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Since its occurrence in the 70s of the last century, securitization has attracted great concerns of various people including officials, finance people, professionals and scholars. It's outstanding functions of finance, decentralization of risks and turning long-term loan or receivables into cash, as well as other advantages insure every participator get benefit. From the point of macroeconomics, its function of decentralization of risk can reduce the risk of the finance system by decentralizing the credit of the finance organs, and therefore enhance the safety of the economy. From the point of law, securitization can remedy the disadvantages of the system of secured finance by its risk-remote system. So far, securitization has gotten great development all around the world. Nowadays, officials, finance man and scholars in China also show great passion on securitization and expect its large scale practices in China as soon as possible. In this article, I have studied the legal issues in the aspect of asset conveyance of securitization and analyzed the relative situations in China. This article is consist of five chapters and the main content of each chapter are as follows:
     The first chapter summarized the general status of securitization, introduced the concepts of assets and securitization, the performance and the advantages. Asset is an accounting concept, not a legal concept. It is a kind of resource owned or controlled by someone and is formed by the past deals or events. This concept emphasized the rights of controlling and getting the benefit, not the ownership. Securitization is the process of turning the assets that are short of liquidity but can engender future cash flow into securities that can be sold or transferred in the capital market through certain arrangement of reconstructing the risk and benefit of the assets. The participators of this deal include the originator, SPV, service organs, rating organs and credit-enhancement organs.
     The second chapter analyzed the issues of assets, that is , what kind of assets can be securitized. Assets that can be securitized should be: transferable, without legal obstacles, low cost of exchange, can bring stable cash flow, etc. The categories of assets that can be securitized have become more and more broad as long as it can satisfy the above requisitions.
     The third chapter expatiated the manners of conveyance and the relative legal issues, as well as the attitudes towards the credit conveyance of the laws of some countries. There are various kinds of manners of asset conveyance, among them assignment is the most economical, speedy and low-risk one, and is adopted by most deals of securitization. Assignment is a legal system by which creditor conveys his rights and risks to the assignee with the content and object of the credit unchanged. There are different attitudes towards conveyance in different legal systems. England and America adopt the principle of conveyance freely, whereas China and Japa adopt the principle of conveyance with notification. Regardless of conveyance freely or convenyance with notification, notification is of great importance in the aspects of
    leashing the debtor and oppose the third party. In addition, some contracts and laws provided some restricts in the conveyance of credit. In the practice of securitization, the above questions determined the complexity and the cost, even the success or failure of securitization.
     The fourth chapter studied the effect and purpose of asset conveyance, that is risk-remote or risk insulation. Risk-remote is the core character of securitization. Through true sale, the assets are peeled off from the assets of the originator, chopped up the recourses of the assets and insulated the risk from the originator. To achieve this goal, the asset should be true sale, not secured loan. In the countries which adopt the principle of "essence overweight form", for example, America, the sale of asset always confront the risk of recharacteration. In America, the standards of recharacteration are not v
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    14. 陈朝壁《罗马法原理》(上册),商务印书馆。
    15. 裴丽萍《论债权让与的若干基本问题》,载《中国法学》1995年6月刊
    16. 顾长浩《论日本的让渡担保制度》,载梁慧星(编):《民商法论从》第10卷,法律出版社1998年
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    2. David M Morris: Asset Securitiztion: principles and practice, New York
    3. Frankel Tamar, Cross-border Securitization: Without law, But not Lawless, Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, Spring 1998
    4. Paul W. Feeney: Securitization: Redefining the Bank, St. Martin' press, 1995
    5. David G. Glennie: Securitization, Kluwer Law International, 1998
    6. Leon T. Kendall and Michael J. Fishman 'A Primer on Securitization' The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England
    7. Frank J. Fabozzi: Accessing Capital Markets Through Securitization. Frank J. Fabozzi Associates 2001 edition.
    Joseph Jude Norton and Paul R. Spellman 'Asset Securitization International Financial and Legal
    8. Perspectives 'Balckwell Finance, Center For Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary and Westfield College,University of London
    9. Phillip L. Aweig, 'The Asset Securitization Handbook' DOW JONES-IRWIN Homewood, Illinois, 60430
    10. Loupucki and Warren, Secured Credit:A System Approach,2th Edition, Aspen Law & Business, 1988
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    1. www.law.duke.edu
    2. www.trinity.edu
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    5. http://www.ginniemae.gov
    6. http://www.freddiemac.com
    7. www.Asiafinace.com
    8. www.securitizationnet.com
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    10. www.chinasecuritizaion.com
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    1 其对应的证券分别为:住房抵押贷款证券(mortgage-backed securities, 缩写亦为MBS)与资产支撑证券(asset-backed securities, 缩写亦为ABS)。
    2 美国的三大信用机构指:GNMA政府国民抵押贷款协会, FNMA联邦国民抵押贷款协会,FHLMC联邦住宅抵押抵押公司。
    3 本文所有数据资料均来自网站:www.bondmarkest.com, www. Ginniemae.gov, www.financeAsia.com.
    4 国际会计标准委员会认为:“一项资产所体现的未来的经济利益是直接或间接给企业现金或现金等价物的潜能。这种潜能可以是企业经营能力中的部分生产能力,也可以采取可转换为现金或现金等价物的形式,或减少现金流出的能力,诸如以良好的加工程序降低生产成本.。”美国财务会计准则委员会给出的资产的定义是:资产是某一特定主体由于过去的交易或事项而获得和控制的可预期的未来经济利益。
    5 Securitization: Structured Financing, Financial Assets Pools, and Asset-Backed Securities,, Aspen Law & Business, p6.
    6 Hearings on Securitization, supra note 1, at 123 (statement of Sen. William Promire).
    7 Changes in Our Financial System: Globalization of Capital Markets and Securitization of Credit: Hearings Before the Senate Comm. on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, 100th Cong., 1st Session.(1998).
    8 参见成之德《资产证券化理论与实务全书》,言实出版社,42页。
    9 例如我国《民法通则》第82条就有这样的规定。
    10 参见王开国《资产证券化论》,上海财经大学出版社,46页。
    11 Chose in action, 无形财产、诉讼中的财产等,指通过诉讼实现金钱请求权或取回动产的权利。
    12 参见陶西晋《民法债权》,中国政法大学出版社。
    13 参见陈朝壁《罗马法原理》(上册),商务印书馆,第204-205页。
    14 《德国民法典》的389条,《瑞士债务法》第164条第1款,《日本民法典》第466条第1款,《法国民法典》第1271第3款, 我国台湾现行民法典第294条第1款,我国《民法通则》第91条,我国《合同法》第79条。
    15 参见裴丽萍《论债权让与的若干基本问题》,载《中国法学》1995年6月刊第71页到第77页。
    16 参见沈达明《英美合同法引论》,对外经济贸易出版社,P183
    17 参见Warren F Cooke & John E Schockey 《Banking and Law》,P144,Euromoney Publication, 1995.
    18 参见潘淇《美国破产法》,法律出版社,1999年,8页。
    19 UCC第9-502条规定:如果基础交易是债帐和动产票据的出售,债务人只有在担保协议中有规定的时候,才对任何剩余财产有权利或者对任何不足负有义务。
    20 The Committee on Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Structured Financing Techniques, 50 Bus. Law. 527,543(1995).
    22 Steven L. Schwarcz, Structure Finance: the New Way to Securitize Assets, 11 Cardozo L. Rev.607,623(1990).
    23 转引自彭冰《资产证券化的法律解释》,北京大学出版社,2002年。
    24 Tribar Opinion Committee, Opinions in the Bankruptcy Context: Rating Agency, Structured Financing, and Chapter 11Transanction, 46 Bus. Law. 717,728(1991)
    25 1998年7月,中国银行上海分行与广东发展银行上海分行签订了转让银行贷款的协议,这是我国国内第一笔贷款转让的案例。
    26 按照最高人民法院的解释,“企业借贷合同违反有关金融法规,属无效合同。……对自双方当事人约定的还款期满之日起,至法院判决确定借款人返还本金期满期间的利息,应当收缴,该利息按借贷双方原约定的利率计算,如果双方当事人对借款利息未约定,按同期银行利率计算”。《最高人民法院关于对企业合同借款方逾期不归还借款的应如何处理问题的批复》(1996年)。
    27 参见顾长浩:“论日本的让渡担保制度”,载梁慧星(编):《民商法论从》第10卷,法律出版社1998年版。因为让渡担保制度以转移所有权的形式进行担保融资,所以有人把资产证券化也理解为是让渡担保的一种形式。参见胡轩之,赵佩君:“ABS融资模式中担保支持问题之探讨”,载《法学杂志》1998年第二期。其实这是对资产证券化的一种误解,让渡担保仅仅是一种担保,让渡担保权人在设定人破产时拥有的仅仅是别除权,而不能完全隔离设定人的破产风险,而这正是资产证券化所力求避免的。
    28 这些成功的案例包括:1996年珠海高速公路证券化、1997年中远贸易服务应收款证券化、2000年中国国际集装箱服务应收帐款证券化等。

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