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Mineral resources are precious and limited natural given the wealth of mankind,for mankind's survival and development provide an important source material,in the economic construction and social development plays a decisive role in the foundation.Therefore,scientific,and rational development and utilization of mineral resources of these limited service has been better for mankind is an important issue facing human society,especially in the current rapid economic development of the new world situation,particularly important.Establishment and improvement of mining rights market,the rational allocation of resources and efficient use of key important way. How innovative solution to a number of mining rights market, construction issues,the core problem is how to address the interests of stakeholders conflict. So from the perspective of stakeholders,to study the establishment and development of mining rights market,hit a raw nerve.
     In order to improve our minning rights market,this paper compare our minning rights market with foreign market and finds out some very important problems about our market,and then points out interest conflict and contradiction is the fudermental restrictive cause of our minning rights market development.Thus this paper first studies these stakeholders of our mining rights market,analyzes the conflict between these stakerholders and points out that the difference between the market system and political system induces the confilict between these stakeholders.Based on these analysis,this paper puts forward restructing market management system.Meanwhile according to the country policy and compromise of these stakeholders, this paper rebuilds the interest-sharing rules between these stakeholder.Through these measurement,this paper tries to resolve the problems of oure minning rights market.After these,this paper advances some suggestion including the specific strategy of different level governments and exploration or minning company,the improvement measurement of taxation system,law system and service industry.Compared with related research,this paper makes some progress including:Firstly,based on the interest conflict view,this paper finds the basic cause of dragging our minning rights market development;Secondly,tries to apply the stakeholder theory to the development research of our minning right market,and empirically analyzes the stakehoders of our minning rights market;Tirdly,systematically analyzes the political and economical relationship between these stakeholders,the interest gaming between these stakeholders,and specify the new interest-sharing rule;Fourly,rebuilds our minning rights trading market center in order cut down the relationship between the management power and interest demand rights.
     In a word,this research is helpful for government and department to learn the mechanism shortcoming of our mining rights market, understand the importance of market interest-sharing rule,improve our understanding about the market theory.Especially,this study give some good advice in order to improve the establishment and development of our minning rights market.
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