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     To study the preventive and therapeutic effect of Tangweikang (TWK), a preparation of traditional Chinese medicine, to the Diabetic associated with hyperlipemia, and explore the mechanism and offer the scientific basis for TWK's clinic application and exploitation.
     36 Wister diabetic rats were randomly divided into three groups: model group, TWK low treatment group, TWK high treatment group, 12 rats in each group. The diabetic rats were induced by IP of STZ, 45mg/Kg and their blood sugar were continue higher than 16.7mmol/L. Further more choose another 12 healther rats as the normal control group. The control group was feed regularly on standard rats feed. The other three grouPs were fed on high calorie feed (high sugar and fat) irregularly. All the rats drunk water freely. During the experiment period, the appetite, water volume, urine volume, stool character should be observed, and weight the rats, test the urine sugar once every week. Each group was perfused stomach with drugs during establishing the model. The control group and the model group were perfused stomach with saline, 15ml/kg. TWK high does treatment group 15ml/kg (48.00g/kg). TWK low does treatment group 15ml/kg (12.00g/kg), once per day, lasted 4 weeks. Recorded the weight and the blood sugar on an un-empty stomach. The day before the last day, fasting 24h after the last feeding, the lever of TC、TG、HLD-C、LDL-C was measured.
     3 days after establishing the models, rats of the model group and the treatment group got drink and eat more, urine volume increased, two weeks later the rats got to be poor appetite, lassitude and intertia, less stool, losing weight obviously than the control group. 4 weeks later, the rats of the model group were worse than the control group, emaciation, lazy to move, poor appetite, no aggressiveness and easy infection, survival rate sharply decreased; the rats of the model group compared with the control group, blood sugar significantly increased (P<0.01), weight obviously decreased, the levels of TC、TG、LDL-C significantly increased (P<0.01), HDL-C Sharply decreased (P<0.01). Each drug treatment group compared with the model group, the survival rate is respectively as followed: low and high does TWK treatment groups are 9/12 and 10/12. The blood suger decreased than the model group(P<0.05), weight increased, the high does TWK treatment group compared with the model group (P<0.01); as the TC、TG、LDL-C were concerned, low and high does TWK treatment groups decreased than the model group (P<0.05), as the HDL-C was concerned, the TWK high does treatment group significantly increased than the model group (P<0.01), the TWK low does treatment group increased compared with the model group(P<0.05).There is difference on the blood sugar、TC、TG、HDL-L、LDL-C between the high and low does of TWK treatment.group, it states that TWK is significant usage to the Diabetic associated with hyperlipemia with a certain does-effect relation.
     The Diabetic associated with hyperlipemia rats can be induced in a short time by injecting with STZ (45mg/kg) into their abdominal cavities and feeding them on high calorie and fat feed stuff. TWK is significant usage to the Diabetic associated with hyperlipemia with a certain does-effect relation.
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