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Hydrogen energy system is one of the most promising energy systems in the future. With the development of hydrogen energy technologies and applications, it is necessary to carry out assessment of hydrogen energy system immediately. Fuel cell vehicles provide the base for hydrogen energy to be applied in transportation system and the specific hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles is assessed completely in this thesis.
    In the thesis, the strategy for China to develop the hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles is analyzed firstly. Then a case in Beijing is studied, which is based on an imaginary but possible FCB (Fuel Cell Bus) project in Beijing, 2008. In the case, 11 feasible plans of hydrogen energy systems about fuel cell vehicles are evaluated from all the aspects of energy, environment and economy with LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). Finally, the safety of this kind of hydrogen energy system is assessed and some advice for assessment of hydrogen energy system in China are given.
    Followed are the main results of this thesis: ⑴China should make different plans of hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles during different periods and in different areas. The matrix of time and space for development of hydrogen energy system in China will instruct this work comprehensively, scientifically and objectively; ⑵For Beijing case and from all the aspects of energy, environment and economy, the best plan of hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles is: Hydrogen is produced by natural gas steam reforming in the central factory, then transported to the refueling stations in the hydrogen tube trailer by the trucks, and filled to the FCB using hydrogen gas.
    In the thesis, the whole system for assessment of hydrogen energy system about fuel cell vehicles is founded, including both macroscopical strategy and microcosmic case for the first time, which will promote assessment of hydrogen energy system in China and provide useful references for the government to develop fuel cell vehicles.
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