstream industries. While in import and export trade enterprises, the horizontal linkage spillovers are not obvious. Because of the differences in the structures of import and export among our country and the United States, Japan, Korea and other OECD country, there are apparent differences in linkage spillovers among our country and the enterprises in theses counties or economies.
     By constructing the input-output function in R & D activities and empirical examining the effect that the import and export trade brings to China's regional technological innovation ability, the study proves that: import and export trade has a positive impact on our country’s regional technological innovation; import and export trade has become an important factor to raise regional innovation ability. Due to the imbalance development of import and export trade in different regions of our country, the impact of import and export trade on our country’s regional technological innovation is strongest in the east regions, central regions less, western areas least. Imbalance in regional economic development leads to non-equilibrium in theirs’ research and development abilities. Different R&D input structures in various regions give birth to different effects of R&D input to the technological innovation in those regions. At the same time, for the reason that China's R & D inputs and researchers fail to combine effectively; our country's regional R & D investment has not been fully and effectively utilized.
    ①在Edwards( 1992)文中除了包含Leamer( 1988)的六个开放度指标外还包括Dollar(1991)价格扭曲指标、世界银行1987对外导向型指标的两个方面、De long &Summers(1991)的保护的效率指标、平均关税率、黑市交易费用及标准偏差、NTBs等8个其它的指标。
    ①除Cameron(1978)以外,早期的研究,如Saunder & Klau(1985)也发现了在OECD国家中,贸易开放度和政府公共部门消费之间存在联系;
    ①采用时间序列分析:①可以捕捉变量随时间变化的信息;②正如Molana et al(2004)所提到的,不仅可以克服数据异质性问题,还可以克服截面数据时间纬度短缺的问题;③可以把变量之间的联系作为一个过程来考察。
    ②转引自李子奈,现代计量经济学与2003年诺贝尔经济学奖,《中国经济研究通讯》, 2004.4,总第171期;
    ③参考王少平,《宏观计量的若干前沿理论与应用》,南开大学出版社,2003.9, P87;
    ①在此处,基于本文的分析目的,我们略去了有关政府国防支出的讨论。有关何种经济变量会影响到国防支出的更多讨论可以参考Sandler & Hartley (1995)。
    ①其它作者对技术进步的处理方式也较为类似。如Lewi(s 1954)、Fei and Rani(s 1961)以及Jorgenson(1966)就已强调技术进步对经济发展的重要性,并且考虑了不同部门间技术进步率差异。然而这些研究都忽略了技术进步是如何产生的内在机理,即技术进步只是一个随时间稳定变化的外生变量。
    ②虽然我们将技术外溢主要定义为研发成果在各国间的扩散与转移,然而正如众多文献所指出的,广义的技术外溢并不仅仅指生产技术的外溢效应,还应包括管理经验的传播、营销网络的拓展、人力资源的培训等广义的外溢行为。Caves (1998)则给出了技术外溢的经济学定义,即技术外溢是“外资企业的边际社会收益高出自身边际收益的部分”。
    ①UNCTAD(2001)指出FDI的溢出包括水平链接(horizontal linkage)溢出和垂直链接(vertical linkage)溢出,其中水平链接溢出主要通过示范效应、竞争效应和人员流动效应等途径发生,一般发生在产业内或行业内;垂直链接溢出又包括后向链接(backward linkage)溢出和前向链接(forward linkage)溢出,主要指外商投资企业与国内企业之间通过供应链的关系而产生的外部效应,一般发生在产业间。
    ③Lin & Saggi (2003)指出FDI企业对当地企业通过后向链接的影响在两个方面可能出现矛盾,首先它能对中间产品创造需求(需求效应);然而由于当地企业与跨国FDI企业竞争可能措施当地企业减少产出,这样就会减少当地企业自己对中间产品的需求(竞争效应),如果竞争效应超过了需求效应,则会产生负面的外溢效应。
    ①有关Hausman统计量的构造可参考Wooldridge Jeffrey M. ,2001, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data . Chapter 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    ①有关Hausman统计量的构造可参考Wooldridge Jeffrey M. ,2001, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data . Chapter 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    ①有关Hausman统计量的构造可参考Jeffrey M. Wooldridge(2001), Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. Chapter 10.
    ①OLS和Poisson与Negative Binomial模型的系数不具有可比性,而且他们具有极为不同的含义。详细介绍请参阅:J.M伍德里奇.计量经济学导论-现代观点,中国人民大学出版社,2003,pp,528-529.
    ①由于Poisson分布对于数据的要求十分苛刻,既使负二项式分布扩展了其原假设:E(y)= Variance(y),但是负二项分布对于超离散(over-dispersion)的计数数据(count data)能否建立一个合适的模型也是很值得怀疑的(Jie Q.Guo & Pravin K.Trivedi,2002),本文对此作了一个大胆的尝试。
    ②有关Hausman统计量的构造可参考Jeffrey M. Wooldridge: Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. Chapter 10.在下文的估计中,我们也给出了LM统计量,目的是能更好的检验采用FE还是RE更合适;
    ③LM统计量在本文中主要用于检验模型的随机效应,参见Greene(4),chapter14, pp572;
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