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Companying with the world economy integration, Intellectual Right Property (IPR) protection is becoming a hot and important topic of discussion in the world trade and the border measures relating to IPR is becoming a main measure to protect IPR for its direct effects on the world trade. China’s legal regulations for border measures should be improved to meet the strategic need of reinforcement of the level of IPR protection in China.
     Chapter I first analyzes the characteristics of border measures’legal regulations stipulated in Trips Agreement, and then discusses current legislation and practice tendency of the regulations of border measures in international community.
     Chapter II mainly discusses the characteristics of Section 337 of the US 1930 Tariff Act and its possible effects on the border measures’legal regulations.
     Chapter III points out the problems in China’s legal regulations for border measures and raises some recommendations to improve on the basis of comparison between the legal regulations for border measures stipulated in Trips, Section 337 of Tariff Act and China’s legal provisions.
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    ⑤ (世界贸易组织)中华人民共和国加入议定书第 2 条第 2 款.
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    ② China – Measures Affecting Trading Rights And Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products-Request for Consultations by the United States[Z].WT/DS363/1,G/L/820,S/L/287,16 April 2007.
    ③ China – Measures Affecting Trading Rights And Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products- Request to Join Consultations- Communication from the European Communities[Z].WT/DS363/2,27 April 2007.
    ④ 日本有可能作为利害关系第三方加入“美中知识产权争端案” [EB/OL]. http://www.cacs.gov.cn/DefaultWebApp/showNews.jsp?newsId=201420010925,2007-04-17.
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    ② 谢红霞.论我国知识产权边境保护法律制度[J].政治与法律,2005,(2):49.
    ③ 叶京生,董巧新.知识产权与世界贸易[M].上海:立信会计出版社,2002.183.
    ① 蒋志培.Trips 协议对知识产权执法机制的要求[J].人民司法,2001,(1):31
    ② 参见 Trips 协议第 51 条.
    ③ 参见 Trips 协议第 52 条.
    ④ 参见 Trips 协议第 52 条.
    ⑤ 参见 Trips 协议第 53 条及第 57 条.
    ⑥ 参见 Trips 协议第 55 条.
    ⑦ 参见 Trips 协议第 56 条.
    ⑧ 参见 Trips 协议第 59 条.
    ① 参见 Trips 协议第 58 条.
    ② 参见 WCO 边境措施示范法的第九条注释.
    ①Draft Agreement of Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights [Z]. MTN.GNG/NG11/W/6,27 March 1990.
    ② 参见 Trips 协议的注解 14(a).
    ③ 参见 Trips 协议的注解 14(b).
    ④ 参见 Trips 协议第 16 条.
    ① JOEL W.ROGERS,JOSEPH P.WHITLOCK.Is Section 337 Consistent with the GATT and the Trips Agreement? [J] .American University International Law Review,2002,(17):510-512.
    ② United States – Section 337 of The Tariff Act of 1930 and Amendments Thereto- Request for Consultations by the European Communities and Their Member States [Z].WT/DS186/1,IP/D/21,18 January 2000.
    ① 世界海关组织简介[EB/OL]. http://www.customs.gov.cn/YWStaticPage/3292/7da65029.htm,2005-08-28.
    ② Model Provisions for National Legislation to Implement Fair and Effective Border Measures Consistent with the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights[Z]. http://www.wcoipr.org/wcoipr/gfx/ModelLawfinal.doc,2007-03-15.
    ③ 世界海关组织简介.[EB/OL]. http://www.customs.gov.cn/YWStaticPage/3292/7da65029.htm,2005-08-28.
     ① Model Legislation and Customs experts Committee documentation.[EB/OL]. http://www.wcoipr.org/wcoipr/Menu_ModelLegislation.htm,2007-4-20.
    ① 刘洋.对完善我国海关知识产权保护法律制度的几点思考[J].科技与法律,2003,(3):8.
    ② Ministerial Declaration [Z].WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1,20 November 2001.
    ① 李春林.国际法上的贸易与人权关系论(博士学位论文)[D].北京:华东政法学院,2004.136-139.
    ② 同上,第 136 页.
    ③ 曹建明,贺小勇.世界贸易组织[M].北京:法律出版社,2004.290.
    ④ Declaration on the Trips Agreement and Public Health[Z].WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2,20 November 2001.
    ⑤ 冯洁涵.全球公共健康危机、知识产权国际保护与 WTO 多哈宣言[J].法学评论 2003,(2):15.
    ⑥ 曹建明,贺小勇.世界贸易组织[M].北京:法律出版社,2004.294.
    ⑦ Implementation of paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the Trips Agreement and public health[Z].WT/L/540 and Corr.1,1 September 2003.
    ⑧ 同本页注③,第 297 页.
    ⑨ Amendment of the Trips Agreement[Z] .WT/L/641,8 December 2005.
    ⑩ 杨军.Trips 协议修改对中国艾滋病药品可及性的影响及应对策略[J].新疆社会科学,2006,(2):77.
    ④ 孙振宇,主编.WTO 多哈回合谈判中期回顾[M].北京:人民出版社.2005.154-163.
    ⑤ Ministerial Declaration [Z].WT/MIN(05)/DEC,22 December 2005.
    ⑥ 吴汉东等.知识产权基本问题研究[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.739.
    ⑦ 吴汉东等.知识产权基本问题研究[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.745-746.
    ① Combating IPR Piracy and Counterfeiting.[EB/OL]. http://en.g8russia.ru/docs/15.html,2006-07-16.
    ②Enforcement of Intellectual Property Right(Part III of the Trips Agreement): Experiences of Border Enforcement-Communication form the United States[Z].IP/C/W/488,30 January 2007.
    ④ [美]布鲁斯·E·克拉伯.美国对外贸易法和海关法[M].蒋兆康,王洪波,何晓睿,竺琳译.北京:法律出版社,2000.606.
    ⑤ [美]布鲁斯·E·克拉伯.美国对外贸易法和海关法[M].蒋兆康,王洪波,何晓睿,竺琳译.北京:法律出版社,2000.592.
    ① Tom M.Schaumberg, Bassan N. Ibrahim, George A. Hovanec, Jr.Anthomy C. Roth, Michael J.Mekeon, and Robert J. Walters, Advantages of a Section 337 Investigation at the US International Trade Commission [J].IP Litigation,2006,(MAY/JUNE):29.
    ② [美]布鲁斯·E·克拉伯.美国对外贸易法和海关法[M].蒋兆康,王洪波,何晓睿,竺琳译.北京:法律出版社,2000.592.
    ③ JOEL W.ROGERS,JOSEPH P.WHITLOCK.Is Section 337 Consistent with the GATT and the Trips Agreement? [J].American University International Law Review,2002,(459):471.
    ④ Tom M.Schaumberg, Bassan N. Ibrahim, George A. Hovanec, Jr.Anthomy C. Roth, Michael J.Mekeon, and Robert J. Walters, Advantages of a Section 337 Investigation at the US International Trade Commission [J].IP Litigation,2006,(MAY/JUNE):25.
    ① 陈志雄.美国关税法 337 条款之剖析(硕士学位论文)[D],北京:对外经济贸易大学,2005.10-14.
    ② JOEL W.ROGERS,JOSEPH P.WHITLOCK.Is Section 337 Consistent with the GATT and the Trips Agreement? [J] .American University International Law Review,2002,(459):472.
    ③ 将原来的固定的一年至一年半的期限改为:决定调查的文件公布后三十天内,行政法官应指定一个结束调查的目标日期(Target Date).
    ④ TOM M.SCHAUMBERG, BASSAN N. IBRAHIM, GEORGE A. HOVANEC, JR.ANTHOMY C. ROTH, MICHAEL J.MEKEON, AND ROBERT J. WALTERS, Advantages of a Section 337 Investigation at the US International Trade Commission[J].IP Litigation, 2006, (MAY/JUNE): 24.
    ① 易艳.美国贸易法“337”条款研究(硕士学位论文)[D].成都,西南政法大学,19.
    ② 参见 Trips 协议第 55 条.
    ③ 参见 Trips 协议第 41 条第 2 款.
    ④ 参见 Trips 协议第 41 条第 1 款.
    ⑤ 郑成思.知识产权法(第二版)[M].北京:法律出版社,2003.19
    ① ERIC P.CHIANG.Determinates of cross-board intellectual property rights enforcement: the role of Trade sanction[J].Southern Economic Journal,2004,71(2),425.
    ② 金丹.美国贸易法“特别 301 条款”、关税法“337 条款”及 Trips 协议对中国的影响(硕士学位论文)[D].北京:中国政法大学,2005.43-44.
    ③ 美国对华 337 调查一览表[EB/OL]. http://www.cacs.gov.cn/ DefaultWebApp/showNews.jsp?newsId=400880000002,2007-4-23.
    ④ GATT1947 第 3 条.
    ⑤ GATT1947 第 1 条.
    ⑥ GATT1947 第 10 条.
    ⑦ GATT1947 第 23 条.
    ⑧ GATT1947 第 9 条.
    ⑨ GATT1947 第第 12 条第 3 款、第 18 条第 10 款.
    ⑩ GATT1947 第第 20 条第 4 款.
    ① United States – Imports of Certain Automotive Spring Assemblies- Report of the Panel Adopted on 26 May 1983.L/5333 - 30S/107,26 May 1983.
    ② United States –Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930- Report by the Panel Adopted on 7 November 1989.L/6439-36S/345,7 November 1989.
    ③ Certain Spring Assemblies and Components Thereof, and Methods for Their Manufacture; Issuance of Exclusion Order.46 FR 42217,August 19 1981.
    ④ 参见美国法典第 19 编第 12 章.
    ⑤ United States- Section 337 of the Tariff Act- Request for Consultations by the European Communities and Their Member States[Z].WT/DS186/1,IP/D/21, 18 January 2000.
    ⑥ United States-Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 and Amendments thereto- Request to Join Consultations [Z].WT/DS186/3,1 February 2000.
    ⑦ United States-Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 and Amendments thereto-Request to Join Consultations[Z].WT/DS186/2,1 February 2000.
    ⑧ 万勇.美国关税法“337 条款”是否违反 GATT1994?[J].知识产权,2005,(3):60-64.
    ⑨ JOEL W.ROGERS,JOSEPH P.WHITLOCK.Is Section 337 Consistent with the GATT and the Trips Agreement?[J].American University International Law Review,2002,(17):459.
    ① 参见欧盟指令(EC)No.1383/2003,前言第(2)段.
    ② 参见欧盟指令(EC)No.1383/2003,前言第(3)段.
    ③ 参见 Trips 协议第 3 条.
    ④ TOM M.SCHAUMBERG, BASSAN N. IBRAHIM, GEORGE A. HOVANEC, JR.ANTHOMY C. ROTH, MICHAEL J.MEKEON, AND ROBERT J. WALTERS, Advantages of a Section 337 Investigation at the US International Trade Commission[J].IP Litigation,2006,,(MAY/JUNE): 24.
    ① 贾无志.美国外贸法“337 条款”与 WTO 法(硕士学位论文)[D].北京:中国政法大学,2004.24.
    ② JOEL W.ROGERS,JOSEPH P.WHITLOCK.Is Section 337 Consistent with the GATT and the Trips Agreement? [J].American University International Law Review,2002,(17):459.
     ① 周申.多哈回合框架协议的达成及其对世界经济的影响[J].南开学报(哲学社会科学版),2005,(4):84.
    ① 这对我国边境措施法律制度有着重大的历史意义,在此之前,知识产权海关保护都是以部门规章为主要依据,不仅规定缺乏系统性,而且法律效力层次低。而 1995 条例是以行政法规的形式颁布的,而且有几年知识产权海关保护的经验作为参考,因此更加完备.
    ② 李群英.新《知识产权海关保护条例》四大看点[J].中国海关,2004,(2):20.
    ③ 新条例加强了海关的执法权力,减轻了权利人申请海关保护限制和经济负担,解决了有关机关在处理侵权争议中的权力冲突问题,规定了知情权等.
    ④ 中国海关知识产权保护执法开展面临四大难题[EB/OL]. http://news.ipr.gov.cn/ipr/news/info/Article.jsp?ano=71689&colno=62&dir=200704,2007-04-25.
    ① (EC)No.1383/2003,前言第 13 段.
    ② 姚新超.解析欧盟知识产权边境保护措施新指令[J].对外经贸实务,2004,(8):27.
    ③ 2002 年《奥林匹克标志保护条例》,第十二条。
    ④ 吴汉东等.知识产权基本问题研究[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.745.
    ① 备案申请人的资格.[EB/OL]. http://www1.customs.gov.cn/Default.aspx?TabID=4395&InfoID=36605&SettingModuleID=18017,2007-3-25.
    ② [美]布鲁斯·E·克拉伯.美国对外贸易法和海关法[M].蒋兆康,王洪波,何晓睿,竺琳译.北京:法律出版社,2000.657.
    ① Trips 协议第 52 条.
    ② 2003 年《知识产权海关保护条例》第 13 条.
    ① Trips 协议第 53 条。
    ② 2003《知识产权海关保护条例》第 14 条.
    ③ 2003《知识产权海关保护条例》第 19 条.
    ④ 2003 年《知识产权海关保护条例》第 24 条.
    ① Trips 协议第 41 条第 1 款.
    ② 2003《知识产权海关保护条例》第 27 条.
    ② 中国海关知识产权保护执法开展面临四大难题.[EB/OL]. http://news.ipr.gov.cn/ipr/news/info/Article.jsp?a_no=71689&colno=62&dir=200704,2007-04-25.
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