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Commercial banks in Westem countries always consider marketing as anessential part of management, which is used to enlarge its business scale, enhanceexistence rivalry and ability, and increase the banking benefit. Thus marketing incommercial banks becomes the key strategy to realize the global operation. Alongwith establishment of market economic system of our country, reform of NationalCommercial Banks and uninterrupted foundation, the macro-environment andmicro-environment of commercial banks have been changing a lot. Competitionamong banks gets very fierce. The operating risk in the financial industry gets muchhigher. The quality of financial assets is continuously getting worse, and theprofitable capability gets smaller and smaller. In order to keep or enlarge marketshare, to raise competitive capability, and to increase profit, the commercial banks inour country have to build up the concept of marketing management. They must usethe concept of managerial strategy which views customers as the heart of management.The commercial bank must increase the capability of business innovation, and providea variety of services to satisfy different needs of customers. After China enteringWTO, foreign banks will compete with our banks in the same policy-surrounding.Marketing strategy in foreign banks, their organizations, technologies, marketnetworks, services, marketing experience and business varieties will constitutechallenges to China commercial banks. At present, the practice of marketingmanagement in our commercial banks has still stayed in initial stage. The banks can'tuse marketing theory systematically and comprehensively. There are manyshortages not only in valuable combination of product, price, place and promotion,but also in process management such as plans and control. In the thesis, the author'spurpose is using the marketing management theory and practice of internationalcommercial banks, analyzing the success and failure of marketing management ofcommercial banks in our country, probing into how to improve and develop the theory and practice of marketing management in our country from the analysis of marketingenvironment, marketing strategy and implement.
     There are altogether six chapters in this thesis.
     Chapter One describes the link between marketing and management of commercialbanks. There are three points. The first give the meanings of the topic. The secondintroduces the grounds and the study of commercial banks marketing currentcondition. The third introduces the content and ways of research and the newopinions.
     Chapter Two introduces the developing course of banks marketing which began in1950's 20th century, and which makes preparation for the illustration of what thecommercial banks marketing environment is.
     Chapter Three includes some research on the bank marketing management modelsin USA and Japan from market division, ways of service, internal management, etc.
     Chapter Four illustrates what the commercial banks marketing environment is. Itis various external factors that influence banks marketing and business achievement,which includes macro environment and micro environment. The macro environmentmeans the factors that give indirect influence to commercial banks, including nationalpolitics, economy, population, cultural and technology, etc. While the commercialbanks micro environment is restricted by its macro environment, which is directlyrelated to the target of commercial bank, including finance, policies, laws, customersand competitors, etc. Micro environment has positive and negative influence overcommercial banks marketing activity. This chapter especially analyzes the differenceof marketing environment between foreign banks and China commercial banks,taking the rule of SWOT. The chapter also makes market segmentation on Chinacommercial banks indicating the target market.
     Chapter Five analyzes China commercial banks marketing current condition andproblems, and provides thorough discussion of the four essential factors of marketingmix, i.e. Product, Price, Position and Promotion. It talks about problems of thecommercial banks marketing from marketing idea and mechanism, processmanagement etc., and last analyzes the reasons about marketing current condition.
     Chapter Six talks about that micro-management of commercial bank would runin the macro-surroundings. So the macro-surroundings of bank should be improvedstep by step. The reformation of market economic system and banking system shouldbe quicken. Then, the author suggests how to improve and develop marketingmanagement in our bank. The commercial banks in our country should improve themanagerial opinions, systematic management, internal structure and marketing mix,etc.
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