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The development of vocational education in rural modernization played a decisive role. Vocational education in the rural areas in the modernization of the functions are irreplaceable, education and the rural economy is the point of integration, education and a wide range of careers in the rural community as a bridge of communication, but also for an important pillar of rural modernization.
     Education is the focus of our education and difficulty, and by the party in recent years over China's vocational education education priorities and difficulties, in recent years more than plus by the party and the state are highly valued. Vocational education in particular the National conference on work, the development of vocational education in rural areas has attracted more and more people are concerned about. With the building of a new socialist countryside sounded the clarion call of the rural vocational education, life-long education role has become increasingly important.
     This paper is divided into three parts, intended to influence through analysis of the development of vocational education in rural areas to two factors: the education system of internal factors (run, the quality of teachers, teaching management, school forms, teaching content, etc.) and education systems external factors (government factors, economic factors, history cultural traditions, natural and geographical conditions, etc.), development of vocational education in rural areas to identify existing problems, Against the characteristics of Guiyang City, as well as agriculture, rural areas and farmers to the status quo, find meet the actual needs of the Guiyang City rural vocational education model response.
     At present, rural Guiyang City career development is the fundamental problem exists because of the traditional concepts constraining the development of vocational education in rural areas, and the government functioning, lack of system construction is lagging behind, leading to the overall rural vocational education insufficient supply, Performance 1. Rural Vocational Education funding shortfalls. 2. Insufficient number of agricultural vocational school, their conditions worse, professional set is irrational. 3. A serious shortage of professional teachers. 4. Information supply shortage. Internal rural vocational education at the same time there are also many problems, performance for rural vocational education system is incomplete, diversified school system has yet to take shape The lack of vocational education in rural appraisal system, the management system, fragmentation, rural vocational schools sponsoring autonomy not truly established, there is a training and employment separation of institutional obstacles, the source is relatively inadequate.
     This paper aimed at the existing problems and make the development of vocational
     education in rural areas in Guiyang City of responses: First start with the education system, building a wide range of education and training systems, improve rural vocational school self-incentive mechanism. Secondly start from outside the education system, strengthen the government's functions, making a good development planning, the establishment of rural mechanism to ensure funding for vocational education, and incentives to help construct mechanisms, and improve supervision evaluation mechanism, the implementation of the national vocational qualification certificate system, the establishment of effective market access and information communication mechanism.
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