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During the Knowledge-base economy times when developped countries have finished the turn from the academic science to the post academic science, the trend of integration among S&T and economy is growing enhanced,along with technological activity having been the center of all social ones,especially utilitarian motive has become the most primary power in scientific research.All of these have resulted in scientists'contending against the technological resources with life-and-death, furtherly momentous research misconduct events occurred continually, they becoming more and more rampant, and it has beacome a hotspot, focus,difficulty and great puzzle all over the world. Therefore,with the theory and method of interdisciplinary sciences, both of them will have extraordinary important theoretical values and operation significances:(1)to systematically research the conceptual frame, complex and various causalities,principal paradigms and their perspective transition about research misconduct in theory; (2)to profoundly anlyse,objectively evaluate and fully use for reference with some successful experiences on the guidelines determination, strategy decision-making, institution design, system arrangement, mechanism and procedure operation of the United States in paradigm, for construction of the Chinese prevention and regulation system against research misconduct, positively responding to the serious challenge from the events of research misconduct, real and effective solution of its present principal problems.
     It constitutes a conceptual frame to rethink about definition, basic features and types of reearch misconduct.Reseach misconduct resulted from the interaction relationships of factors among microcosmic individual layer,middle-cosmic professional community and technological orgnizations, and macroscopical layer of social circumstance, may bring great harmness either about the intrests and fames for oneselves done misconduct,cooperators,others peers,professional communities and even institution itself within social institution of science,or about material and mental harmness for funding research agencies, social institutions,cultural ideas, and even common publics have not trusted on it because of loss of science purity outside. To explore research misconduct there are three major theoretical paradigms and analytical perspectives which are respectively set up by Robert King Merton about the normative structure of the academic science consisted of Communism, Universality, Disinterestedness, Originality and Scepticism (CUDOS),by John Ziman on the normative structure of the postacademic science consisted of Proprietary, Local, Authoritarian, Commissioned and Expert(PLACE), and by some experts on research integrity through the National Academies'organization.Being a kind of uniform relationship between history and logic among these theories represents either a transitions and innovation based on historical inheritance,or respective dependence,coexistence and supplement one another on a logic basic.All of above may not only describle a whole epistemology view to systematically hold research misconduct,but also provide an important guidelines and logic basic for the United States to construct its integrative system of prevention and regulation against research misconduct.
     In according with the law on the evolution of research misconduct,the transition of two kinds of different strategies responsing to research misconduct were successively implemented by the Amerrican government.The first strategy transition was an single punishment mean from professional ethics to public polices, and the second one was from public policy to a systematic prevention and regulation with all kinds of means including professional ethic,laws, codes and regulations. In the United States the system of prevention and regulation against research misconduct mainly include the following two parts:(1)the first one is consist of policies,codes and regulations directly stating against research misconduct;(2)the second one is that include such as policies on subjects protection and annimals wellfare at experiment, data management, conflict of interest, responsibilities of Supervisors and trainees, cooperative research,authorship and publication,peer review close related to research misconduct.The two parts are either severally dependent or mutual supplement each other,and they has some formative and social functions including punishment, education,prevention and so on against research misconduct. They can provide either a right guidelines, or a firm organizational foundation and a powerful institutional ensure for the layer mechanism of oversee and administration against research misconduct to operate at a health, order and effective way in the United States.A finding of research misconduct made under this part requires:(a) there be a significant departure from accepted practices of the relevant research community; and (b) the misconduct be committed intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly;and (c) the allegation be proven by a preponderance of the evidence. The determination against a research misconduct must follow not only the administrative procedure step by step from allegation to allegation assessment, inquiry, investigation, correlative agency's oversight and review and sanctions,etc., but also the legal procedure step by step from appeal to hearing and judicial decision.Along the healthy, order and effective layer mechanism of oversee and administration, with the prompt, fair and confidential procedure on investigating and processing research misconduct, both of them can provide an important ensuring effect for the rights and obligations stated by above systems. Moreover, all of above made the United States become a typical state paradigm dealing with research misconduct all over the world by the nature of things.
     Faced with a extraordinary severe challenge from research misconduct events, China herself has not only established and implemented a unique prevention and regulation system dealing with research misconduct,but also gained some more remarkable achievements.Being an increasingly open and drastically competition international society,as long as China dared to be up against such a challenge and was good at learning from those useful experiences of the United States,it would be able to realize the final and long-term goal either of reducing amounts and harms at research misconduct events,or at large promoting integrity consciousness,levels of academic moral and scientific ethic.
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    ③ Jean-Philippe Breittmayer, Martine Bungener, Hugues De The, Evelyne Eschwege, Michel Fougereau, Gilles Guedj, Claude Kordon, Olivier Philippe, Maric-Catherine Postel-Vinay, Laurence Schaffar-Esterle, Responding to allegations of scientific misconduct, Science and Engineering Ethics,6(1)2000:41-48; Imogen Evans, The medical research council's approach to allegations of scientific misconduct, Science and Engineering Ethics, 6(1)2000:91-94.
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    ③ Ibid.
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    ② 42 C.F.R. Part 50. subpart A:August 8,1989.
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    ① Kenneth D. Pimple, Defining Misconduct in Science:Some Reflections on the American Experience, http://www.indiana.edu/-poynter/tre4-2a.html
    ② Ibid.
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    ② Ibid,p.15.
    ③ Ibid,p.15-17.
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    ② Ibid,p.220-226.
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    ② Ibid.
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    ② J. E. Dahlberg and C. C. Mahler, The Poehlman case:running away from the truth, Science and Engineering Ethics,12(1)2006:173.
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    ① Perry Sailor,The relationship between graduate students'education in research ethics and their attitudes toward research misconduct[D], Utah State University,1997,p.6-7.
    ② John Ziman, Real Science:What It Is, and What It Means, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000,p.57-82.
    ③ Vincent N. Hamner, MISCONDUCT IN SCIENCE:DO SCIENTISTS NEED A PROFESSIONAL CODE OF ETHICS? http://www.files. chem. vt. edu/chem-ed/ethics/vinny/www ethx. html
    ① Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt, Science and Society: Building Bridges of Excellence Perceptions on the Interaction between Public Research and Enterprises, This report is published by The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy,2003/6, p.31. www.afsk.au.dk/ftp/ScienceSociety/2003_6.pdf
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    ① Perry Sailor,The relationship between graduate students'education in research ethics and their attitudes toward research misconduct[D]. Utah State University,1997,p.1.
    ② Ibid,p.7.
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    ②吴善超, 《当前我国科研道德建设研究》,2004年清华大学硕士学位论文,第4页。
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    ① Perry Sailor,The relationship between graduate students'education in research ethics and their attitudes toward research misconduct[D], Utah State University,1997,p.9.
    ① Perry Sailor,The relationship between graduate students'education in research ethics and their attitudes toward research misconduct[D], Utah State University,1997,p.9.
    ② Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt, Science and Society: Building Bridges of Excellence Perceptions on the Interaction between Public Research and Enterprises, This report is published by The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy,2003/6, p.31-32. www.afsk.au.dk/ftp/ScienceSociety/2003_6.pdf
    ① Perry Sailor,The relationship between graduate students'education in research ethics and their attitudes toward research misconduct[D],Utah State University,1997,p.9-10.
    ② John Ziman,"Postacademic Science":Constructing Knowledge with Networks and Norms, Science Studies, Vol.9 (1996), No.1, p.68-69.
    ③ John Ziman, Real Science:What It Is, and What It Means, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,2000,p.33-46;同时参见(英)J.齐曼,《真科学:它是什么,它指什么》,曾国屏等译,上海,上海科技教育出版社,2002年版,第43-58页。
    ①黄欣荣,“后学院科学及其社会规范:齐曼《真科学》读后”, 《科学学研究》,2003年第5期,第556-557页。
    ②谭文华,“从CUDOS到PLACE:论学院科学向后学院科学的转变”, 《科学学研究》,2006年第5期,第659页。
    ① Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt, Science and Society:Building Bridges of Excellence Perceptions on the Interaction between Public Research and Enterprises, This report is published by The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy,2003/6, p.32. www.afsk.au.dk/ftp/ScienceSociety/2003_6.pdf
    ② Ibid,p.33.
    ④张燕,“默顿的学院科学范式述评”, 《白城师范学院学报》,2006年第3期,第37-39页。
    ①宋芝业, 《科学规范研究》,2007年山东大学硕士学位论文,第16-23页。
    ①宋芝业, 《科学规范研究》,2007年山东大学硕士学位论文,第19-22页。
    ①(美)R.K.默顿, 《科学社会学》,鲁旭东,林聚任译,北京,商务印书馆,2003年版,第440页。
    ②(美)R.K.默顿, 《十七世纪英格兰的科学、技术与社会》,范岱年等译,北京,商务印书馆,2000年版,第286页。
    ④宋芝业, 《科学规范研究》,2007年山东大学硕士学位论文,第24-25页。
    ⑤ Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt, Science and Society:Building Bridges of Excellence Perceptions on the Interaction between Public Research and Enterprises, This report is published by The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy,2003/6, p.31. www.afsk.au.dk/ftp/ScienceSociety/2003_6.pdf
    ① John Ziman,Real Science:What It Is, and What It Means, Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,2000,p.73.
    ① Larry Bencze,Steve Alsop,Kelli Hazzard, Influences of the Profit Motive on the Nature of Science:Ethical and Methodological Compromises Requiring Attention, p.9-16. www.ihpst2005.leeds.ac.uk/papers/Bencze_Alsop_Hazzard.pdf
    ① Larry Bencze,Steve Alsop,Kelli Hazzard, Influences of the Profit Motive on the Nature of Science:Ethical and Methodological Compromises Requiring Attention,p.9-12. www.ihpst2005.leeds.ac.uk/papers/Bencze Alsop Hazzard.pdf
    ② John Ziman,Real Science: What It Is, and What It Means, Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,2000,p.37.
    ③ Larry Bencze,Steve Alsop,Kelli Hazzard, Influences of the Profit Motive on the Nature of Science:Ethical and Methodological Compromises Requiring Attention, p.13. www. ihpst2005.leeds. ac. uk/papers/Bencze_A lsop_Hazzard.pdf
    ① Larry Bencze,Steve Alsop,Kelli Hazzard, Influences of the Profit Motive on the Nature of Science:Ethical and Methodological Compromises Requiring Attention,p.14, www.ihpst2005.leeds.ac.uk/papers/Bencze_Alsop_Hazzard.pdf
    ② Ibid,p.14-15.
    ① Larry Bencze,Steve Alsop,Kelli Hazzard, Influences of the Profit Motive on the Nature of Science:Ethical and Methodological Compromises Requiring Attention,p.16-17, www.ihpst2005.leeds.ac.uk/papers/Bencze_Alsop_Hazzard.pdf
    ① Larry Bencze,Steve Alsop,Kelli Hazzard, Influences of the Profit Motive on the Nature of Science:Ethical and Methodological Compromises Requiring Attention,p.17-18. www. ihpst2005. leeds. ac.uk/papers/Bencze_Alsop_Hazzard.pdf
    ② Ibid,p.18-19.
    ③ John Ziman, "Postacademic Science":Constructing Knowledge with Networks and Norms, Science Studies, Vol.9 (1996), No.1, p.67-80.
    ① John Ziman, Real Science:What It Is,and What It Means,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,2000, p.77.
    ② John Ziman, "Postacademic Science":Constructing Knowledge with Networks and Norms, Science Studies, Vol.9(1996), No. 1,p.71.
    ③ Ibid.
    ① John Ziman, "Postacademic Science":Constructing Knowledge with Networks and Norms, Science Studies, Vol.9 (1996), No.1,p.73.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid,p.74.
    ① John Ziman, "Postacademic Science":Constructing Knowledge with Networks and Norms, Science Studies, Vol.9 (1996), No.l, p.75-76.
    ② John Ziman, Real Science:What It Is,and What It Means,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,2000, p.76-77.
    ③ Ibid,p.77.
    ① John Ziman, Real Science:What It Is,and What It Means, Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,2000. p.78.
    ③ Ibid,p.81.
    ② Ibid,p.78-79.
    ①谭文华,“从CUDOS到PLACE-——论学院科学向后学院科学的转变”, 《科学学研究》,2006年第5期,第660页。
    ①谭文华,“从CUDOS到PLACE——论学院科学向后学院科学的转变”, 《科学学研究》,2006年第5期,660-661页。
    ② Michael Berry, Ziman, John, Michael, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,p.3, www.phy. bris. ac.uk/people/Berry_mv/the_papers/BerryB.pdf
    ① Pietro Greco,Comment John Ziman, Journal of Science Communication, JCOM 5 (4), December 2006, p.2-2,jcom.sissa.it/archive/05/04/Jcom0504(2006)C01/Jcom0504(2006)C01.pdf
    ② Ibid.
    ③ J. Ziman, Prometheus Bound. Science in a Dynamic Steady State, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,1994.
    ① Ana Maria Vara,An insider's view on science and society. Re-reading John Ziman, Journal of Science Communication, JCOM 5 (4), December 2006,p.8.
    ①Ana Maria Vara,An insider's view on science and society.Re-reading John Ziman,Journal of Science Communication,JCOM 5(4),December 2006,p.9.
    ③C.A.Hooker,Essay Review, Science:Legendary,Academic and Post-Academic? Minerva,Volume 41,Number l,2003(11),p.71-81.www.newcastle.edu.au/centre/casrg/publications/ZimanReviewWP5.pdf
    ① C.A. Hooker, Essay Review, Science:Legendary, Academic-and Post-Academic? Minerva, Volume 41, Number 1,2003 (11), p.81.www.newcastle.edu.au/centre/casrg/publications/ZimanReviewWP5.pdf
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Ibid.
    ①黄欣荣, “后学院科学及其社会规范——齐曼《真科学》读后”, 《科学学研究》,2003年第5期,第556-560页。
    ①(美)R.K.默顿, 《科学社会学》,鲁旭东,林聚任译,北京,商务印书馆,2003年版,第363-364页。
    ① Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research ,Responsible Science Volume Ⅰ:Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process,National Academy Press,1992,p.Ⅸ.
    ① Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research,Responsible Science Volume Ⅰ:Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process,National Academy Press,1992.
    ① Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research,Responsible Science Volume Ⅰ:Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process,National Academy Press,1992,p. X.
    ② Ibid,p.3.
    ③ Ibid,p.4.
    ① Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research,Responsible Science Volume Ⅰ:Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process,National Academy Press,1992,p.12.
    ② Ibid,p.13,145-146.
    ③ Muriel J.Bebeau,Defining Research Integrity and Conceptual Frameworks for Assessment[PPT],American Educational Research Association,Thursday,April 15,2004,p.3. http://aera.net/divisions/Default.aspx?menu_id=80&id=648
    ① Commission on Research Integrity,Integrity and Misconduct in Research[R],To the Secretary of Health and Human Services;The House Committee on Commerce;The Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources,1995:5.http://www.ori.dhhs.gov/documents/report_commission.pdf
    ② Ibid.
    ①虽然苗德岁先生将此译成《科研道德:倡导负责行为》并由北京大学于2007年1月出版,但为了体现作者所掌握文献及其所理解理论体系的完整性、历史连续性、理论范式与目前语境之间的对应性以及易理解和接受性,故作者此处自作主张地把“Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct"直接译成《科研诚信:营造一种促进负责任行为的环境》。
    ② Committee on Science,Engineering,and Public Policy (COSEPUP),On Being a Scientist:Responsible Conduct in Research, Second Edition (1995),Copyright 1995,2000 The National Academy of Sciences,p. V. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=4917&page=R5
    ① Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments,Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct,National Academy Press,2002,p.1.
    ② Ibid,p.20.
    ③ Ibid,p.18-19.
    ① Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments,Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct,National Academy Press,2002,p.2.
    ② Muriel J.Bebeau,Defining Research Integrity and Conceptual Frameworks for Assessment[PPT],American Educational Research Association, Thursday, April 15,2004, p.9. http://aera.net/divisions/Default.aspx?menu_id=80&id=648
    ① Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments,Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct,National Academy Press,2002,p.3.
    ① Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments,Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct,National Academy Press,2002,p.132.
    ② Ibid,p.34.
    ③ Ibid,p.34-35.
    ① Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments,Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct,National Academy Press,2002,p.35.
    ② Ibid,p.7,51.
    ① Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments,Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct,National Academy Press,2002,p.8,64.
    ② John Butterworth,Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct,http://www.anesthesia-analgesia.org/cgi/content/full/97/4/1208
    ③ Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments,Integrity in Scientific Research:Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct,National Academy Press,2002,p.4.
    ① Eugene Russo,Promoting integrity in science, TheScientist, October14,2002.
    ② The Quality Assurance Journal, March 2004.http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record id=10430#reviews http://cmbi. bjmu. edu. cn/news/0210/77.htm
    ④ Nicholas H.Steneck,ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research,
    ③ Beth A.Fischer,Michael J.Zigmond,Toward a Climate of Scientific Integrity, http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0040084 http://ori.dhhs.gov/education/products/RCRintro/ HTML Version,September 2006,updated from Revised Printed Edition,June 2004
    ① Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research,Responsible Science Volume Ⅰ:Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process,National Academy Press,1992.
    ① Christie Aschwanden,Seeking an International Dialogue on Research Integrity,Cell,131(1)2007:9-11.
    ① Nicholas H. Steneck,What Do We Know?Two Decades of Research on Research Integrity, World Conference on Research Integrity Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, September 16-19.2007.
    ②(美)威廉·布洛德,尼古拉斯·韦德, 《背叛真理的人们:科学殿堂中的弄虚作假》,朱进宁,方玉珍译,上海,上海科技教育出版社,2004年版,第118页。
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    ② Davis M., The Role of Culture in Research Misconduct, Accountability in Research:Policies and Quality Assurance, Volume 10, Number 3, July-September 2003, p.189-201.
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    ⑤威廉·布洛德,尼古拉斯·韦德, 《背叛真理的人们:科学殿堂中的弄虚作假》,朱进宁,方玉珍译,345-363页。上海,上海科技教育出版社,2004年版,第46-47页。
    ① Office of Analysis and Inspectors, Office of Inspector General, Misconduct in Scientific Research, March 1989, p.1. http://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oai-07-88-00420.pdf
    ②(美)威廉·布罗德,尼古拉斯·韦德, 《背叛真理的人们:科学殿堂中的弄虚作假》,朱进宁,方玉珍译,上海,上海科技教育出版社,2004年版,第1页。
    ③ Office of Analysis and Inspectors, Office of Inspector General, Misconduct in Scientific Research, March 1989, p.1. http://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oai-07-88-00420.pdf
    ① Nicholas Steneck, Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research, US Office of Research Integrity, Revised edition 2004,p.19.
    ② Ibid,p.53.
    ① The Office of Research Integrity,About ORI-History[EB].http://ori.dhhs.gov/about/history.shtml
    ② National Science Foundation, Misconduct in Science and Engineering Research, Federal Register. Vol.52. No. 126. Wednesday, July 1,1987, p.24468. http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_02/45cfr689_02.html
    ① Nicholas Steneck, Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research, US Office of Research Integrity, Revised edition 2004, p.19.
    ② Richard P. Kusserow, INSPECTOR GENERAL, MISCONDUCT IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (OAI-07-88-00420; 03/89), Office of Inspector General, Office of Analisis and Inspections, March 1989,p.i. www. oig. hhs.gov/oei/reports/oai-07-88-00420.pdf
    ③ Compiled by Nick Steneck, RCR Education Resource Bibliography, Offered through the Office of Research Integrity, Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD, August 2004, p.17-21. http://www.ori.dhhs.gov/education/documents/bibliography_rcr_2004.pdf
    ① The Office of Research Integrity,About ORI-History[EB].http://ori.dhhs.gov/about/history.shtml
    ② National Science Foundation, Misconduct in Science and Engineering Research, Federal Register. Vol.52. No. 126. Wednesday, July 1,1987, p.24468. http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx 02/45cfr689 02.html
    ③ The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Federal Policy on Research Misconduct, Federal Register/Vol.65, No.235/Wednesday, December 6,2000/Notices, p.76260-76264.
    ①根据AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) 、 AAU (Association of American Universities)、 COGR (Council on Governmental Relations)、 NASULGC (National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges)这4个联盟或协会主席针对卫生部关于研究不端行为政策修订草案征求意见而于2004年6月15日回复给ORI主任的信函,可以了解AAMC有126所质量合格的医学院校、400多所医院和卫生保健系统:AAU由62(美国60,加拿大2)所公立和私立研究型综合性大学组成:COGR由150所精深研究型大学、附属医院和研究机构组成;NASULGC由位于各州、美国领地和哥伦比亚特区的州立和授地大学组成(http://www. aau. edu/research/PHS6.15.04.pdf)。
    ② HHS,42 CFR Parts 50 and 93 Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct, Federal Register/Vol.70,No.94/Tuesday,May 17,2005/Rules and Regulations, p.28370.
    ③ HHS,42 CFR Parts 50 and 93 Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct, Federal Register/Vol.70,No.94/Tuesday,May 17,2005/Rules and Regulations, p.28370-28399.
    ① Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine,Responsible Science, Volume Ⅰ:Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process,National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.1992.
    ② Kenneth J. Ryan, Report of Commission on Research Integrity:Integrity and Misconduct in Research, November 3,1995. U.S.Department of Health and Human Service. Pulic Health Service. http://ori. dhhs.gov/documents/report commission.pdf.
    ③ HHS,42 CFR Parts 50 and 93 Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct, Federal Register/Vol.70,No.94/Tuesday,May 17,2005/Rules and Regulations,p.28377.
    ① Rules and Regulations. Federal Register / Vol.70, No.120/Thursday, June 23,2005/Rules and Regulations, p.36325-36328.
    ① Office of Analysis and Inspectors, Office of Inspector General, Misconduct in Scientific Research, March 1989, p.1. http://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oai-07-88-00420.pdf
    ① Office of Analysis and Inspectors, Office of Inspector General, Misconduct in Scientific Research, March 1989, p.1. http://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oai-07-88-00420.pdf
    ①(美)威廉·布罗德,尼古拉斯·韦德, 《背叛真理的人们:科学殿堂中的弄虚作假》,朱进宁,方玉珍译,上海,上海科技教育出版社,2004年版,第1页。
    ① Roy G. Spece, Carol Bernstein,What is scientific misconduct,who has to (dis)prove it,and to what level of certainty? Arizonal Legal Studies,September 2007,Discussion Paper No.07,p21.
    ① John E. Dahlberg and Christian C. Mahler, The Poehlman case:running away from the truth, Science and Engineering Ethics,12 (2006):169王丹红,“美国NIH发生严重的学术不端事件”, 《科学时报》,2005年03月24日。
    ① OSTP,OSTP ORGANIZATION,http://www.ostp.gov/galleries/default-file/OSTPOrgChart.pdf
    ① OSTP,About OSTP:Department Organization,http://www.ostp.gov/cs/about_ostp
    ① Executive Order 12881 of November 23,1993 Establishment of the National Science and Technology Council, http://www.ostp.gov/cs/nstc/executive order
    ② OSTP,OSTP ORGANIZATION,http://www.ostp.gov/galleries/default-file/OSTPOrgChart.pdf
    ① President Signs PCAST Executive Order, http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/10/20011001-l.html
    ① OSTP,OSTP ORGANIZATION,http://www.ostp.gov/galleries/default-file/OSTPOrgChart.pdf 16,2004/Proposed Rules,p.20778.
    ② HHS,Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct,Federal Register/Vol.69,No.74/Friday,April
    ① HHS,42 CFR Parts 50 and 93 Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct, Federal Register/Vol.70,No.94/Tuesday,May 17,2005/Rules and Regulations, p.28370-28399.
    ① US National Science Foundation,NSF Organizational Chart,www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/papp/exl.pdf
    ① The National Endowment for the Humanities,NEH Overview,http://www.neh.gov/whoweare/overview.html
    ② The National Endowment for the Humanities,Research Misconduct Policy, http://www.neh.gov/grants/guidelines/researchmisconduct.html
    ① Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research,Responsible Science Volume Ⅰ:Ensuring the Integrity of the Research process,National Academy Press,1992,ppX.
    ① MLA Style:"American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)." Encyclop(?)dia Britannica. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago:Encyclop(?)dia Britannica,2008. APA Style:American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). (2008). Encyclop(?)dia Britannica. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago:Encyclop(?)dia Britannica.
    ② American Association for the Advancement of Science,About AAAS,http://www.aaas.org/aboutaaas/
    ① American Association for the Advancement of Science, Membership,http://www.aaas.org/membership/
    ② Ward Pigman and Emmett B. Carmichael, An Ethical Code for Scientists, Science,1950 (June 16), p.643-647.
    ③ William O. Baker, The Moral Un-Neutrality of Science, Science,1961,133,p.261-263.
    ④ Derek J. De Solla Price, Ethics of Scientific Publication, Science,1964,144,p.655-657.
    ⑤ Bentley Glass, The Ethical Basis of Science, Science,1965,150,p.1254-1261.
    ⑥ Robert K. Merton, The Matthew Effect in Science, Science,1968,159, p.53-63.
    ⑦ A. Cournand, The Code of the Scientist and its Relation to Ethics, Science,1977,198, p.699-705.
    ⑧ W. J. Broad, Fraud and the Structure of Science, Science,1981,212, p.137-141.
    ⑨ John T. Edsall, Two Aspects of Scientific Responsibility, Science,1981,212, p.11-14.
    ① Department of Health and Human Services,42 CFR Parts 50 and 93 Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct; Final Rule, Federal Register / Vol.70, No.94/Tuesday, May 17,2005/Rules and Regulations, p.28388.
    ① Office of Research Integrity,Policies-ORI Mission,http://ori.dhhs.gov/policies/ORI Mission.shtml
    ② Office of Reasearch Integrity,About ORI, http://ori.dhhs.gov/about/index.shtml
    ① Department of Health and Human Services,42 CFR Parts 50 and 93 Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct; Final Rule, Federal Register / Vol.70, No.94/Tuesday, May 17,2005/Rules and Regulations, p.28392-28393.
    ① Office of Research Integrity,About ORI-Functional Overviews:Office of the Director, http://ori. dhhs. gov/about/director. shtml
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