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With across the Taiwan Straits have kept increasing,Exchanges become more frequent in the across Taiwan Straits life insurance industry.Life insurance industry position and role played by the continuous improvement.Across the Taiwan Straits many experts, scholars and research institutions are getting into research the life insurance industry.Investigation of some factors on the insurance market changes on the efficiency of insurance companies.For the reason that this article compared to the efficiency of both sides of the life insurance industry as the theme.Look forward to continuing to Across the Taiwan Straits the sound development of the insurance industry to provide a basis for reference.
     This paper collected from 2005 to 2008 in mainland China and Taiwan each 25 insurance institutions.Life insurance companies operating more than 5 yearstotal of 50 cross life insurance companies and 200 sample data. Sample of organizations identified 5 inputs,3 outputs.and reference to the efficiency of foreign and Across the Taiwan Straits the life insurance industry research literature.Affect the efficiency of the life insurance industry to find out the reasons for both sides.Subject from a macro and micro insurance do affect the efficiency of the efficiency of the main reasons. Under the efficiency of Across the Taiwan Straits life insurance companies to do empirical research on theory. Do both sides and variable life insurance companies calculate the efficiency of comparative analysis.Summarizes the comparative analysis of cross-section;comparative analysis of longitudinal sectionand the model data resultscompared with the test.Finally, on Taiwan, mainland China, and the overall recommendations on Across the Taiwan Straits.
     The paper empirical results indicate:First, the two sides of pure technical efficiency of the life insurance industry company greater than 1.20% in Taiwan,40% in mainland China,30% in the overall Across the Taiwan Straits.The number of life insurance industry company show in Taiwan in the management of technology is superior to the mainland.Scale efficiency,17.97% in Taiwan diseconomies of scale.20.7% in mainland China is still space for development,The overall has been efficiency of both sides reaching a value of 0.9863 to the best efficiency.Total efficiency:36% in Taiwan need to reduce the mainland Chinese is still less than 19.37%.The total value of the overall efficiency of both sides have reached optimum efficiency approaching 1. Second, the impact of the efficiency of cross-strait life insurance industry, the environmental factors-in the second stage to SFA slack variable regression analysis Taiwan:the competitive environment for the industry, the impact of operating expenses of the slack variables have a significant difference.the advantage of factor is relative. Mainland China:production per capita and the government regulatory environment, the impact of the procedures the commission fee slack variable capacity of a significant difference in per capita relatively favorable factor. Government regulatory environment for the relatively unfavorable factor.Overall Across the Taiwan Straits:The main difference is that the variable investment assets and business management fee of two variables differ.Government regulatory environment and market access conditions for the relatively unfavorable factor.For the business of management fees were relatively favorable factor.Third, Malmquist index changes in productivity index that,Total Factor Productivity Taiwan: show the phenomenon of productivity at a standstill. Mainland China:show productivity growth in the phenomenon. The overall Across the Taiwan Straits:show productivity growth in the phenomenon.The result finally learned,Taiwan Life Insurance Company has generated market saturation and mainland China Life Insurance Company of less than optimal size, can expand the production scale in order to improve efficiency. Recommends the mainland life insurance industry, opening up Taiwan's life insurance industry continues to expand into the mainland China.
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