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In recent years, time management has been a new field of the studies of organization behavior, organizational management and psychology. Time management is a management course of reasonable plan and control and effective arrange and use in order to improve percent of using and validity,it will directly influence the mature individual’s work, study and life. With the aggravating of society competition , the pace of people’s life is much faster, so they feel more stress, especially vocational women. Vocational women try to act as work and family roles,but they have not enough time and energy so as to lead role conflicts. The known results indicate that work-famliy conflict will lead to the descend of productivity, late, absence, depression and so on. On the base of known studies, this thesis quests for the relations between time management, work-family conflict and job stress to help vocational women improve their state of work and life.
     Work-family Conflict Scale, Time Management Scale and Job Stress Scale were used to investigate 369 vocational women in Zheng Zhou,Nan Yang, Su Zhou, and Peking. The results show:
     (1)Vocational women with different occupation have remarkable difference in time management total score and the dimensionality of goal setting , time arrangement and time monitor. On the other hand, there are not remarkable differences between different age vocational women’s total time management score, but about time monitor, 30’s and 40’s are very different from vocational women aged 50 and above.
     (2)Vocational women’s time management total score not only negatively correlate with work-family conflict total score but also has negative forecast for work-family conflict. On the other hand, work-family conflict total score not only positive correlate with job stress but also has positive forecast for job stress. At the same time, time management total score negatively correlated with job stress and has negative forecast for job stress.
     (3)On the base of regression analysis of correlated variables, the conclusion is that work -family conflict total score is a complete mediator for the interplay of time management and job stress.
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