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乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)耐药的产生成为长期治疗慢性乙型肝炎成功与否的主要障碍。目前检测HBV耐药的方法多种多样,但都因存在一些缺陷,其临床应用受到限制,例如灵敏度低、耗时长、成本高等缺点。在本论文中,我们建立了一种可以同时检测HBV拉米夫定(lamivudine, LAM)及阿德福韦(adefovir, ADV)耐药突变株(rtM204V, rtM204I, rtA181T, rtA181V, rtN236T)的多重连接探针-实时荧光PCR(multiplex ligation-dependent probe real-time PCR, MLP-RT-PCR)方法。该方法结合了多重连接探针扩增(multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification,MLPA)技术的灵敏、特异、高通量和实时PCR方便快捷、实时检测的特点。通过检测临床116例慢性乙肝患者DNA样本对MLP-RT-PCR方法进行了方法性能评价,其中检测出LAM耐药突变41例(35.3%),ADV耐药突变17例(14.7%)及两者共同耐药突变5例(4.3%)。检测结果与金标准直接测序方法比较,MLP-RT-PCR检测rtM204V、rtM204I、rtA181T、rtA181V和rtN236T的符合率分别为95.7%(111/116)、98.3%(114/116)、99.1%(115/116)、98.3%(114/116)和99.1%(115/116)。MLP-RT-PCR方法检测低比例突变株的灵敏度比直接测序方法更高,能够检测0.1%以上的rtM204V、rtM204I、rtA181T和rtN236T突变株,1%以上的rtA181V突变株。MLP-RT-PCR发现了4例低比例临床突变株,并进一步被TA克隆测序方法确证。MLP-RT-PCR能够快速、灵敏检测HBV多重耐药突变位点,为临床提供了一种成本低廉、检测快速的乙型肝炎耐药检测方法。
Drug-resistant mutations of hepatitis B virus (HBV) are the major obstacles tosuccessful therapy for chronic hepatitis B. Although there are many methods to detect theantiviral drug-resistant mutations of HBV, their applications are restricted because of theshortcomings such as low sensitivity, time required and high cost. Here a multiplexligation-dependent probe real-time PCR (MLP-RT-PCR) method was developed to detectlamivudine (LAM) and adefovir (ADV) resistant HBV mutants (rtM204V/I, rtA181V/T andrtN236T) simultaneously. The new method combined the high-throughout of multiplexligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) with the rapid and sensitive detection ofreal-time PCR. In this report, the MLP-RT-PCR was evaluated by detecting drug-resistantmutants in116patients with chronic hepatitis B. By MLP-RT-PCR analysis, LAM-resistantmutations were detected in41patients (35.3%), ADV-resistant mutations were detected in17patients (14.7%), LAM and ADV-resistant mutations were detected in5patients (4.3%).Based on the results of MLP-RT-PCR, the mutations rtM204V, rtM204I, rtA181T, rtA181Vand rtN236T were95.7%(111/116),98.3%(114/116),99.1%(115/116),98.3%(114/116),and99.1%(115/116), respectively, in concordance with those of direct sequencing. TheMLP-RT-PCR assay was more sensitive than direct sequencing when detecting mutationswith low percentage.The channels for rtM204V, rtM204I, rtA181T and rtN236T detectedmutants whose percentage were over0.1%, while the channels for rtA181V detectedmutants whose percentage was over1%. Four samples containing the low percentage(<10%) mutants were identified by MLP-RT-PCR and further confirmed by clonalsequencing. MLP-RT-PCR is a rapid and sensitive method that enables the detection ofmulti-drug-resistant HBV mutations in clinical practices.
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    2Tillmann HL. Antiviral therapy and resistance with hepati-tis B virus infection. World J Gastroenterol2007;13(1):125–40.
    3Locarnini S, Bowden S. Drug resistance in antiviral therapy. Clin Liver Dis2010;14(3):439–59.
    4Werle-Lapostolle B, Bowden S, Locarnini S et al. Persistence of cccDNA during the natural history of chronic hepatitisB and decline during adefovir dipivoxil therapy.Gastroenter-ology2004;126:1750–8.
    5Amini-Bavil-Olyaee S, Vucur M, Luedde T, Trautwein C, Tacke F. Differential impact of immune escape mutationsG145R and P120T on the replication of lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B virus e antigen-positive and–negative strains. JVirol2010;84:1026–33.
    1Zhou T, Saputelli J, Aldrich CE, Deslauriers M, Condreay LD, Mason WS. Emergence of drug-resistant populations ofwoodchuck hepatitis virus in woodchucks treated with the antiviral nucleoside lamivudine. Antimicrob AgentsChemother1999;43:1947–54.
    2Werle-Lapostolle B, Bowden S, Locarnini S et al. Persistence of cccDNA during the natural history of chronic hepatitisB and decline during adefovir dipivoxil therapy.Gastroenter-ology2004;126:1750–8.
    3Amini-Bavil-Olyaee S, Vucur M, Luedde T, Trautwein C, Tacke F. Differential impact of immune escape mutationsG145R and P120T on the replication of lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B virus e antigen-positive and–negative strains. JVirol2010;84:1026–33.
    4Sheldon J, Soriano V. Hepatitis B virus escape mutantsinduced by antiviral therapy. J Antimicrob Chemother2008;61:766–8.
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    [49] Tipples GA, Ma MM, Fischer KP, Bain VG, Kneteman NM,Tyrrell DL. Mutation inHBV RNA-dependent DNA poly-merase confers resistance to lamivudinein vivo.Hepatology1996;24:714–17
    [50] Delaney WE IV, Yang H, Westland CE et al. The hepatitis B virus polymerasemutation rtV173L is selected during lami-vudine therapy and enhances viralreplication in vitro. JVirol2003;77:11833–41.
    [51] Nakanishi H, Kurosaki M, Asahina Y et al. Polymerase domain B mutation isassociated with hepatitis relapse during long-term lamivudine therapy for chronichepatitis B. Intervirology2005;48:381–8.
    [52] Pai SB, Bozdayi AM, Pai RB et al. Emergence of a novel mutation in the FLLAregion of hepatitis B virus during lamivudine therapy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother2005;49:2618–24
    [53] Yatsuji H, Noguchi C, Hiraga Net al. Emergence of a novel lamivudine-resistanthepatitis B virus variant with a substitution outside the YMDD motif. AntimicrobAgents Chemother2006;50:3867–74.
    [54] Fu L, Cheng YC. Role of additional mutations outside the YMDD motif of hepatitis Bvirus polymerase in L (K) SddC (3TC) resistance. Biochem Pharmacol1998;55:1567–72.
    [55] Melegari M, Scaglioni PP, Wands JR. Hepatitis B virus mutants associated with3TCand famciclovir administra-tion are replication defective. Hepatology1998;27:628–33.
    [56] Ogata N, Fujii K, Takigawa S, Nomoto M, Ichida T, Asakura H. Novel patterns ofamino acid mutations in the hepatitis B virus polymerase in association with resistanceto lami-vudine therapy in Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis B. J Med Virol1999;59:270–6.
    [57] Warner N, Locarnini S, Kuiper M et al. The L80I substitu-tion in the reversetranscriptase domain of the hepatitis B virus polymerase is associated with lamivudineresistance and enhanced viral replication in vitro. Antimicrob Agents Chemother2007;51:2285–92.
    [58] Lei J, Wang Y, Wang L, Zhang S, Chen W, Bai Z, Xu L. Profile of hepatitis B virusresistance mutations against nucleoside/nucleotide analogue treatment in Chinesepatients with chronic hepatitis B. Virology Journal2013,10:313.
    [59] Westland C, Delaney WT, Yang H et al. Hepatitis B virus genotypes and virologicresponse in694patients in phase III studies of adefovir dipivoxil. Gastroenterology2003;125:107–16.
    [60] Yuen MF, Lai CL. Adefovir dipivoxil in chronic hepatitis B infection. Expert OpinPharmacother2004;5:2361–7.
    [61] Lacombe K, Ollivet A, Gozlan J et al. A novel hepatitis B virus mutation withresistance to adefovir but not to teno-fovir in an HIV-hepatitis B viurs-co-infectedpatient. AIDS2006;20:1–3.
    [62] Villeneuve JP, Durantel D, Durantel S et al. Selection of a hepatitis B virus strainresistant to adefovir in a liver trans-plantation patient.J Hepatol2003;39:1085–9.
    [63] Fung SK, Andreone P, Han SH et al. Adefovir-resistant hepatitis B can be associatedwith viral rebound and hepatic decompensation. J Hepatol2005;43:937–43.
    [64] Hadziyannis SJ, Tassopoulos NC, Heathcote EJ et al. Long-term therapy with adefovirdipivoxil for HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. N Engl J Med2005;352:2673–81.
    [65] Schildgen O, Sirma H, Funk A et al. Variant of hepatitis B virus with primaryresistance to adefovir. N Engl J Med2006;354:1807–12.
    [66] Curtis M, Zhu Y, Borroto-Esoda K. Hepatitis B virus con-taining the I233V mutationin the polymerase reverse-transcriptase domain remains sensitive to inhibition byadefovir. J Infect Dis2007;196:1483–6.
    [67] Villet S, Pichoud C, Trepo C et al. Selection of the A181T/V substitution in HBVchronically infected patients who developed a resistance to lamivudine and/oradefovir. Hepatology2006;44:555A.
    [68] Lee Y-S, Chung Y-H, Ryu SH et al. Hepatitis B virus with rtL80V/I mutationassociates with poor response to ade-fovir dipivoxil therapy (Abstract965).Hepatology2005;42:575A.
    [69] Locarnini S, Qi X, Arerburn S et al. Incidence and predictors of emergence ofadefovir resistant HBV during four years of adefovir dipivoxil (ADV) therapy forpatients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB).J Hepatol2005;42: A36.
    [70] Tenney DJ, Rose RE, Baldick CJ et al. Long-term monitoring shows hepatitis B virusresistance to entecavir in nucleoside-na ve patients is rare through5years of therapy.Hepatology2009;49:1503–14.
    [71] Villet S, Ollivet A, Pichoud Cet al. Stepwise process for the development of entecavirresistance in a chronic hepatitis B virus infected patient. J Hepatol2007;46:531–8.
    [72] Warner N, Locarnini SA, Colledge D et al. Molecular mod-eling of entecavir resistantmutations in the hepatitis B virus polymerase selected during therapy.Hepatology2003;40:245A.
    [73] Tenney DJ, Oliver AJ, Rose RE et al. Hepatitis B virus resis-tance to entecavir involves novel changes in the viral polymerase.Hepatology2003;40:245A.
    [74] Colonno R, Rose R, Levine Set al. Entecavir two year resis-tance update: noresistance observed in nucleoside na ve patients and low frequency resistanceemergence in lami-vudine refractory patients (Abstract962). Hepatology2005;42:573A.
    [75] Lai CL, Gane E, Liaw YF et al. Globe Study Group.2-Year GLOBE trial results:telbivudine Is superior to lamivudine in patients with chronic hepatitis B.Gastroenterology2009;136:486–95.
    [76] Ladner S, Miller T, Otto M, King R. The hepatitis B virus M539V polymerasevariation responsible for3TC resis-tance also confers cross-resistance to othernucleoside ana-logues. Antivir Chem Chemother1998;9:65–72.
    [77] Chin R, Shaw T, Torresi Jet al. In vitro susceptibilities of wild-type or drug-resistanthepatitis B virus to beta-D-2,6-diaminopurine dioxolane and2-fluoro-5-methyl-beta-L-arab inofuranosyluracil. Antimicrob Agents Chemother2001;45:2495–501.
    [78] Locarnini S. Primary resistance, multidrug resistance, and cross-resistance pathways inH BV as a consequence of treatment failure. Hepatol Int2008;2:147–51
    [79] Sheldon J, Camino N, Rodes Bet al. Selection of hepatitis B virus polymerasemutations in HIV-coinfected patients treated with tenofovir. Antivir Ther2005;10:727–34.
    [80] Gish RG. Clinical trial results of new therapies for HBV: implications for treatmentguidelines. Semin Liver Dis2005;25:29–39.
    [81] Locarnini S, Warner N. Major causes of antiviral drug resis-tance and implications fortreatment of hepatitis B virus monoinfection and coinfection with HIV. Antivir Ther2007;12: H15–23.
    [82] Yang H, Qi X, Sabogal A, Miller M, Xiong S, Delaney WET. Crossresistance testingof next-generation nucleoside and nucleotide analogues against lamivudine-resistantHBV. Antivir Ther2005;10:625–33.
    [83] Brunelle MN, Jacquard AC, Pichoud C et al. Susceptibility to antivirals of a humanHBV strain with mutations con-ferring resistance to both lamivudine and adefovir.Hepa-tology2005;41:1391–8.
    [84] Villet S, Pichoud C, Villeneuve JP et al. Selection of a multiple drug-resistant hepatitisB virus strain in a liver-transplanted patient. Gastroenterology2006;131:1253–61.
    [85] Warner N, Locarnini S. The antiviral drug selected hepatitis B virus rtA181T/sW172mutant has a dominant negative secretion defect and alters the typical profile of viralrebound. Hepatology2008;48:88–98.
    [86] Villet S, Pichoud C, Billioud Get al. Impact of hepatitis B virus rtA181V/T mutantson hepatitis B treatment failure. J Hepatol2008;48:747–55.
    [87] White SJ, Vink GR, Kriek M, Wuyts W et al.Two-color multiplex ligation-dependentprobe amplification: detecting genomic rearrangements in hereditary multipleexostoses. Hum.Mutat.2004,24,86–92.
    [88] Kozlowski P, Roberts P, Dabora S, Franz D et al. Identification of54largedeletions/duplications in TSC1and TSC2using MLPA, and genotype-phenotypecorrelations. Hum. Genet.2007,121,389–400.
    [89] Reijans M, Dingemans G, Klaassen CH, Meis JF, Keijdener J, Mulders B, Eadie K, vanLeeuwen W, van Belkum A, Horrevorts AM, Simons G. RespiFinder: a newmultiparameter test to differentially identify fifteen respiratory viruses. J. Clin.Microbiol.2008.46:1232–1240.
    [90] Wang Z, Huang Y, Wen S, Zhou B, Hou J. Hepatitis B virus genotypes andsubgenotypes in China. Hepatol. Res.2007.37: S36–41.
    [91] PasS D,NoPPomPanth S,EijkA V,eta1.Quantification of the newly detectedlamivudine resistant YSDD variants of Hepatitis B virus using molecular beacons.JClin Virol,2005,2:166-172.
    [92] Hong SP, Kim NK, Hwang SG, Chung HJ, Kim S, Han JH, Kim HT, Rim KS, KangMS, Yoo W, Kim SO. Detection of hepatitis B vi-rus YMDD variants using massspectromet-ric analysis of oligonucleotide fragments. J Hepatol2004,40:837–844.
    [93] Paik YH, Han KH, Hong SP, Lee HW, Lee KS, Kim SO, Shin JE, Ahn SH, Chon CY,Moon YM. The clinical impact of early de-tection of the YMDD mutant on theout-comes of long-term lamivudine therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis B.Antivir Ther2006,11,447–455.
    [94] Choi YJ, Kim HS, Lee SH, Park JS, Nam HS, Kim HJ, Kim CJ, Jeong DJ, Park KS,Baek KA. Evaluation of peptide nucleic acid array for the detection of hepatitis Bvirus mutations associated with antiviral resistance. Arch. Virol.2011.156:1517–1524.
    [95] Liu Y, Wang C, Zhong Y, Li X, Dai J, Ren X, et al. Genotypic resistance profile ofhepatitis B virus (HBV) in a large cohort of nucleos(t)ide analogue-experiencedChinese patients with chronic HBV infection. J. Viral. Hepat.2011.18:e29–39.
    [1] Zoulim F, Locarnini S. Hepatitis B virus resistance to nucleos(t)ide analogues.Gastroenterology2009;137:1593–608.
    [2] Tillmann HL. Antiviral therapy and resistance with hepati-tis B virus infection. WorldJ Gastroenterol2007;13(1):125–40.
    [3] Locarnini S, Bowden S. Drug resistance in antiviral therapy. Clin Liver Dis2010;14(3):439–59.
    [4] Werle-Lapostolle B, Bowden S, Locarnini S et al. Persistence of cccDNA during thenatural history of chronic hepatitis B and decline during adefovir dipivoxiltherapy.Gastroenter-ology2004;126:1750–8.
    [5] Amini-Bavil-Olyaee S, Vucur M, Luedde T, Trautwein C, Tacke F. Differential impactof immune escape mutations G145R and P120T on the replication oflamivudine-resistant hepatitis B virus e antigen-positive and–negative strains. J Virol2010;84:1026–33.
    [6] Zhou T, Saputelli J, Aldrich CE, Deslauriers M, Condreay LD, Mason WS.Emergence of drug-resistant populations of woodchuck hepatitis virus in woodchuckstreated with the antiviral nucleoside lamivudine. Antimicrob Agents Chemother1999;43:1947–54.
    [7] Sheldon J, Soriano V. Hepatitis B virus escape mutantsinduced by antiviral therapy. JAntimicrob Chemother2008;61:766–8.
    [8] Sloan RD, Ijaz S, Moore PL, Harrison TJ, Teo CG, Tedder RS. Antiviral resistancemutations potentiate hepatitis B virus immune evasion through disruption of itssurface antigen a determinant. Antivir Ther2008;13:439–47.
    [9] Bartholomeusz A, Tehan BG, Chalmers DK. Comparisons of the HBV and HIVpolymerase, and antiviral resistance mutations. Antivir Ther2004;9:149–60.
    [10] Yeh CT, Chien RN, Chu CM, Liaw YF. Clearance of the original hepatitis B virusYMDD-motif mutants with emer-gence of distinct lamivudine resistant mutantsduring pro-longed lamivudine therapy. Hepatology2000;31:1318–26.
    [11] Angus P, Vaughan R, Xiong S et al. Resistance to adefovir dipivoxil therapyassociated with the selection of a novel mutation in the HBV polymerase.Gastroenterology2003;125:292–7.
    [12] Bartholomeusz A, Locarmini S, Ayves A et al. Molecular modelling of hepatitis Bvirus polymerase and Adefovir resistance identifies three clusters of mutations.Hepatology2004;40:246A
    [13] Bartholomeusz A, Locarmini S, Ayves Aet al. Mechanistic basis for hepatitis B virusresistance to acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analogues, Adefovir and Tenofovir.Hepatol-ogy2005;42:594A.
    [14] Bartholomeusz A, Locarnini SA. Antiviral drug resistance: clinical consequences andmolecular aspects. Semin Liver Dis2006;26:162–70.
    [15] Zoulim F. Mechanism of viral persistence and resistance to nucleoside and nucleotideanalogs in chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Antiviral Res2004;64:1–15.
    [16] Lai CL, Dienstag J, Schiff E et al. Prevalence and clinical correlates of YMDDvariants during lamivudine therapy forpatients with chronic hepatitis B. Clin InfectDis2003;36:687–96.
    [17] Lok AS, Lai CL, Leung N et al. Long-term safety of lamivu-dine treatment inpatients with chronic hepatitis B.Gastro-enterology2003;125:1714–22.
    [18] Tenney DJ, Levine SM, Rose RE et al. Clinical emergence of entecavir-resistanthepatitis B virus requires additional substitutions in virus already resistant toLamivudine.Antimicrob Agents Chemother2004;48:3498–507.
    [19] Holomán J, Glasa J. EASL clinical practice guidelines. JHepatol2009;51:821–2.
    [20] Lok AS, McMahon BJ. Chronic hepatitis B: update2009.Hepatology2009;50:661–2.
    [21] Qin B,Zhang B, Zhang X,He T,Xu W,Fu L. Tu C. Substitution Rtq267h of Hepatitis BVirus Increases the Weight of Replication and Lamivudine Resistance.Hepat Mon.2013October;13(10):e12160.
    [22] Ono SK, Kato N, Shiratori Yet al. The polymerase L528M mutation cooperates withnucleotide binding-site muta-tions, increasing hepatitis B virus replication and drugresistance. J Clin Invest2001;107:449–55.
    [23] Allen MI, Deslauriers M, Andrews CW et al. Identification and characterisation ofmutations in hepatitis B virus resis-tant to lamivudine. Lamivudine ClinicalInvestigation Group.Hepatology1998;27:1670–7.
    [24] Ling R, Mutimer D, Ahmed M et al. Selection of mutations in the hepatitis B viruspolymerase during therapy of trans-plant recipients with lamivudine. Hepatology1996;24:711–13.
    [25] Tipples GA, Ma MM, Fischer KP, Bain VG, Kneteman NM,Tyrrell DL. Mutation inHBV RNA-dependent DNA poly-merase confers resistance to lamivudinein vivo.Hepatology1996;24:714–17
    [26] Delaney WE IV, Yang H, Westland CE et al. The hepatitis B virus polymerasemutation rtV173L is selected during lami-vudine therapy and enhances viralreplication in vitro. JVirol2003;77:11833–41.
    [27] Nakanishi H, Kurosaki M, Asahina Y et al. Polymerase domain B mutation isassociated with hepatitis relapse during long-term lamivudine therapy for chronichepatitis B. Intervirology2005;48:381–8.
    [28] Pai SB, Bozdayi AM, Pai RB et al. Emergence of a novel mutation in the FLLAregion of hepatitis B virus during lamivudine therapy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother2005;49:2618–24
    [29] Yatsuji H, Noguchi C, Hiraga Net al. Emergence of a novel lamivudine-resistanthepatitis B virus variant with a substitution outside the YMDD motif. AntimicrobAgents Chemother2006;50:3867–74.
    [30] Fu L, Cheng YC. Role of additional mutations outside the YMDD motif of hepatitis Bvirus polymerase in L (K) SddC (3TC) resistance. Biochem Pharmacol1998;55:1567–72.
    [31] Melegari M, Scaglioni PP, Wands JR. Hepatitis B virus mutants associated with3TCand famciclovir administra-tion are replication defective. Hepatology1998;27:628–33.
    [32] Ogata N, Fujii K, Takigawa S, Nomoto M, Ichida T, Asakura H. Novel patterns ofamino acid mutations in the hepatitis B virus polymerase in association withresistance to lami-vudine therapy in Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis B. J MedVirol1999;59:270–6.
    [33] Warner N, Locarnini S, Kuiper M et al. The L80I substitu-tion in the reversetranscriptase domain of the hepatitis B virus polymerase is associated withlamivudine resistance and enhanced viral replication in vitro. Antimicrob AgentsChemother2007;51:2285–92.
    [34] Lei J, Wang Y, Wang L, Zhang S, Chen W, Bai Z, Xu L. Profile of hepatitis B virusresistance mutations against nucleoside/nucleotide analogue treatment in Chinesepatients with chronic hepatitis B. Virology Journal2013,10:313.
    [35] Westland C, Delaney WT, Yang H et al. Hepatitis B virus genotypes and virologicresponse in694patients in phase III studies of adefovir dipivoxil. Gastroenterology2003;125:107–16.
    [36] Yuen MF, Lai CL. Adefovir dipivoxil in chronic hepatitis B infection. Expert OpinPharmacother2004;5:2361–7.
    [37] Lacombe K, Ollivet A, Gozlan J et al. A novel hepatitis B virus mutation withresistance to adefovir but not to teno-fovir in an HIV-hepatitis B viurs-co-infectedpatient. AIDS2006;20:1–3.
    [38] Villeneuve JP, Durantel D, Durantel S et al. Selection of a hepatitis B virus strainresistant to adefovir in a liver trans-plantation patient.J Hepatol2003;39:1085–9.
    [39] Fung SK, Andreone P, Han SH et al. Adefovir-resistant hepatitis B can be associatedwith viral rebound and hepatic decompensation. J Hepatol2005;43:937–43.
    [40] Hadziyannis SJ, Tassopoulos NC, Heathcote EJ et al. Long-term therapy withadefovir dipivoxil for HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. N Engl J Med2005;352:2673–81.
    [41] Schildgen O, Sirma H, Funk A et al. Variant of hepatitis B virus with primaryresistance to adefovir. N Engl J Med2006;354:1807–12.
    [42] Curtis M, Zhu Y, Borroto-Esoda K. Hepatitis B virus con-taining the I233V mutationin the polymerase reverse-transcriptase domain remains sensitive to inhibition byadefovir. J Infect Dis2007;196:1483–6.
    [43] Villet S, Pichoud C, Trepo C et al. Selection of the A181T/V substitution in HBVchronically infected patients who developed a resistance to lamivudine and/oradefovir. Hepatology2006;44:555A.
    [44] Lee Y-S, Chung Y-H, Ryu SH et al. Hepatitis B virus with rtL80V/I mutationassociates with poor response to ade-fovir dipivoxil therapy (Abstract965).Hepatology2005;42:575A.
    [45] Locarnini S, Qi X, Arerburn S et al. Incidence and predictors of emergence ofadefovir resistant HBV during four years of adefovir dipivoxil (ADV) therapy forpatients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB).J Hepatol2005;42: A36.
    [46] Tenney DJ, Rose RE, Baldick CJ et al. Long-term monitoring shows hepatitis B virusresistance to entecavir in nucleoside-na ve patients is rare through5years of therapy.Hepatology2009;49:1503–14.
    [47] Villet S, Ollivet A, Pichoud Cet al. Stepwise process for the development of entecavirresistance in a chronic hepatitis B virus infected patient. J Hepatol2007;46:531–8.
    [48] Warner N, Locarnini SA, Colledge D et al. Molecular mod-eling of entecavirresistant mutations in the hepatitis B virus polymerase selected during therapy.Hepatology2003;40:245A.
    [49] Tenney DJ, Oliver AJ, Rose RE et al. Hepatitis B virus resis-tance to entecavir involves novel changes in the viral polymerase.Hepatology2003;40:245A.
    [50] Colonno R, Rose R, Levine Set al. Entecavir two year resis-tance update: noresistance observed in nucleoside na ve patients and low frequency resistanceemergence in lami-vudine refractory patients (Abstract962). Hepatology2005;42:573A.
    [51] Lai CL, Gane E, Liaw YF et al. Globe Study Group.2-Year GLOBE trial results:telbivudine Is superior to lamivudine in patients with chronic hepatitis B.Gastroenterology2009;136:486–95.
    [52] Ladner S, Miller T, Otto M, King R. The hepatitis B virus M539V polymerasevariation responsible for3TC resis-tance also confers cross-resistance to othernucleoside ana-logues. Antivir Chem Chemother1998;9:65–72.
    [53] Chin R, Shaw T, Torresi Jet al. In vitro susceptibilities of wild-type or drug-resistanthepatitis B virus to beta-D-2,6-diaminopurine dioxolane and2-fluoro-5-methyl-beta-L-arab inofuranosyluracil. Antimicrob Agents Chemother2001;45:2495–501.
    [54] Locarnini S. Primary resistance, multidrug resistance, and cross-resistance pathwaysin H BV as a consequence of treatment failure. Hepatol Int2008;2:147–51
    [55] Sheldon J, Camino N, Rodes Bet al. Selection of hepatitis B virus polymerasemutations in HIV-coinfected patients treated with tenofovir. Antivir Ther2005;10:727–34.
    [56] Gish RG. Clinical trial results of new therapies for HBV: implications for treatmentguidelines. Semin Liver Dis2005;25:29–39.
    [57] Locarnini S, Warner N. Major causes of antiviral drug resis-tance and implications fortreatment of hepatitis B virus monoinfection and coinfection with HIV. Antivir Ther2007;12: H15–23.
    [58] Yang H, Qi X, Sabogal A, Miller M, Xiong S, Delaney WET. Crossresistance testingof next-generation nucleoside and nucleotide analogues against lamivudine-resistantHBV. Antivir Ther2005;10:625–33.
    [59] Brunelle MN, Jacquard AC, Pichoud C et al. Susceptibility to antivirals of a humanHBV strain with mutations con-ferring resistance to both lamivudine and adefovir.Hepa-tology2005;41:1391–8.
    [60] Villet S, Pichoud C, Villeneuve JP et al. Selection of a multiple drug-resistanthepatitis B virus strain in a liver-transplanted patient. Gastroenterology2006;131:1253–61.
    [61] Warner N, Locarnini S. The antiviral drug selected hepatitis B virus rtA181T/sW172mutant has a dominant negative secretion defect and alters the typical profile of viralrebound. Hepatology2008;48:88–98.
    [62] Villet S, Pichoud C, Billioud Get al. Impact of hepatitis B virus rtA181V/T mutantson hepatitis B treatment failure. J Hepatol2008;48:747–55.
    [63] Zoulim F, Perrillo R. Hepatitis B: reflections on the current approach to antiviraltherapy. J Hepatol2008;48(Suppl.1):S2–19.
    [64] European Association for the study of the Liver. EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines:management of chronic hepa-titis B. J Hepatol2009;50:227–42.
    [65] Liaw YF, Sung JJ, Chow WC, et al. Lamivudine for patients with chronic hepatitis Band advanced liver disease. Nengl J Med2004;351:1521–31.
    [66] Yim H J, Hussain M, Liu Y, et al. Evolution of multi-drug resistant hepatitis B virusduring sequential therapy. Hepa-tology2006;44:703–12.
    [67] Reijnders JG, Deterding K, Petersen J, et al. Antiviral effect of entecavir in chronichepatitis B: influence of prior exposure to nucleos(t)ide analogues. J Hepatol2010;52:493–500.
    [68] Van Bommel F, De Man RA, Wedemeyer H, et al. Long-term efficacy of tenofovirmonotherapy for hepatitis B virus-monoinfected patients after failure ofnucleoside/nucleotide analogues. Hepatology2010;51:73–80.
    [69] Liaw YF, Leung N, Kao JH,et al. Asian-Pacific consensus statement on themanagement of chronic hepatitis B: a2008update.Hepatol Int2008;2:263–83.
    [70] Chang TT, Lai CL, Kew Yoon S, et al. Entecavir treat-ment for up to5years inpatients with hepatitis B e antigen-positive chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology2010;51:422–30.
    [71] Marcellin P, Heathcote EJ, Buti M, et al. Tenofovir dis-oproxil fumarate versusadefovir dipivoxil for chronic hepatitis B. N Engl J Med2008;359:2442–55.
    [72] Yuen MF, Sablon E, Hui CK, et al. Factors associated with hepatitis B virus DNAbreakthrough in patients receiving prolonged lamivudine therapy. Hepatology2001;34(Part1):785–91.
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