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The public finance system is the core system to determine the fundamental interest distribution between government and social members, aiming at regulating the interest arrangement in distribution between them and the right-duty relations arising there- from. It is the major content of public finance that the government performs the tax collection power and provides public service for social members. In the context of deepening the reform of the economic structure and constructing a harmonious socialist society, it is imperative to transform and improve the Chinese public finance system , thus it is an essential academic mission that we should undertake to conduct comprehensive legal research on the transformation and improvement of China’s public finance system.
     Based on combing out and sublating western public finance theories, this dissertation applies the static analysis of transaction cost and approaches of general equilibrium analysis to anatomize the legal relationship between government and social members in taxation and public service, integrate tightly the concrete practice with the social reality of Chinese public finance, creatively put forward the“justice of orderliness”as the core value to construct the Chinese public finance system, on this basis, make clear the“three equilibriums”in the improvement of public finance system, and take the“revenue-expenditure equilibrium”as the institutional goal of relevant system design in public finance . Meanwhile, this dissertation creatively puts forward the five pairs of categories of“power and duty”,“order and disorder”,“structure and function”,“authority and trust”and“obedience and relief”as the fundamental theoretical categories of the legal framework for Chinese public finance; proposes seven legal principles of“the lowest responsibility principle”,“rigid budget principle”,“fair tax principle”,“principle of overall efficiency”,“difference balance principle”,“cost control principle”and“transparent rule principle”as the cornerstone legal principles of China’s public finance.
     The main logic line of the specific demonstration in this dissertation is:
     The subject of Chapter 1 is“combing out the clues in public finance theories”, making the cognitive preparation for the legal analysis of Chinese public finance system. This chapter mainly clarifies the clues in western public finance theories”.
     As for the public finance expenditure theory, it principally combs out the major viewpoints of relevant representatives in classical economics, vulgar economics, social policy school, Keynesian school, Neo-classic Synthesis School,Neo-Cambridge school, monetarism school and supply school.
     As for the fair tax theory, it focuses on the relevant viewpoints of British Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, William Petty, Adam Smith, Say, Mill, Wagner, Pigou, Samuelson, Musgrave and Buchanan. And as for the tax efficiency theory,it focuses on the major viewpoints of Adam Smith, Marshall, Pigou, Laffer and Buchanan.
     With regard to western public goods theories, it principally combs out the relevant viewpoints of the Austria-Italy school (leading exponents are Sax, Panteleoni and Marco), Swedish school (leading exponents are Wisksell, Eugen von Bǒhm-Bawerk and Lindale), Musgrave and Samuelson.
     In the self-refletion and review of Chinese public finance theory, it mainly sits in evaluation over state property theory, dual financial theory, generalized financial theory and public financial theory, and summarizes and appraises the status of legal studies on public finance.
     The subject of Chapter 2 is the“institutional characteristics and cost structure in public finance”, aiming at demonstrating the institutional characteristics and cost structure in public finance through applying the transaction costs methods in neoinstitutional economics. The financial mode is classified into three types of family budget finance, plan finance and public finance in the institutional characteristics of public finance, drawing on the experience of the three functional theories in public finance by Musgrave, namely allocation function, distribution function and stabilization function, and proposes that tax collection power is the direct and institutional guarantee for national financial revenue.
     The dissertation creatively proposes the fourfold legal relationship implied in the behaviors of tax collection and public service of government from the viewpoint of“right-centered theory”: 1. the relationship between power and obligation in tax collection power and public service of government (power and obligation); 2. the relationship between the tax collection power of government and social members (refers to those who have tax duty) performing the tax duty (power and duty); 3. the relationship between the tax duty of social members (refers to those who have tax duty) and the rights to require the government to provide public service (duty and rights); 4. the relationship between the obligation to provide public service for social members and the rights to require the government providing public service (obligation and rights). And then it puts forward the potential problems of“obligation absence”in providing public service by the government and“rights absence”in requiring government to provide public service by social members.
     In the cost structure of public finance, through explorating the relationship between governmental functions and administration cost unit,this dissertation proposes that defining the cost unit in the income and expenditure behaviors of public finance is the fundamental work to analyze the efficiency of public finance system ,and the gross amount of public expenditure could be increased indirectly by controlling the administration cost of government. Taking advantage of the transaction costs method, it proposes the proposition for cost control in public finance, enhances the quality and efficiency of public finance institutional design using the institutional capital of neoinstitutional economics, analyzes and investigates the influence on institutional design by government agency costs in public finance structure, the compliance costs of taxpayers and transaction system of zero transaction costs in depth, and puts forward that the cost control to the each phase in the public finance cost is the effective means to enhance the institutional efficiency and economical efficiency.
     The subject of Chapter 3 is“revenue-expenditure equilibrium: the Important Index for the Improvement of Chinese Public Finance”, its principal objective is to promote the institutional design of Chinese public finance system to be in the dynamic equilibrium state between public revenue and public expenditure by using the general equilibrium analysis method, in order to settle the cost correspondence relationship between tax scale and public service content, and maximize the efficiency of public finance system.
     The dissertation creatively introduces the equilibrium analysis method into the demonstration of the legal foundation of public finance system. In order to make clear the composition of public finance revenue and expenditure, this dissertation discusses the principle constituents of public finance revenue and public finance expenditure, and then analyzes the deficit as a result of“expenditure is greater than revenue”using the equilibrium analysis method.
     In order to show the maneuverability for implementing financial equilibrium system, this dissertation discusses and analyzes the financial equilibrium system in the U.S., Germany and Australia. The U.S. exerts the Fiscal Federalism, namely the relatively independent financial system in the federal, the state and local government. The governments in three levels clearly divide their respective governance and financial power in accordance with American constitution. The legal basis of German financial equilibrium system lies in its federal constitution, namely Fundamental Law, Germany exerts the financial equilibrium system combined with vertical equilibrium and horizontal equilibrium, and the nation must keep the people’s living conditions in different regions accordant. The equilibrium in financial allocation is the characteristic in the Australian financial equilibrium system. The Australian constitution prescribes that citizens in every state possess of equal power in enjoying the public service. The three countries of the U.S., Germany and Australia all stipulate the financial allocation system in the constitution, and exert the constitutional finance. Juging from the three nations’practices, it is feasible to implement the equilibrium in the finance revenue and expenditure system based on constitutionality, as well as to enjoy the equilibrium in public service. Of course, China is a transforming nation, thus it requires a long time to implement the absolutely fair finance and tax system as a result of the differences in national conditions and level of constitutionality.
     The subject of Chapter 4 is“Theoretical Innovation and Development”, and is to study how jurisprudence should respond to and facilitate the implementation of the goal of public finance system , how to build up the legal value and new concept of legal thinking to promote the transformation of China’s public finance system and implement the goal of China’s public finance system through unscrambling the reality in China’s financial allocation and finding out its disparity with the goal of public finance system.
     The dissertation proposes“justice of orderliness”as the core legal value to construct Chinese public finance system. Firstly, the dissertation holds that the government administration and management cost, urban and rural difference and“three agricultural problems”, financial disparity in grassroots institutions and regional economy are the reality confronted when legal values are refined; secondly, it analyzes the connotation of justice , Rawls and Nazick’s justice theories and their social backgrounds being reviewed; thirdly, it analyzes the evolution of the concept of order, and introduces Cohen in Britain, Walter and Eucken in Germany, French physiocratic school and the theory of order in the western liberal economics. This dissertation refers to dissipativity structure theory as the scientific support for the order state research to reflect mastery of internal definition of order. This theory harmonizes effectively the academic conflict between the second law of thermodynamics and Darwin’s biology evolutionism. The entropy increase principle of the second law of thermodynamics believes that the entire universe will be changed spontaneously from order to disorder, finally achieving equilibrium, death as well. While Darwin’s biological evolutionism believes that direction of evolution is more and more complex and orderly from monad to human beings. According to the dissipativity structure theory, an open system far away from equilibrium state produces self-organization phenomenon in certain condition through exchanging the substance and energy with environment continually, namely from order to disorder and from the lower one to the higher one. Therefore, above this, the dissertation divides“order”into“order”and“disorder”.
     The dissertation extracts the“justice of orderliness”as the core legal value of Chinese public finance. It takes into full consideration from two aspects: the due value effect of core justice value and the inherent requirement of core justice value for the Chinese public finance system practice. The connotation of“order”in justice value is“to adapt to the developing practice of Chinese society, promote the formation and improvement of“fairness”in public finance, make the institutional design of public finance going under the rule by law, supply public goods with material system guarantee, and the social members can achieve the goal of equalization in public service”. This is the expected requirement for the“justice of orderliness”as binding the construction of China’s public finance system and integrated core legal value, its specific implementation modes are principally achieved through restriction of legal system, can be generalized into“three equilibrium”from the perspective of equilibrium of revenue and expenditure, namely gross equilibrium in public government revenue and expenditure, equilibrium of interests in public government revenue and expenditure ,and institutional equilibrium in public government revenue and expenditure.
     This dissertation creatively puts forward the five pairs of categories as the fundamental theoretical categories of the lagal framework for Chinese public finance, among which“power and duty”is to signify the legal relationship problems between the power of government in public finance arrangement and duty in public service (limitations on rights from power);“order and disorder”is to signify the institutional order requirement for the content of public finance system;“structure and function”is to signify the institutional design framework and institutional benefit problems in financial allocation, such as institutional efficiency, matching of the governance and financial power in financial system and equilibrium of regional differences,;“authority and trust”is to signify the authority of government in tax collection and public expenditure and the evaluation problems to the system arrangement of government form social members, is the requirement for government image;and“obedience and relief”is to signify the degree of social members’s obedience to government system and the right demands when social members are harmed by the government behaviors or the social members cannot obtain due public service, is the obligation and basic right requirement of social members.
     This dissertation creatively proposes“seven legal principles”as the cornerstone legal principles of Chinese public finance, among which“the lowest responsibility principle”is to bind the fundamental functions and public service duties to the society and social members undertook by the government;“rigid budget principle”is to regulate government revenue and expenditure , government administration cost and transfer sum payable which influence fairness and efficiency in public expenditure;“fair tax principle”is to summarize the fairness requirements of taxaction in China;“principle of overall efficiency”is to generalize how to make the public finance system exert its effect;“difference balance principle”exerts itself to facilitate the institutional balance of regional difference;“cost control principle”is the institutional requirements for controlling governance cost, social administrative cost and tax administration cost ;and“transparent standard principle”is the inherent requirements for the institutional design and administrative behavior in the public revenue and public expenditure .
     This dissertation clearly proposes that a limited government and public service equalization are the requirement of law in Chinese public finance.
    13萨伊否定生产过剩的存在,提出了著名的“供给能够创造其本身的需求”(Supply creates its own demand)的观点,这便是“萨伊定律”(Say's Law)。他将政治经济学划分为三个部分,即财富的生产、财富的分配、财富的消费,这就是著名的政治经济学“三分法”。
    19相关内容参见毛程连主编:《西方财政思想史》,经济科学出版社2003年12月第1版,第154页。在管理或技术上不能够对使用者进行排斥时,受益税就可以替代使用费而为特定的支出项目筹集资金(如大量的准公共产品项目)。其二、能力原则(The Principle of Ability Pay),按纳税人的能力大小缴纳不同的税,横向公平要求具有相同纳税能力的人应当缴纳相同的税,而纵向公平要求具有不同纳税能力的人缴纳不同的税,即纳税能力强的人缴纳较多的税,纳税能力差的人缴纳较少的税,无纳税能力的人免缴税款。也就是说,税收征管是从自身的角度来安排,与政府使用税收进行公共支出的安排无关。经济学家对于按能力纳税的争论主要集中在:1、如何定义纳税能力的标准。2、如果纳税能力用客观标准表示,那么该标准如何定量。所以确认完美的公平标准是很困难的。
    42 [美]布坎南著:《民主财政论》,商务印书馆1999年版,第32页
    44 [美]布坎南:《民主财政论》,商务印书馆1999年版,第48页。
    55 [美]阿图?埃克斯坦:《公共财政学》,张愚山译,中国财政经济出版社1983年第1版。
    66 [古希腊]亚里士多德:《政治学》(中译本),商务印书馆1965年版,第199页。
    69张馨等著:《当代财政与财政学主流》,东北财经大学出版社2000年6月第1版,第22—23页;参见[意] K?M?奇波拉:《欧洲经济史》,商务印书馆1998年第1卷,第267—268页。
    91 [法]贝尔·纳古尔内:《行政学》,商务印书馆1995年版,第5—7页。
    93 [美]科斯·诺思·威廉姆森等:《制度、契约与组织——从新制度经济学角度的透视》,经济科学出版社2003年版。
    94 [德]柯武刚、史漫飞:《制度经济学》,韩朝华译,商务印书馆2000年版,第3页。
    96科斯定理(Coase Theorem),由诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗纳德·哈里·科斯(Ronald H. Coase)命名。他于1937年和1960年分别发表了《企业的性质》和《社会成本问题》两篇论文,其核心内容是关于交易成本(有些著述和译著定义为交易费用,本文倾向用交易成本,但如有引述,则遵照原文定义)的论断。“科斯定理”这个术语是乔治·斯蒂格勒(George Stigler)1966年首次使用的。对科斯定理较为通俗的解释是:“当交易费用为零时,在对产权充分界定并加以实施的条件下,外部性因素不会引起资源的不当配置。因为在此场合,当事人(外部性因素的生产者和消费者)将受一种市场里的驱使去就互惠互利的交易进行谈判,也就是说,是外部性因素内部化。”也有人认为科斯定理是由两个定理组成的。科斯第一定理即为斯蒂格勒的表述:如果市场交易成本为零,不管权利初始安排如何,市场机制会自动使资源配置达到帕累托最优。在交易成本大于零的现实世界,科斯第二定理可以表述为:一旦考虑到市场交易的成本,合法权利的初始界定以及经济组织形式的选择将会对资源配置效率产生影响。
    98 [德]柯武刚、史漫飞:《制度经济学:社会秩序与公共政策》,韩朝华译,商务印书馆2000年11月第1版,第142—144页。
    99 [德]柯武刚、史漫飞:《制度经济学:社会秩序与公共政策》,韩朝华译,商务印书馆2000年11月第1版,第114页。
    100 [德]柯武刚、史漫飞:《制度经济学:社会秩序与公共政策》,韩朝华译,商务印书馆2000年11月第1版,第147—151页。
    105 [德]柯武刚、史漫飞:《制度经济学:社会秩序与公共政策》,韩朝华译,商务印书馆,2000年11月第1版第374页。
    106 [德]柯武刚、史漫飞:《制度经济学:社会秩序与公共政策》,韩朝华译,商务印书馆2000年11月第1版第378页。
    113 [美]罗纳德.科斯:《社会成本问题》,转引自盛洪主编:《现代制度经济学》(上卷),北京大学出版社2003年5月第1版,第33页。
    114 [美]弗兰克.H.奈特著,安佳译,《风险、不确定与利润》,商务印书馆2006年2月第1版,第13页。
    115参见《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典》(The New Palgrave :A Dictionary of Economics )第二卷, 经济科学出版社1996年11月版,第192页。
    116以上关于均衡的内容请参见《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典》(The New Palgrave :A Dictionary of Economics )第二卷,经济科学出版社1996年11月版,第192-192页。
    117参见《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典》(The New Palgrave :A Dictionary of Economics )第二卷,经济科学出版社1996年11月版,第193页。
    118参见《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典》(The New Palgrave :A Dictionary of Economics )第二卷,经济科学出版社1996年11月版,第193-194页。
    119参见《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典》(The New Palgrave :A Dictionary of Economics )第一卷第七章,经济科学出版社1996年11月版,第65页。
    120相关内容参见《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典》(The New Palgrave :A Dictionary of Economics )第二卷,经济科学出版社1996年11月版,第193-194页。在国内译著中,Walras也常译为瓦尔拉斯。
    121以上内容来自《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典》(The New Palgrave :A Dictionary of Economics )第二卷,经济科学出版社1996年11月版,第195—197页。
    127参见彼德.M.杰克逊主编:《公共部门经济学前沿问题》,郭庆旺、刘立群、杨越译,中国税务出版社2000年第1版,第26—29页“税收政策的一般均衡模型”的有关内容及相关研究成果的附注。Harberger,A.C,( 1962 )‘The Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax’,Journal of Political Economy,70,215—240. Harberger,A.C,( 1966)‘Efficiency Effects of Taxes on Income from Capital’,in M.Krzyzamiak(ed.) ,Effects of Corporation Income Tax (Detroit,Mich.,Wayne State University Press).Scarf,H.E. (1984)‘The Compution of Equilibrium Prices’,in Scarf and Shoven(1984). Ballard,C.J.Fullerton,D.,Shoven,J.B.and Whally, J.(1985) AGeneral Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy Evaluation (Chicago,Chicago University Press).Slemrod, J.B.(1983)‘A General Equilibrium Model of Taxaction with Endogenous Financial Behaviour’,in M.S.Feldstein(ed),Behavioural Simulation Methods in Tax Policy Analysis (Chicago,Chicago University Press),Borges,A.(1986)‘Applied General Equilibrium Models:An Assessment of the Usefulness for Po;icy Analysis’,OECD Economic Studies,Autuma.
    145 [美]维托·坦齐、[德]卢德格尔·舒克内希特:《20世纪的公共支出》,商务印书馆2005年11月第1版,第77页。
    146 [美]维托·坦齐、[德]卢德格尔·舒克内希特:《20世纪的公共支出》,商务印书馆2005年11月第1版,第66—79页。
    147 [美]大卫.N.海曼:在《公共财政:现代理论在政策中的应用》(第6版),章彤译,中国财政经济出版社2001年4月第1版,第421页。经济学家对于赤字的绝对数额,常用其占GDP的份额来衡量,由于GDP指的是国内生产的商品和服务所产生的总收入,这样一来,就可以推理出国民总收入的债务负担的图表。
    149参见[美]大卫.N.海曼:在《公共财政:现代理论在政策中的应用》(第6版),章彤译,中国财政经济出版社2001年4月第1版,第431页。1991年马斯特里赫协议要求欧盟国家加入欧洲货币联盟(EMU)的标准为: 1、该国的通货膨胀率不得高于三个通货膨胀率最低的欧盟国家的1.5%;2、长期政府债券的利率不得高于三个通货膨胀最低的欧盟国家的3%;3、政府赤字预算不得高于其GDP的3%并且所有政府债务不得超过GDP的60%;4、由于近年来汇率机制已经将这些国家的通货联系在一起,所以该国的通货膨胀相对于其他欧盟国家的通货应该没有被重新估价过。
    173 [美]约翰·罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社1988年3月第1版,第3—4页。
    174 [美]约翰·罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社1988年3月第1版,第7页。
    176 [美]约翰·罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社1988年3月第1版,第62页。
    177 [美]约翰·罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社1988年3月第1版,第61页。
    178 [美]约翰·罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社1988年3月第1版,第302页。
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    185 P.S.Cohen,The Moderm Social Theory,London,1968,pp.18-19,转引自张文显著:《法哲学范畴研究》(修订版),中国政法大学出版社2001年第1版,第197页。
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