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     本文在对吉林省30多条汽车检测线进行实地调研的前提下,基于数据分析处理结果,结合本文阐述的评价方法优缺点,针对汽车检测线整体检测能力的评价,提出了模糊综合评价方法。在对汽车检测线系统构成、运行原理深入分析以及专家咨询的基础上,依据相关评价标准,确定各层评价指标,应用层次分析法,建立了包括目标层、准则层A、领域层B、指标层C等四层指标的汽车检测线整体检测能力模糊综合评价指标体系。应用专家调查法和层次分析法中的1~ 9比例标度法,构建判断矩阵,确定各层指标的权重,建立了模糊综合评价系统。
Along with the raising of automobile retention quantity of our country year by year, automobile while carrying on a year to examine, need the checking car quantity to increase increasingly, so request the automobile examination/ inspection line to be continuous,safe and dependable operation in order to meet the demand for rapid detection, detection of a large number of requests; Meanwhile, the he accuracy and precision of the test results also made increasing demands, in order to protect the economic interests of users and even the safety of lives and property. Therefore, in order to improve the detection of rapid, accurate, it is necessary to detect automobile detection capabilities of whole detection capability of automobile inspection line.
     Automobile inspection line on the overall detection capability of high and low is the importance basis that examines line to carry on the grade fixed position to the automobile, along with the total number of Automobiles increase, the number of Automobile Inspection lines is increasing year by year, so it’s difficult to ensure that detection capabilities of automobile inspection line to meet the requirements. To ensure traffic safety, automobile inspection line on the overall detection capability has become particularly important. The concrete research contents mainly several aspects as follows:
     1. The automobile inspection line basic system introduction and the establishment of the database
     Simply introduce basic constitute of automobile inspection line, and Its establishment of a system of indicators as the basic framework; The synopsis introduced a data to collect with the sorting, including a staff member examination to get a goal to lift to ask with expert on the scene to get a goal etc.; The end is the establishment of the basic database.
     2. Study on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the weights
     First taking comprehensive evaluation and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to carry on the systemic introduction, itemizing the basic tenets and basic mathematical model of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.The point introduced is the evaluating steps of this method, the evaluation factors weighting methods is determining ,the choice of qualitative and quantitative combination of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the weight of evaluation factors, as well as the method of determining the weights ,the specific calculation steps.
     3. Study on the evaluating system of whole examination ability/ detection capability of automobile inspection line and set up
     (1) Evaluating the establishment of the index sign system
     This text according to related nation standard,some existing profession standards and provision, and related evaluation system, building up a set of evaluation basis standard, and automobile inspection line is basic to constitute system for foundation, evaluate index sign through many collections sieving, build up the evaluating index system adapting detection capability of automobile inspection line.The evaluating index system should include four layer indexs,
     (2) Identification of the index weight
     AHP, as well as the use of experts investigating to determine the index weight. With the expert investigation and experts making use of scaling1~9, respectively, for each level of evaluation of the relative importance of indexs for qualitative description, and using the figures to quantify accurately, Constructing judgement matrix, through concrete calculations to make sure each index identified weight. Getting the weights should be carried through the consistency test, in order to maintain the evaluators judged on the ideological factors logical consistency, coherence between the various rating, but there are no internal contradictions in the results can be applied to evaluation of the system.
     (3)Setting up the evaluating system of whole detection capability of automobile inspection line
     When establishing a rational evaluating index system and the establishment of the index weight, Setting up the evaluating system of whole detection capability of automobile inspection line. This paper uses fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to establish the evaluating system of whole detection capability of automobile inspection line, this system can be refined, can affect the overall detection capabilities ,found weak links in the index, so as to provide managers of automobile inspection lines to improve the overall detection capabilities Methods.
     4. Case Evaluation System Verification
     Make use of the evaluating system of whole detection capability of automobile inspection line established to carry on an example demonstrated. Passing the expert investigates the method basis evaluation grade assurance to evaluate each index to belong to a degree; but also some of the indicators based on collected data, based on ratings determine its membership target. After several field visits to this Baishan City Jitong automobile inspection Co., Ltd as examples evaluation system testing, the final with formula B = W A *RAgetting the overall goal of Baishan City Automotive Co., Ltd. Jitong overall detection capabilities of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation Vector: B={0.5583, 0.4008, 0.0315, 0.0050, 0.0044}, evaluation of results obtained 82.5320 from S = B * CT, evaluation results and measurement certification test results were compared to arrive at the feasibility of the evaluation system.
     5. the analysis of the evaluating results
     From the upper floors through the subjection of the evaluation index, with the corresponding results evaluation histogram ,can be relatively easy to identify, Baishan City Jitong automobile inspection Co. Ltd Limited improvement is needed, and the corresponding measures for improving the detection of the line is reached good (complete with) rating.
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