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The dissertation is to convince that China's Trust function is enlarged only under amalgamation.China's Trust has lived five neatening in the decades of evolving proceeding. One reason is upon itself: disorientation of trust function; the subject lack of property right in Trust Investment Company; abusing of "Fames". The other side is coming from outside: Government Interference, law-building severely lagging, missing of credit system and function orientation on supplement of banking system etc. Along the application of "Trust Law of PRC", the trust which engages in deputizing people's properties has the new beginning. Simultaneously, being faced with the global financial competition and foreign funds ingress, what a role will China's Trust make in the historic reform? It is necessary to pay attention to the history of China's Trust in recent decades and find out why we are trapped in such an embarrassment. Therefore, we could find a proper road fitting China's Trust core competition, the right way is to probe its character and contents through the angles of economy or function.The dissertation has six chapters. Chapter One includes the theoretical accordance, current research frontier of globe, the contents and framework of the paper and introduces the creative points and shortcomings of this study.Chapter Two is mainly discussing the function evolving framework of Trust, in retrospect of the financial medi-theory and its evolving analyzing paradigm, and analyzing the origins and evolution of the trust functions. Theoretically it brings forward the systematical analyzing framework containing the impetus of function evolution and inside and outside guarantee system. And from the angle of compulsive system changes the Government Functions are clearly appeared; from managing angle of Entrusting Investment Company, the inside guarantee system of function evolution is realized; from market "Fames" system, the outside institutions of evolution are studied. Therefore, the theoretical bases for the further discussion are prepared.
    Chapter Three is a systematical carding on the development of China's Trust and function evolution. Connected with Economic Reform, the development of China's Trust could be divided into three phases: recovery and dilatation (1979-1992)> neatening stage( 1993-2000) > regulation phase(2001-). The function orientations in different phases contributed to China's Economy; however, these uncertainties endangered the trade itself. And with demonstrative analysis to point out that the abnormal development of China's Trust is short of living conditions, it is necessary to be "re -corrected" by the market.Chapter Four is to probe the profound causes that have affected the function evolutions. Firstly, it analyzes the system environments that restrict the basic conditions of the development of China's Trust and function evolution; then analyzes the roles of Government (including Local Governments) and concludes that the function evolution of China's Trust is just created to satisfy its object functions by Government by use of its "Quasi-Market Subject" between the compulsive system supplies and the fraudulent system demands. At the same time, it studies whether the reform of property right could change the former system dependence or not and the analyzing results are that the effective reform of property right must acclimatize itself to the environments of social system, must fit with the risk allocation and the protecting measures of the entrusted. Last, it is considered that the "re-correcting" of China's Trust is up to lack of risk managing functions, and it is the fundamental function that is needed by Trust.Chapter Five is focused on the competitions and creations of the function evolution of China's Trust. Through the explanation of the competing situations to China's Trust, the competing pressures are pushing not only inside but outside under the financial globalization background. Cruel competitions need not just the core competition, more important, need the continuous creations. The building of core competition of China's Trust not only requires the strong learning and creative capabilities, but also forms the strict risk controlling system.Chapter Six are policies and suggestions. The research shows that to affirm the important post of Trust in financial system, recover the core function of medium-long term properties management and constructs the mixed financial corporations, the
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