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德勤(DTT)2010年末发布报告指出,中国企业海外并购’取得了骄人的成绩。从交易数量看,2009年下半年至2010年上半年,中国的海外并购交易出现爆发式增长,交易总额达342亿美元,完成海外并购交易共143宗,平均每季度36宗。相比之下,2003年至2009年上半年期间,季度平均交易量仅为16宗。2011年4月,美国亚洲协会(Asia Society)发布报告称,中国的海外直接投资正处在一轮指数级飙升的起点。预计到2020年,中国企业海外投资总额有望高达2万亿美元。中国已经在美国50个州中的35个州拥有业务。但整体而言,中国仍是相对较小的对美投资者;在这方面,全球第二大经济体只与新西兰和奥地利相当。可见,与经济总量相比,我国企业的海外并购尚处于初级阶段,面对复杂多变的新形势,企业需要全方位做好准备。
At the end of2010, Deloitte issued a report pointing out that Chinese Enterprises had made a Remarkable achievement in overseas M&A transactions. From the view of numbers, from the second half of2009through the first half of2010, Chinese overseas M&A transactions had explosively increased. The total amounts were up to34.2billion US dollars. The finished transaction was up to143, with36quarterly, compared to only16per quarter from2003to the first half of2009. In April of2011, the Asia Society in US issued a report saying that Chinese overseas direct investment was at a starting point of a round of exponential rise. It was anticipated that Chinese overseas investment would climb up to2trillion US dollars in2020. Chinese enterprises had had business within35states out of50in US. Yet from the whole, China was still among the smaller foreign investors to US. From this point, the second largest Economy was similar to the countries as New Zealand and Austria. As such, compared to the overall scale of Chinese economy, Chinese overseas M&A is still at its early stage. Facing complicated changing situations, Chinese enterprises should make themselves ready.
     Given this background, this dissertation, on the basis of literature studies, summarizes the evolution, contemporary status and the existing problems of Chinese overseas M&A. Focusing on the study of overseas M&A performances, this dissertation tries to interpret, by profoundly studying the overseas M&A strategies and risks, the causes of the not-significance of the performances, which are followed by relevant policies and measures. This research is of great significance and guiding value to Chinese overseas M&A practice.
     The main contents and conclusions of this dissertation are as follows:
     "Chinese Overseas M&A Evolution and Contemporary Status". In this section, the evolution is divided into four phases:Embryonic phase, Preparation phase, starting phase and growing phase; the contemporary status and main problems are also deeply analyzed. The main problems of Chinese overseas M&A are including:low level post M&A performance, lack of strategic planning, underestimation of M&A risks, lack of cultural integrity experience and cadres of rich multinational management experience, cognitive deviation of M&A objectives caused by information asymmetry, and "hidden reefs" of overseas M&A, etc.
     "Studies on Chinese Overseas M&A Performances". In this section,22overseas M&A transactions are chosen as samples to be studied by event study method. This dissertation considers the overall market reaction to the M&A announcements is negative. The overseas M&A not only does not raise enterprise value, but also lower the investors'expectations. The two sections following study profoundly into overseas M&A strategies and risks with the hope to help promote overseas M&A performance level.
     "Studies on Overseas M&A Strategies Based on Performance Perspective". In this section, Chinese overseas M&A strategies are divided into three levels:strategies at company level, strategies at business level and strategies at functional level, based on which the overseas M&A strategies system is expressed in four parts:the setting of overall strategic objective, the arrangement of strategic steps, the mastering of divisional strategic focuses and the implementation of strategic measures. Chinese overseas M&A strategic objectives include the acquisition of overseas resources, the development of international markets, the obtaining of advanced technologies and the expansion of enterprise scale; the strategic steps include planning, decision making, organizing and operating; the strategic focuses include the determination of the strategic choices, the choice of the target company, negotiation and post M&A integrity; the strategic measures include those of macro-level government and micro-level enterprises. In this section, the SWOT method is applied to deeply analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, based on which the strategic modes are proposed:cooperative strategic mode, offensive strategic mode and the defensive strategic mode. This section redesign the Chinese overseas M&A process:pre-M&A, M&A in process and post-M&A.
     "Studies on Overseas M&A Risks Based on Performance Perspective". In this section, the Chinese overseas M&A risks are recategorized:strategic risks, political and legal risks, cultural risks, financial risks and other risks; the Chinese overseas M&A risk management are reorganized to three respects:risk identification, risk assessment and risk control. In this section, the case of Yanzhou Coal Mining's Australian purchasings is profoundly analyzed by applying the fuzzy evaluation method of risk assessment. The relevant risk prevention measures are put forward, at the end or this section, from the political, legal, financial, cultural and strategic angles.
     "Case Study--Saicgroup Purchasing South Korean Ssangyong". In this section, the accounting method and the event study method are applied respectively to analyze the long term and short term performance, which helps to draw these inspirations:do due diligence well with strategy orientation, make comprehensive integrity plans with risk prevention orientation, emphasize on cultural conflict and long term cultural integrity, and enhance the transnational M&A management capabilities.
     The innovations and major limitations of this dissertation are:
     The studies of this dissertation is with Chinese overseas M&A performances as its core, and with overseas M&A strategies and risks as its Fulcrums; few researches study and assess Chinese overseas M&A performances in this manner; so this dissertation has some innovation herein. This dissertation "microcopies" the logic of the whole dissertation to the study of the case of Saicgroup Purchasing South Korean Ssangyong, and apply to the case study results as an Authentication of the whole. Few scholars do case study of Chinese overseas M&A in this way; so this dissertation also has some innovation herein.
     To assess the inner value of M&A performances, besides the accounting indicators, there are also some other indicators such as market share, social benefits and so on, which are not applied in this dissertation. The studies of Chinese overseas M&A include more than performances, strategies and risks. There are also some points such as influential factors of M&A performances, the choice of M&A time, the economic consequences, the taxation effects and so on, which are also not applied in this dissertation.
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