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The modern seed market reform in China has been lasting for more than ten years; however theoverall market remained in the initial stages of the industrial development of the seed industry. The threeparts of modern seed industry did not integrate until2000when the market-oriented reform began. Atpresent, China has more than6900licensed seed companies and the size of the market of the world'ssecond characterlized with low concentration, low profit level and weak competition strength. Henan isagricultural province, responsible for one over ten of the country's grain production tasks.As a microcosmof China's agricultural development; the development of modern seed industry in Henan is facing themore prominent problems and challenges.
     Using the theory of industrial organization, with the reseach frame of “market structure, marketconduct and market performance”(SCP), the modern seed industry market structure in Henan provinceis analyzed. On the basis of empirical research with the panel data of seed enterprises in henan province in2008-2011, the pape gets that the enterprise efficiency is the main factor that influences the performanceof the market, and the new empirical industrial organization theory and empirical market monopolytheory is more suitable for the interpretation of the modern seed industry in Henan province. According tothe results, this article puts forward the optimum path of modern seed industry in Henan province. Thepaper mainly draws the following conclusions:
     1. The seed industry in Henan Province has experienced the planned economy period ofstate-owned enterprises after the monopoly market structure, the development of modern seed industry isgradually realize the transition of complete competition to monopoly competition market structure.
     2. Dynamic relationship exists between market structure and conduct of the modern seed industry inHenan Province. Dispersion of excessive competition under the market structure makes variety rights toseed the essence of the competition between enterprises in Henan province, which affected the highermarket concentration in a certain extent.
     3. The market structure of Henan province doesn't directly impact on market performance, the scale,efficiency and markup of the seed companies’ are the direct factor affecting the market performance.Based on the panel data, using DEA and its smoothing method, the paper validates the NEIO marketmonopoly theory hypothesis conditions more fully, which means that enterprise performance of modernseed industry in Henan province is mainly based on the enterprise scale, efficiency, and formed the basisof market forces.“Efficiency” and “Structuralism”only partly explain the relationship between firm sizeand efficiency.
     4. In this paper, the core of the modern seed industry market structure in Henan province is the“scale”and “efficiency”.
     Supported by theories of the “Marshall conflicts”, the theory of firm scale and product heterogeneityof Harvard School, and the theory of efficiency heterogeneity theory of Chicago School and the theory ofmultiple boundary of the New Experiment Industry Organization (NEIO).The implementation strategyof policy of market optimization is to influence of the structural characteristics, thereby to optimize thebasic form of market structure. The optimization policy works on this way that: by adjusting the firmscales to rationalize the market structure; by improving enterprise efficiency to upgrade the marketstructure.
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