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Agricultural machinery is the important material base of the development of modern agriculture. the agricultural mechanization is the important sign of agricultural modernization. Agricultural mechanization investment is important guarantee, which to promote agricultural mechanization development. Current, a very prominent problem is the agricultural mechanization investment gross is insufficient and the investment efficiency is not high, which agriculture mechanization development is faced with in our country. The main contents of this paper is combined with the actual Hubei, to qualitatively and quantitatively theoretical analysis some factors which effect agricultural mechanization investment behavior and efficiency on the basis of a series analysis in the field of the agricultural mechanization investment, to Establish investment system and operation mechanism which is sound suitable for the development of agricultural mechanization in china.
     In this paper, some related concepts are defined including the agricultural machinery and agricultural mechanization, agricultural investment and agricultural mechanization investment, investment and public investment, agricultural support and agricultural protection, public products and public finance. Some rules and theories are systematically elaborated including public investment and economic growth, the theory of externality of agricultural mechanization and the theory of government intervention, agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy and system economics theory, investment benefit and the social welfare economics theory, the relevant rules and theories of WTO "agricultural agreement". Domestic and foreign developed country and developing country agriculture mechanization investment system are analyzed, Some proposal and reference are provided to agriculture mechanization investment management for our country from the perfect legal system, perfect mechanism, strengthen supervision and the establishment of guarantee mechanism. Taking Hubei as an example, empirical analysis is conducted which is influencing factors of the farmer agricultural mechanization investment and government agricultural mechanization investment behavior which is characterized by agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy. Using gray correlation analysis method, from the perspective of quantitative analysis, this paper carry out gray correlation analysis to every influencing factors of implementation effect of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy find out the factors influencing the priority order, the relevant policy suggestions are put forward which to further the implementation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy. Based on the new classical economics externality theory, agricultural mechanization externality characteristics is analyzed; Using backstepping method to solve gaming sub countermeasures Nash equilibrium solution for the government and farmers agricultural mechanization investment in the three stages. The DEA method and general working process is in detail elaborated, the evaluation for agricultural mechanization investment efficiency relative validity DEA model is gives, namely C2R model and BC2model. Combined agriculture mechanization investment in Hubei from2000to2012, this paper carried out a systematic empirical study; analysis the relative effectiveness of changes of agricultural mechanization investment efficiency in the plains, mountainous and hilly areas of the Hubei. Finally, Some corresponding policy recommendations are conducted, which to establish and perfect agricultural mechanization investment system. The paper preliminarily estimates total investment of agricultural mechanization, Systematically analyse the key areas of agricultural mechanization investment in Hubei.
     Through the research, this paper draws the following conclusions: Firstly, agricultural mechanization has positive externalities, is complex of public goods and private goods, government investment in agricultural mechanization is in line with the relevant theory of economics, but also in line with the WTO "agricultural agreement"association rules, it is a agricultural support policy adopted by many countries in the world.
     Secondly, farmer agricultural mechanization investment behavior has long-term, otherness and professional characteristic, the per capita net income of farmer, farmland revenue, farmland scale, agricultural machinery purchase allowance is essential factor which influence farmer agricultural mechanization investment. Thirdly, the game options exists in government and farmers in the agricultural mechanization investment, main body status of farmer agricultural mechanization investment must be aggrandized, at the same time, the government should timely adjust agricultural mechanization investment policies according to the different period of agricultural mechanization development, so as to ensure agricultural mechanization development. Fourthly, to ensure implementation benefit of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy, government should increase the amount of subsidies, raise the subsidy levels, perfect subsidy program, timely issue subsidy funds, strengthen agriculture machinery safety supervision, strengthening technology training services, perfect the service system. Agricultural machinery enterprises should improve the quality of agriculture machinery product. Farmer also should improve the agricultural machinery safety operating skill. Fifthly, as a whole, agricultural mechanization investment capital utilization rate is low, dimensions economic benefits is not high in Hubei. Specifically, dimensions economic benefits is not very ideal in mountain and hilly areas, dimensions economic benefits is better in plane regions, the emphasis of agricultural mechanization investment should focus on to the mountainous and hilly regions in the future. Sixthly, to enhance the government agricultural mechanization investment benefit, government agricultural mechanization investment structure must accordingly adjust, in addition to the implementation of the necessary agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy, government also should carry out other agricultural support policy, agricultural machinery operation subsidies, waste agricultural machinery updating subsidies, agricultural diesel subsidies, etc. At the same time, government must increase investment in agricultural mechanization development related system, for example, rural tractor road construction, promo and training agricultural mechanization new technology and new equipment, agricultural machinery production safety supervision and management, agricultural mechanization demonstration zone construction, etc. Seventhly, the emphasis of agricultural mechanization investment should focused on the production mechanization of grain and oil, scientific research and education and training as well as the agricultural mechanization public service system construction in Hubei in the future, the annual investment total amount of agricultural mechanization should be maintained at the level of around1.5billion.
     The possible innovation of this article have two:Firstly, this paper put forward to the DEA mode, which evaluate agricultural mechanization investment efficiency relative effectiveness, and conduct an empirical research according to agricultural mechanization investment from2000to2012in Hubei. Secondly, using gray correlation analysis method, from the perspective of quantitative analysis, this paper carry out gray correlation analysis to every influencing factors of implementation effect of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy, find out the factors influencing the priority order.
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