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Fictitious economy develops with the senior stage of market economy. Fictitious economy and real economy are two patterns of macroeconomy, and affect each other. Fictitious economy promotes the growth of real economy and has passive effect on the stability of real economy as well, which needs us to do research and deal with the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy correctly.
     To give a new and correct explanation of the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy could be helpful to identify the effect of fictitious economy in macroeconomy, to keep fictitious economy and real economy develop coordinately and the stability of economy system, which is the realistic significance that we study the relationship between fictitious and real economy. Based on the fact of modern economy fictionization, to analyses the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy in the prospect of monetary income, could see the essence of market economy, in which people are in pursuit of profit and monetary income. Meanwhile, we could research the equilibrium pattern and economic growth in the frame of relationship between fictitious economy and real economy, which is theoretical value that we study the relationship between them.
     A model of relationship between fictitious economy and real economy in the prospect of monetary income is established, which starts up with two sectors, enterprise and household, joined by financial, governmental and oversea sector. The conclusion is that the running of fictitious economy results in expanse of monetary income. In the prospect of monetary income, the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy embodies in the effcet mechanism in the process of monetary income formation. When fictitious economy keeps reasonable development speed and scale with real economy, they will promote each other. And fictitious economy doesn't fit the development of real economy, which will lead to low efficiency of monetary allocation or bubble economy.
     The relationship between fictitious economy and real economy depende on the money allocation. In the dichotomy of fictitious economy and real economy, a monetary quantity formation is given, which includes fictitious economy and is used to explain the money allocation mechanism. A conclusion is the macro-equilibrium dependes upon the return on assets in two systems, based on which the fictitious economy running has two characters: independence and parasitism.In international circulation of debt economy in US, fictitious economy expanses excessively and real economy fades, which leads to sub-prime mortgage crisis and global financial crisis.
     By the econometric test, the independent character of fictitious economy is proved by granger causality test using the data by stages, and the impact of money supply on fictitious economy and real economy is estimated by response function. The result shows that the independence intensifies in free economy, and that the change in money supply impacts on both fictitious economy and real economy in short term while in long term this impact will disappear.
     Fictitious economy running determines the stability of macroeconomy. To deal with the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy correctly, is the key of macroeconomy policy. Firstly, we need to develop the real economy, perfect the structure optimization and upgrading of economy. Secondly, we improve the market mechanism of allocation of money and social resources. Thirdly, we control the money supply and function of money in allocation resources in order to maintain the coordinately development of fictitious economy and real economy.
     There are three innovations in this paper. First, a model of relationship between fictitious economy and real economy is established in the prospect of monetary income and conclude that the core of the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy is the formation process of monetary income and monetary profit. Second, a monetary formulation in macroeconomic equilibrium is given under the condition of fictitious economy, which explains the monetary allocation mechanism and macroeconomic equilibrium model, and proposes the independence character and parasitism. Third, the independence of fictitious economy intensifies in free economy for U.S., and the change in money supply impacts on both fictitious economy and real economy in short term while in long term this impact will disappear.
    [1]这里的主流经济学是指目前流行于西方国家的新古典经济学(Neoclassical Economics),参见,Blaug,M.,1997,"Economic Theory in Retrospect."London:Cambridge University Press。
    [3]Hicks,J.,1937,"Mr.Keynes and the 'Classics':A Suggested Interpretation." Econometrica,Vol.5:147-159.
    [4]Tobin,J.,1958,"Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk." Review of Economic Studies,Vol.25:65-86.
    [5]King,G.and Levine,R.,1993,"Finance and Growth:Schumpeter Might Be Right."Quarterly Journal of Economics.Aug,Vol.108(3):717-737.
    [6]Levine,R.and Zervos,S.,1996,"Stock Market Development and Long-run Growth." World Bank Economic Review,May,Vol.10(2):323-339.
    [7]Rajan,G.and Zingales,L.,1998,"Financial Dependence and Growth." American Economic Reviews,Vol.88(3):559-586.
    [8]Jermann,U.,1998,"Asset Pricing in Production Economics." Journal of Monetary Economics,Vol.41:257-275.
    [1]Bernanke,B.and Gertler,M.,1999,"Monetary Policy and Asset Price Volatility." In:New Challenges for Monetary Policy.Proceedings of the Symposium Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,Jackson Hole,Wyoming:77-128.
    [2]Engelen,E.,2003,"The Logic of Funding European Pension Restructuring and the Dangers of Financialization." Environment and Planning A,Vol.35(8):1357-1372.
    [3]Green,C.,2003,"Flow of Funds:Implications for Research on Financial Sector Development and the Real Economy." Journal of International Development,Vol.15(8):1015-1036.
    [4]Caporalea,G.and Spagnolob,N.,2003,"Asset Prices and Output Growth Volatility:the Effects of Financial Crises." Economics Letters,Vol.79:69-74.
    [5]Sachs,I.,2004,"From Poverty Trap to Inclusive Development in LDCs." Economic and Political Weekly.May 1.
    [6]Krippner,G,2005,"The Financialization of the American Economy." Socio-Economic Review,Vol.3:173-208.
    [7]Crochane J.,2005,"Financial Markets and Real Economy." Foundations and Trends in Finance,Vol.1:1-101.
    [8]Crochane J.,2006,"Financial Markets and Real Economy." in:John H.Crochane,ed.,Financial Markets and Real Economy,Volume 18 of the International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics,London:Edward Elgar:ⅹⅰ-1ⅹⅸ.
    [9]Chang,2002,"Financial Development and Economic Growth in Mainland China:a Note on Testing Demand Following or Supply Leading Hypothesis." Applied Economic Letters,2002(9):869-873.
    [1]Greenwood,J.and Jovanovic,B.,1990,"Financial Development,Growth,and the Distribution of Income." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.98(5):1076-1107.
    [2]Galor,O.and Zeira,J.,1993,"Income Distribution and Macroeconomics." Review of Economic Studies,Vol.60:35-52.
    [3]Banerjee,A.and Newman,A.,1993."Occupational Choice and the Process of Development." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.101:274-298.
    [4]Maurer,N.and Haber,S.,2003,"Bank Concentration,Related Lending and Economic Performance:Evidence from Mexico." Stanford University Mimeo.
    [5]Foster,J.,2007,"The Financialization of Capitalisrn." Monthly Review,Vol.58(11):1-12.
    [1]Levine,R.,Loayza,N.and Beck.T.,2000,"Financial Intermediation and Growth:Causality and Causes." Journal of Monetary Economics,Vol.46:31-77.
    [2]Honohan,P.,2004,"Financial Development,Growth and Poverty:.How Close are the Links."in Goodhart,C.,ed.,Financial Development and Economic Growth:Explaining the Links,London:Palgrave.
    [3]Clarke,G.,Xu,L.and Zou,H.,2006,"Finance and Income Inequality:What Do the Data Tell Us?" Southern Economic Journal,Vol.72:578-96.
    [2]Mckinnon,R.,1973,"Money and Capital in Economic Development." The Brookings Institution,Washington,D.C.
    [3]Friedman,M.and Schwartz,A.,1982,"Monetary Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom:Their Relation to Income,Prices and Interest Rats,1867-1975." Chicago University Press,Chicago(for NBER).
    [1]经常项目和金融项目数据以及国际投资头寸数据,均来源于美国经济分析局公布的《美国国际交易账户数据》(U.S.International Transactions Accounts Data),U.S.International Transactions,1960-present,参见网页:http://www.bea.gov/international/index.htm。
    [2]数据来源:根据国际货币基金组织每季度公布的《官方外汇储备的货币构成》(Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves,COFER)整理。
    [1]Litterman,R.and Weiss,L.,1985,"Money,Real Interest Rates and Output:Reinterpretation of Postwar U.S.Data." Econometrica,January,Vol.53:129-156.
    [4]King,M,1997,"Change in UK Monetary Policy:.Rules and Discretion in Practice." Journal of Monetary Economics,Vol.39:81-97.
    [5]Nelson,E.,2003,"The Future of Monetary Aggregates in Monetary Policy Analysis."Journal of Monetary Economics,Vol.50:1029-1059.
    [1]Cramer,J.,1986,"The Volume of Transactions and the Circulation of Money in the United States:1950-1979." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,Vol.(2):225-232.
    [2]Allen,R.,1994,"New Uses of Money and the Collapse of Monetary Velocity." in Financial Crises & Recessions in the Global Economy,Edward Elgar.
    [1]Friedman,B.and Kuttner,K.,1992,"Money,Income,Prices and Interest Rates." American Economic Review,Vol.82:472-492.。
    [2]Fisher,I.,1933,"The Debt Deflation Theory of Great Depression." Econometrica,Vol.1(4):337-357.
    [3]Minsky,H.,1982,"The Financial Instability Hypothesis:Capitalist Process and the Behavior of the Economy." in Kingdlebergcr P.and P.,Laffargue,Financial Crises:Theory,History and Policy,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge.
    [4]Kindleberger,C.,1978,"Manias,Panics and Crashes:A History of Financial Crashes." Basic Books,New York.
    [1]Friedman,M.and Schwartz,A.,1963,"A Monetary History of the United States,1867-1960." Princeton University Press.
    [2]Brunner,K.and Meltzer,H.,1972,"Friedman's Monetary Theory." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.80(5):837-851.
    [4]Krugman,P.,1979,"A Model of Balance of Payment Crises." Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,Vol.11:311-325.
    [5]Flood,P.and Garber,M.,1980,"Market Fundamentals versus Price Level Bubbles:the First Tests." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.88(4):754-770.
    [6]Obstfeld,M.,1996,"Models of Currency Crisis with Self-fulfilling Features." European Economic Review,Vol.40:1037-1048.
    [1]McKinnon,R.and Pill,H.,1996,"Credit Liberalizations and International Capital Flows:The Over Borrowing Syndrome." Takatoshi,I.and Anne,O.,Krueger,Editors,Financial Reguiation and Integration in East Asia,Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
    [2]McKinnon,R.and Pill,H.,1998,"The Over Borrowing Syndrome:Are East Asian Economies Different?" Glick,R.,Editors,Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates,Perspectives from the Pacific Basin,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
    [3]Krugman,P.,1998,"Bubble,Boom,Crash:Theoretical Notes on Asia's Crisis." Working Paper,MIT,Cambridge,Massachussetts.
    [4]Corsetti,G.,Pesenti,P.and Roubini,N.,1998,"What Caused the Asian Currency and Financial Crisis? Part Ⅰ:A Macroeconomic Overview,Part Ⅱ:The Policy Debate." NBER Working Paper No.6833,6844.
    [5]Chang,R.and Velasco,A.,2000,"Financial Fragility And The Exchange Rate Regime."Journal of Economic Theory,Vol.92(1):1-34.
    [6]Diamond,D.and Dybvig,P.,1983,"Bank Runs,Deposit Insurance,and Liquidity." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.91:401-419.
    [1]个人储蓄、居民可支配收入和总储蓄的相关数据来源于美国联邦储备系统网站发布的《美国资金流量帐户》(Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States),参见网页:http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/zl/Current/data.htm。1992年数据来源于《美国资金流量帐户(1985-2004)》),第6-7页;2006年、2007年和2008年数据来源于《美国资金流量帐户(2005-2008)》,第6-7页。
    [1]参见美国统计局(U.S.Census Bureau)发布的《美国统计摘要(2008)》(Statistical Abstract of the United States:2008),第306页。
    [2]机构证券(Agency Securities)是指由美国政府支持的、企业发行的低风险债务证券。
    [5]数据来源:总储蓄,《美国资金流量帐户》;GDP,美国经济分析局(U.S.Bureau of Economic Analysis,BEA)公布的《美国经济账户数据》(U.S.Economic Accounts),参见网页:http://www.bea.gov/national/index.htm#gdp。
    [1]Bernanke,B.,2005,"The Global Saving Glut and the U.S.Current Account Deficit."remarks at the Homer Jones Lecture,St.Louis,14 April.
    [2]Edwards,S.,2004,"Financial Openness,Sudden Stops,And Current Account Reversals."American Economic Review,Vol.94(2):59-64.
    [3]Kouparitsas,M.,2005,"Is the Current Account Deficit Sustainable?" Chicago Fed Letter,June,2005,No.215.
    [4]Cooper,R.,2006,"Living with Global Imbalances:A Contrarian View." Journal of Policy Modeling,Vol.28(6):615-627.
    [5]Gruen,D.and Harris,J.,2005,"Might the United States Continue to Run Large Current Account Deficits?" both papers presented at conference on Strategies for East Asia Growth and Openness,August 1-2,Bogor,Indonesia.
    [6]Dooley,M.,Folkerts-Landau,D.and Garber,P.,2003,"An Essay on the Revived Bretton Woods System." NBER Working Paper,No.9971,September.
    [7]Truman,E.,2005,"Budget and External Deficits:Not Twins but the Same Family." paper presented at the Annual Research Conference,held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,February:14-16.
    [8]数据来源:美国财政部(U.S.Department of The Treasury)公布的美国外债总额(U.S.Gross External Debt),参见网页:http://www.treas.gov/tic/external-debt.shtml。
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    [7]Shiller,R.,2003,"Fashions,Fads and Bubbles in Financial Markets." in Coffee,J.,(ed.),Knights,Raiders and Targets,Oxford University Press.
    [1]Allen R.,1994,"New Uses of Money and the Collapse of Monetary Velocity." in Financial Crises & Recessions in the Global Economy,Edward Elgar.
    [2]Banerjee,A.and Newman,A.,1993."Occupational Choice and the Process of Development." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.101:274-298.
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    [5]Bernanke,B.,2005,"The Global Saving Glut and the U.S.Current Account Deficit."remarks at the Homer Jones Lecture,St.Louis,14 April.
    [6]Bernanke,B.and Gertler,M.,1999,"Monetary Policy and Asset Price Volatility." In:New Challenges for Monetary Policy.Proceedings of the Symposium Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,Jackson Hole,Wyoming:77-128.
    [7]Bingsanger,M.,2004,"Stock Returns and Real Activity in the G-7 Countries:Did the Relationship Change During the 1980s?" The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,Vol.44:237-252.
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    [11]Chang,R.,2002,"Financial Development and Economic Growth in Mainland China:a Note on Testing Demand Following or Supply Leading Hypothesis." Applied Economic Letters,2002(9):869-873.
    [12]Chang,R.and Velasco,A.,2000,"Financial Fragility And The Exchange Rate Regime."Journal of Economic Theory,Vol.92(1):1-34.
    [13]Clarke,G,Xu,L.and Zou,H.,2006,"Finance and Income Inequality:What Do the Data Tell Us?" Southern Economic Journal,Vol.72:578-596.
    [14]Cline,W.,2005,"The United States as a Debtor Nation." Washington,DC:Institute for International Economics.
    [15]Cooper,R.,2006,"Living with Global Imbalances:A Contrarian View." Journal of Policy Modeling,Vol.28(6):615-627.
    [16]Corsetti,G,Pesenti P.and Roubini N.,1998,"What Caused the Asian Currency and Financial Crisis? Part Ⅰ:A Macroeconomic Overview,Part Ⅱ:The Policy Debate." NBER Working Paper No.6833,6844.
    [17]Cramer,J.,1986,"The Volume of Transactions and the Circulation of Money in the United States:1950-1979." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,Vol.(2):225-232.
    [18]Crochane,J.,2005,"Financial Markets and Real Economy." Foundations and Trends in Finance Vol.1:1-101.
    [19]Crochane,J.,2006,"Financial Markets and Real Economy." in:John H.Crochane,ed.,Financial Markets and Real Economy,Volume 18 of the International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics,London:Edward Elgar:ⅹⅰ-lⅹⅸ.
    [20]Diamond,D.and Dybvig P.,1983,"Bank Runs,Deposit Insurance,and Liquidity." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.91:401-419.
    [21]Domian,D.and Louton,D.,1997,"A Threshold Autoregressive Analysis of Stock Returns and Real Economic Activity." International Review of Economics and Finance,Vol.6:167-179.
    [22]Dooley,M.,Folkerts-Landau,D.and Garber,P.,2003,"An Essay on the Revived Bretton Woods System." NBER Working Paper,No.9971.
    [23]Edwards,S.,2004,"Financial Openness,Sudden Stops,And Current Account Reversals."American Economic Review,Vol.94(2):59-64.
    [24]Engelen,E.,2003,"The Logic of Funding European Pension Restructuring and the Dangers of Financialization." Environment and Planning A,Vol.35(8):1357-1372.
    [25]Estrella,A.and Mishkin,F.,1996,"Predicting U.S.Recessions:Financial Variables as Leading Indicators." Federal Reserve Bank of New York Research Paper NO.9609.
    [26]Fama,E.,1990,"Stock Returns,Expected Returns,and Real Activity." Journal of Finance,Vol.45(4):1089-1108.
    [27]Fisher,I.,1933,"The Debt Deflation Theory of Great Depression." Econometrica,Vol.1(4):337-357.
    [28]Flood,P.and Garber M.,1980,"Market Fundamentals versus Price Level Bubbles:the First Tests." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.88(4):754-770.
    [29]Foster,J.,2007,"The Financialization of Capitalism." Monthly Review,Vol.58(11):1-12.
    [30]Friedman,B.and Kuttner,K.,1992,"Money,Income,Prices and Interest Rates." American Economic Review,Vol.82:472-492.
    [31]Friedman,M.and Schwartz,A.,1963,"A Monetary History of the United States,1867-1960." Princeton University Press.
    [32]Friedman,M.and Schwartz,A.,1982,"Monetary Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom:Their Relation to Income,Prices and lnterest Rats,1867-1975." Chicago University Press,Chicago(for NBER).
    [33]Galor,O.and Zeira,J.,1993,"Income Distribution and Macroeconomics." Review of Economic Studies,Vol.60:35-52.
    [34]Green,C.,2003,"Flow of Funds:Implications for Research on Financial Sector Development and the Real Economy." Journal of International Development,Vol.15(8):1015-1036.
    [35]Greenwood,J.and Jovanovic,B.,1990,"Financial Development,Growth,and the Distribution of Income." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.98(5):1076-1107.
    [36]Gruen,D.and Harris,J.,2005,"Might the United States Continue to Run Large Current Account Deficits?" both papers presented at conference on Strategies for East Asia Growth and Openness,August 1-2,Bogor,Indonesia.
    [37]Hicks,J.,1937,"Mr.Keynes and the 'Classics':A Suggested Interpretation." Econometrica,Vol.5:147-159.
    [38]Honohan,P.,2004,"Financial Development,Growth and Poverty:How Close are the Links."in Goodhart,C.,ed.,Financial Development and Economic Growth:Explaining the Links,London:Palgrave.
    [39]Jermann,U.,1998,"Asset Pricing in Production Economics." Journal of Monetary Economics,Vol.41:257-275.
    [40]Kindleberger,C.,1978,"Manias,Panics and Crashes:A History of Financial Crashes."Basic Books,New York.
    [41]Kindleberger,C.,2000,"Manias,Panics and Crashes:A History of Financial Crises." New York:John Wiley & Sons.
    [42]King,G.and Levine,R.,1993,"Finance and Growth:Schumpeter Might Be Right."Quarterly Journal of Economics.Aug,Vol.108(3):717-737.
    [43]King,M.,1997,"Change in UK Monetary Policy.Rules and Discretion in Practice." Journal of Monetary Economics,Vol.39:81-97.
    [44]Kouparitsas,M.,2005,"Is the Current Account Deficit Sustainable?" Chicago Fed Letter,June,2005,No.215.
    [45]Krippner,G.,2005,"The Financialization of the American Economy." Socio-Economic Review,Vol.3:173-208.
    [46]Krugrnan,P.,1979,"A Model of Balance of Payment Crises." Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,Vol.11:311-325.
    [47]Krugman,E,1998,"Bubble,Boom,Crash:Theoretical Notes on Asia's Crisis." Working Paper,MIT,Cambridge,Massachussetts.
    [48]Lee,B.,1992,"Causal Relations among Stock Return,Interest Rates,Real Activity,and Inflation." Journal of Finance,Vol.47(4):1591-1603.
    [49]Levine,R.and Zervos,S.,1996,"Stock Market Development and Long-run Growth." World Bank Economic Review,May,Vol.10(2),:323-339.
    [50]Levine,R.,Loayza,N.and Beck.T.,2000,"Financial Intermediation and Growth:Causality and Causes." Journal of Monetary Economics,Vol.46:31-77.
    [51]Litterman,R.and Weiss,L.,1985,"Money,Real Interest Rates and Output:Reinterpretation of Postwar U.S.Data." Econometrica,January,Vol.53:129-156.
    [52]Lucas,R.,1988,"On the Mechanics of Economic Development." Journal of monetary Economy,Vol.94(5):3-42.
    [53]Maurer,N.and Haber,S.,2003,"Bank Concentration,Related Lending and Economic Performance:Evidence from Mexico." Stanford University Mimeo.
    [54]Mckinnon,R.,1973,"Money and Capital in Economic Development." The Brookings Institution,Washington,D.C.
    [55]McKinnon,R.,2001,"The International Dollar Standard and Sustainability of the US Current Account Deficit," Instructions to Stanford Economics Working Paper,No.01-013.
    [56]McKinnon,R.and Pill,H.,1996,"Credit Liberalizations and International Capital Flows:The Over Borrowing Syndrome." Takatoshi Ito and Anne O.,Krueger,Editors,Financial Regulation and Integration in East Asia,Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
    [57]McKinnon,R.and Pill,H.,1998,"The Over Borrowing Syndrome:Are East Asian Economies Different?" Glick,R.,Editors,Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates,Perspectives from the Pacific Basin,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
    [58]Minsky,H.,1986,"Stabilizing an Unstable Economy." Yale University Press.
    [59]Minsky,H.,1982,"The Financial Instability Hypothesis:Capitalist Process and the Behavior of the Economy." in Kingdleberger P.and Laffargue,P.,"Financial Crises:Theory,History and Policy." Cambridge University Press,Cambridge.
    [60]Nelson,E.,2003,"The Future of Monetary Aggregates in Monetary Policy Analysis."Journal of Monetary Economics,Vol.50:1029-1059.
    [61]Obstfeld,M.,1996,"Models of Currency Crisis with Self-fulfilling Features." European Economic Review,Vol.40:1037-1048.
    [62]Peiro,A.,1996,"Stock Prices,Production and Interest Rate:Comparison of Three Europe Countries with the USA." Empirical Economics,Vol.21:221-234.
    [63]Rajan,G.and Zingales,L.,1998,"Financial Dependence and Growth." American Economic Reviews,Vol.88(3):559-586.
    [64]Romer,P.,1990,"Endogenous Technological Change." Journal of Political Economy,Vol.98(5):71-102.
    [65]Sachs,I.,2004,"From Poverty Trap to Inclusive Development in LDCs." Economic and Political Weekly.May 1.
    [66]Schwert,G.,1990,"Stock Returns and Real Activity." Journal of Finance,Vol.45(4):1237-1257.
    [67]Shiller,R.,2003,"Fashions,Fads and Bubbles in Financial Markets." in John Coffee(ed.),Knights,Raiders and Targets,Oxford University Press.
    [68]Stiglitz,J.,1990,"Symposium on Bubbles." Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vol.4:13-18.
    [69]Summers,L.,2000,"International Financial Crises:Causes Prevention and Curse." American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings,90:1-16.
    [70]Tobin,J.,1958,"Liquidity Preference as Behavior towards Risk." Review of Economic Studies,Vol.25:65-86.
    [71]Truman,E.,2005,"Budget and External Deficits:Not Twins but the Same Family." paper presented at the Annual Research Conference,held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,February:14-16.

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