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To elucidate the influences of Taurochenodexycholic Acid (TCDCA) on apoptosis of immunocytes in mice and explain its principle are the aim of the experiment. The diphenylamine experiment was used for examining the percentage of apoptosis on different immunocytes after administer TCDCA. The results of this experiment are that TCDCA at low dose can inhibit the apoptosis of macrophage in abdominal cavity, lymphocyte both in blood and spleen, but have no effect on thymocyte; The high dose can inhibit the apoptosis of lymphocyte in blood, accelerate the apoptosis of thymocyte and macrophage in abdominal cavity, but has no effect on lymphocyte in spleen. The result show that TCDCA has different influences on apoptosis of different lymphocytes.
     In order to clarify the theory of TCDCA working on apoptosis of immunocytes in mice, the way that TCDCA affect apoptosis of lymphocyte in blood by the intrinsin pathway, which Lean on Caspase, was researched. Flow Cytometry was used for examining the percentage of apoptosis on lymphcell in blood which Serine had evaginated after administer TCDCA, the result show that both the TCDCA at high dose and low dose can decrease the percentage of lymphcell in blood which serine had evaginated, and the most remarkable prohibitive influence appeared on four days after administer TCDCA. Flow Cytometry was also used for examining the percentage of the lymphocyte which plastochondria membrane electric potential changed after administer TCDCA, the result show that TCDCA at low dose can decrease the percentage of the lymphocyte plastochondria membrane electric potential changing; the method of spectrophotometer was used for examining the active of Caspase-9 and Caspase-3 after administer TCDCA , the result show that both the TCDCA at high dose and low dose can bate the active of Caspase-9 and Caspase-3 . In a word, TCDCA has remarkable inhibitory influence on apoptosis of lymphocyte in blood at different period.
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