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China and India are two developing great nations in Asia and even in the world, which not only have the glorious history and culture, but also play a pivotal role in the contemporary world. Especially the recent years, both countries' economies have been developing very fast and the political influences are expanding day by day. With the establishment and expanse of the Shanghai Cooperative Organisation (SCO), India has already become the SCO' S observer country at present including other four countries. In addition, the Sino-India strategy partnership has been established. All these will certainly be advantages to relieve the barrier factors existing in the relations between China and India, and create better condition for their further relations. By generalized analyzing the SCO' s objective, principle, portal frame construction Sino- India relations and so on, this article attempts the angle of the SCO, discussing how to overcome the disadvantage factors in the Sino-India relations so as to develop the relations between the two countries.
    This article is divided into three parts. The first part mainly explains the present situation in the Sino-India relations research at present, the existence question. At the same time it shows the limitation of the angle of view in traditional research, and emphatically analyzes the similarities and differences between the angle of view in traditional research and the SCO. Theoretically this article analyzes the importance to discuss the Sino-India relations through a perspective on the SCO.
    The second part of this article begins from the analysis of the objective, the principle and the history and the development of the SCO, explaining the SCO's actual function and the practical effect. China is an initiation of the SCO, China and other countries' efforts finally caused the SCO into reality, which shows an outstanding status and function in the SCO. On the consideration of historical and the realistic reasons, India also hopes to join in this organisation. At present, it already has become the observer country. The SCO
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